Happy Birthday ✨(trigger warning)

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Okay. Trigger warning, there is a mention of cutting. If you are triggered by this, I suggest you click off.


Word count:
328 words

Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley
Cat 'Zero' Brannock

The Aces POV

It's cold in here.

So very


It's not what the Ra'haam says that it is, being stuck here. I'm more alone than I ever have been.

Distantly, I can hear Ra'haam-Me shouting at someone, and I curl in to myself, in the darkened corner of my mind.

It's been two weeks since the Ra'haam took me.

And then I remember.

My birthday.

I give out a broken, demented laugh.
I'm nineteen.

What a


way to celebrate.

Trapped inside your own mind.

My psychotic laughter turns into

I look at my arms, all the slash marks that I've created marring my colourful skin.
A broken, sad attempt at a
              r e bell i on

"H-happy bi-irthday t-to me." I choke out.

"Hap-py b-birthday t-to me."

"Happy bir-thday, Ze-ro."

I'm sobbing now.

"H-happy birthday t-to me!"


I imagine my friends, shouting hooray, smiles lighting their faces.


"Hooray!" My friends ghosts cheer.

"Hip Hip!" I scream.

"Hooray!" They shout back, and fade into black.

All except

"O'Malley." I breathe, and a halo of blue and silver light enfolds us.

"Hey, Cat. We don't have much time, so I'll say the basics."
"Tyler says he loves you. He's sorry for everything that happened on shore leave."


"Second, happy birthday!" She cries, and hugs me.

"O'Malley,  What...?"

"That's from Ty." She whispers.

There's a distant shout, and her face pales.
"Mothercustard. I need to go. Please, for the love of god, stay safe."

"'Bout as safe as I can get here. And tell Ty...I love him too. Okay?"

"Okay. I'll be back."
She fades into navy and silver.
"I promise!"

And I'm alone again.

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