TriggerHub ✨

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Word count:
1056 words


The squad
Meridaa Flickerman
Nebulae Song
Asher Plains

Unknowns POV

I stalk through the bazaar, trailing the group of seven.

They're a strange bunch, with two warbreed Syldrathi, one with (incredibly sexy) black hair, and the other with cheekbones so sharp you could use them as a weapon.

There's a Betraskan, too, wearing a full metal exosuit. I wonder why he needs it.

There's a bunch of Terrans that are mainly dominating the group.
There's a girl with dark skin and golden hoop earrings, carrying a disruptor pistol at her hip.
Theres a girl with asymmetrical flaming red hair and the shortest skirt that I've ever seen. It's impressive, really.

There's a tall blonde boy at her side, too. If I were straight I'd consider him kinda hot, but alas, I'm not.

"Goddamn." Nebulae whispers, and I turn to her. Her lilac skin is striking with her dyed black hair, and her purple antenna. Her golden and white eyes look up at me, and her black painted lips are parted.


"They're all so freaking hot-"

"Shut up."

I go back to looking at the group, and I zero in on our target.
Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley.
She's got her choppy hair done in a ponytail, and is wearing this hooded-dress thing.
She pulls her hood up, and they move faster.

"Shit. If we wanna catch her, we gotta be fast." I breathe, and take off running.

"How the fuck are we gonna get her with two Warbreed?" Nebulae gasps.

"Excuse me, but I'm Warbreed. Also by the fact that the target and the Warbreed are holding hands, it's gonna be eeeeasy."

"Your not Warbreed, dumbass."

I roll my eyes.
"Fine. Half Syldrathi. Daughter of a Warbreed. So what?"

Now it's Nebs turn to roll her eyes.

We run up behind Aurora and Nebulae puts a knife to her neck, and whispers in her ear.
"Don't attack. We're triggers, like you."

She exhales.
"Now, listen here. Your gonna back away, and drop your weapons." I tell them.

"And if we don't?" The blonde asks.

"Then your gonna get one hell of a beating."

"You don't speak like a Syldrathi. More...Terran." The redhead says.

"Half-Terran. Was raised there."

I see the Warbreed girl take a step.
"Ah ah ah, pixiebitch."

The Warbreed boy turns to the blonde.
"Let me fight her."

"No. Let her go, we'll find her another way."

"Goooood choice, Terran." I tell them, and we take Aurora and run.


We're walking towards base, and talking to Aurora, who is surprisingly nice.
"So, where are we going?" She asks.

"Base." Neb replies.

"You guys are both triggers?"

"Yeah. Not as powerful as you, though."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'll explain later. Right now, lets just get to base." I tell her, and we steer through the crowds.

Eventually, in the depths of the station that were on, we reach the heavy metal door that's the entrance to base.
I rap on the metal three times.

"Who is it?" Someone asks from inside.


"Oh, hey. Did you pick up that Rocket Fuel for me?"

I hand over a bottle of whiskey, and they let us inside.

"Welcome to base!" I cry, and spin around.
It's a huge room, with computer banks and holo-screens set up against one wall, displaying feeds of the Syldrathi civil war, and several cams to our insiders. Cables and wires snake across the floor, partially covered with blankets and chairs and people.

There's a hallway that leads to the training rooms, and the dorms to the side, but is blocked by a kitchen and a war table.

"Woah. And all of you are triggers? How many of you are there?" Aurora exclaimed, her mismatched eyes widened in wonder.

"'Bout eighty. But none as strong as you." I reply.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You get your powers from the fold. Prolonged exposure, I mean. Like, I was in there for a month. Neb here, for two weeks."
"The more time your in the fold, the better your powers."

"I thought the Eshvaren gave us our powers..?"

"That's what they want you to think." Neb says with a smirk, and disappears into the crowd, probably going to find someone to hit on.

I lead her to the holo-screens.
"We have people stationed in every Government, every organisation to kill the Ra'haam that dwells within."
"We also keep track of every new trigger, eventually leading them to here."

I point to Caersons holo-screen.
"We also keep track of the Rogue triggers, like good ol' C here."


"Your damn right 'bout that, Terran!" A drunken Asher calls, and I lead her over to him.

"Auri, this is Asher, one of our fighters." He's a Rikerite, with curling horns and scars running down his face.

"Pleasure to meet ya, Terran." He drawls.

"Um...yeah. You too?"

I pull her to the hallway, leading her down it.
"What are those?" She asks.

"Training rooms."

"Why are the windows blacked out?"

"So the 'traskans can train."

" don't train in the Echo?"

"You, and C are the only ones to have made it out alive from there. Its dangerous. Too dangerous."


I remember the Syldrathi she traveled with.
"Was pixieboy your boyfriend?"

"What, Kal? We just got back together. He uh...had a bad past. We kinda dumped him and he, well..."

"How bad of a past? Killed or bad parents."

"Bad father. Caerson."

"Oh shit." I breathe.
"I'm sorry?"

"It's fine. We're done with that."

I breathe in, and lead her to the dorms.
"If you want to stay and train with us, you'd stay here."

" But I trained with the Eshvaren." She asks, confused.

"If you train here, you'll have more experience, and no more lies." I try and convince her.

" friends?"

"They can stay here."

"Promise?" She whispers.

"Promise." I assure her, and hold out a hand.
"Do we have a deal?" My voice is oily.

"We...yeah. Deal." We shake on it.

"Welcome to your new home!" I cry, and we spin around.

"Hey, would you like something to eat? Would you like that?"

"I'd like that." She echos.

I smile, triumphant.
Maybe you aren't so bad after all.

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