My Terran broke

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Headcanon that Auri and Scar both are bilingual.
When they are speaking in another language, it will appear like

Word count:
655 words

Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth
Scarlett Isobel Jones
Finian De Karran De Seel
Zila Madran
Tyler Jones

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

"Tell me why this freaking thing is so high up!" I mutter in German, trying to reach the cookie jar on the top shelf.

Ah, what a life it is to be short.

"Be'shmai? What are you saying?" Kal says from the doorway.

"Oh, my gods. He doesn't know what I'm saying. I can do whatever I want." I say in Spanish.

And with a demonic giggle, I fall from the second highest shelf, plummeting towards the floor.

"AURORA!" Kal shouts, and dives to catch me.

I giggle in his arms.
"God, your really pretty."

"What are you saying?! Are you broken? I've broken the Terran. Oh no." Kal cries, and scoops a giggling me up into his arms.

"You have really pretty eyes... what the heck how did I get so lucky." I mutter, changing the language to Mandarin.

Kal cries out in alarm and rushes me to Scars door, where she and Fin are watching a horror movie.

"The Terran broke. She fell from the shelf."

"I'm speaking in a bunch of different languages so now I'm apparently broken and it's the funniest thing ever so please play along." I add, continuing to speak in Mandarin.

She laughs.
"Ooooh, this is gonna be fun."
"I think she has-" Scar makes a choking noise, and falls to the floor.

Fin give a cry of alarm, and I start giggling hysterically in Kal's arms.

Scar reaches one arm out to the roof.
"It has me...I-I Lo-ve tricking you you adorable Betraskan idiot." Scar finishes, and that elicits another peal of giggles from me.

"Adorable?" I ask.

"Have you seen him?!"

"Have you seen Kal though..."

"Well, duh."

"Aurora? Are you okay?!" Kal says, shaking me.


"Finian, Tyler will know what to do." Kal says, and they scoop us in their arms, looking for Ty.

"Ty knows Spanish! We can use him too!" Scar shouts, and I laugh in response.

"Tyler! We need your help." Kal says.

I loll my head out of Kal's arms so everything is upside down, and start speaking in Spanish.
"They think we broke coz we're speaking in different languages. Pretend that your dying and then start speaking Spanish."

"What happened?" Ty rushes over to us.

"We think they...broke." Fin says.

"Wait...oh no..." Ty says, and collapses.

"Welcome to team Terra, CH." I say.

"Woah, this is fun." Ty says.

"It has him too!" Kal says.

"Keep Zila out of the room!" Fin cries.

Kal and Fin ease Scar and I onto the floor, and leave the room.

"Oh my god that actually worked." I breathe.

"I kinda feel bad for Zee..." Scar says with a twinkle in her eye.

"Please remind me why I'm going through with this?" Ty asks, and I smirk in response.

"It's fun to mess with them." Scar sighs.

"You can say that again." I agree.

"Footsteps!" Scar cries, and we all start laughing, rolling around on the floor.

"See, Zila? They are infected with something."

"Zee, don't question it!" Scar shouts to a confused Zila.

"O-okay." Zila says, and leaves the room.

"Oop." I say, and go into another peal of giggles.
"Should we speak English now or...?"

"Yeah, probably. Just be prepared to RUN!" Scar shouts, and Scar and I take off running.

"Wha- SCAR GET BACK HERE!" Fin shouts.

"Say goodbye-" I pant "To our life privileges."

"Not if we run!"

We get a couple more steps in before an arm wraps around my waist.
"Woman down!" I shout.

"Shit!" Scar cries as Fin catches her.

"Explain. Now." A very angry Kal says.

Uh oh.

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