Midnight Talks P.2 ✨

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Word count:
574 words

Saedii Gilwraeth
Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Scarlett Isobel Jones
Tyler Jones
Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth
Zila Madran
Finian De Karran De Seel

One month later

The heartbreakers POV

"Get up, sleepyhead!" I shout at Fin.


"Nope. Get up!"
I pull him out of bed, and his suit hums to life.

"I really hate you right now." He grumbles, and pushes me aside, heading towards the door.

I trail behind him, and go to the bridge, where Ty is sitting on the lounge, playing the news. Zila is flicking through a book and Kal is sitting at the bench, eating chocolate.

But someone is missing.

Auri died a year and a bit ago, and everyone misses her.

"And now, we go live to the Unbroken prisoners being released at New Orion." The news anchor says.

I sit down next to Ty, watching the Tv with him, and Fin sits next to me.

A blue Chellerian woman walks out of the huge black ship, guards at her sides, and closely followed by several Waywalkers, all gaunt and tired.

There's a Betraskan following him, and a Rikerite after that. The procession of depression goes on and on, but I give out a smile, knowing that my work has payed off.

But my smile fades as I see the next person in line.

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

The bright lights are shining down on my head,  hurting my eyes. There's hundreds of cameras and news reporters here, with crowds in the thousands watching us.

I look up at Saedii, who is next to me, and she offers me a smile of reassurance. I adjust the black dress that I'm wearing, and continue my slow march down the ships walkway.

"I'm scared." I whisper.

"It will be okay, Auri. You know it will."

"But what if they don't care anymore? What if-"

"You will be fine." She says, squeezing my shoulder.

"I will be fine." I breathe.

"You will be fine."

"I will be fine." I chant that under my breath as I walk onwards, wary of all the cameras that are trained on my face.

I will be fine.

The heartbreakers POV

I am not fine.

I though she was dead.

"Auri?" Fin whispers.

"Oh my god."

Fin turns to me.

"She's alive, Scar."

"She's alive!" I shout, leaping to my feet.
"Did you guys hear that?  Auri's alive!"

Kal looks like he's in shock, and Zila is furiously chewing on a strand of hair, obviously in distress.

"We need to go and retrieve her." Zila says, getting up and changing the coordinates for the ship, steering us towards New Orion.

Ty hasn't said a word, but he has a broad smile on his face, his dimples showing.

Our friend is alive.

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

I don't feel very alive, very free.

The cameras train on my face, and the crowd parts for me, gawking at my sickly frame.

One brave cameraman gets up in my face.
"Aurora! Aurora, how did you feel when you-"

He lets out a whimper as Saedii gives off a low growl.

"Wait." I say, tugging on his arm.
"I'm glad to be free."

"Uhm. He says, clearing his throat, hands shaking.
"Thank you!"

He sprints off into the crowd, and I give a little chuckle.

I hear a whir of engines, and look up.

It's the zero.
My friends are here.

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