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Word count:
593 words


Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth
Scarlett Isobel Jones
Finian De Karran De Seel
Zila Madran

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

I hum along to the music that I have playing on a speaker in the corner of the kitchen, and stir the pancake batter that I'm cradling in my arms.

I set the bowl down and get out the blue food dye, and put a few drops in.

I stir it again and arms wrap around my waist.
"Hey, you." I say.

"What are you doing?" He asks, looking at the pancake batter.

"Making paaaaancakes. What are you doing?"

"Hugging you."

I laugh.
"Do you wanna help me make the pancakes?"

"Of course. Except I don't know how to make them." He says.

"That's okay, I'll show you!"
He lets me go and I grab the batter bowl.

"Can you grab me the red food dye?" I ask, and he hands me it.

"Oh, no, your gonna do the dye. Put in three drops." I say.

"Why are we doing this?" He asks.

"Because purple is my favourite colour."


I grab his hand, and pass him the wooden spoon.
"Now, your gonna stir it. Like...this."

He stirs the batter, and the colours mix and swirl, making a beautiful violet colour.

I hear footsteps.
"Oh, honey, eeeeveryone knows that pancakes are red." Scar drawls, and Fin comes up behind her.

"No, theyre blue!"





And they continue arguing like that for a while.

"Kal, can you grab me a frying pan?"

"What is a frying pan?"

I sigh and set down the batter, leaning down to grab a black frying pan.
"This, is a frying pan."

"Looks like a weapon..."

"Can be. And I will-" I look over to the bickering couple "-use it as a weapon against you if you don't sHUT UP!"

Fin puts his hands up in surrender, and Scars eyes glint at the threat.
"How about we all make pancakes?" She says.

I shrug my shoulders.
"Sounds good. We just don't have any batter left."

"Ty and Cat are out. I can ask them if they can pick some up, but in the meantime, miniiiiii pancakes!" Scar laughs.

I can't help but smile in return, and out of the corner of my eye I see Kal give out a rare smile.

"Okay, Kal, can you turn on the stove so I can cook these bad boys."

He flicks on the stove and the blue fire flares to life.
I set the frying pan down and pour the batter on in the pan.

The purple batter bubbles, and Kal looks down at it, worried.

"Don't worry, it's supposed to do that."
I assure him, and kiss him quickly.

"SHIP IT!" Scar shouts.

"...it's already canon, dummy." I say, and Fin and Kal exchange a confused look.

"I will never understand you Terrans." Fin mutters.

"Heard that!" Scar shouts, and Scar chases Fin around the room, shouting.

"Can I have done pancakes too?" Zila says.

"Course you can, Zee."

I turn and grab the pan.
"Watch this."

I flick the pan, and the pancakes do a flip in the air.

"How did you achieve that?" Kal asks.


"Magic isn't real."

"Then explain my existence, Kal."

"Fair point."

I look over to the stove.
"Children! Pancakes are cooked!" I shout to Scar and Fin.

"Yum." Scar says

"Yummmmmmmmm." Fin copies




I sigh and roll my eyes.

My family is weird.

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