Please wake up, Aurora.

286 8 11


and a lil bit of fluff

Word count:
533 words

Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth
Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley

The Tanks POV

"I love you, Kal." Aurora whispers, before destroying the last Ra'haam planet with a flash of white light.

She collapses at my feet, her breathing shallow, and her eyes closed.

"Aurora? AURORA?!" I shout, cradling her in my arms.
"Please, please don't go. I love you too. I'm sorry. Please, come back to me."

But when she doesn't move, doesn't wake, I feel tears starting to fall down my face.
I have not cried in nine years.

"No. No. No, please, you can't be gone. You can't die. I love you. Please, no."

My tears are flowing down my face in a river of tears.

I stand up, still cradling her to my chest.
I will make sure she lives.


It's been ten days.
She still hasn't woken up.
I haven't left her side.
Not once.

I haven't eaten in days, and I don't know what to do.

I don't want her to die.

I don't want to be alone.

I thought that she would be okay. That we would have a life together. That we would have a chance.

The girl out of time and a boy running from his past.

I brush away the tears that cling to my lashes and look at my Be'shmai.

Her tanned skin is paler than moonlight, and her face is blank.
Her breathing is slow as she sleeps on.

I wonder what she is dreaming of.


It has been three weeks since Aurora fell into a coma.

I am scared.

I am scared for all that was and will never be.

I have been eating again, though. I guess that that is a bonus.

The rest of the Squad come in to watch her, but I never leave.

I will not leave her. Not again.
Never again.


It has been five weeks.

Finian comes in and talks to me about you.
I remember that you were as close as siblings.

We talked about your laugh, your determination.
We talked about how you were so scared in the beginning, and how you became so, so brave.

We miss you.
We need you.

I need you.

Please, come back to me.


It has been eight weeks.

I'm sorry, Aurora.
So, so sorry.

I couldn't save you.

And now you have gone to the gate that got you here in the first place.

An endless sleep.

Do you remember me, I wonder?

Are you fighting to wake?

Please, fight.
Fight for me.


"K-Kal?" Aurora whispers.

My eyes go wide.
It has been half a year.

"Aurora? Aurora?!" I say, sobbing.

I wrap my arms around her.

"Is that you? I can't see you, Kal. I can't see anything." She whispers.


"You can't see me?" I whisper.


"I'll-I'll go get the others." I say, but she grabs my arm.

"Stay. Please. I was alone for...I don't know how long. Please, I missed you."

"Oh, my dear Aurora, you were never alone. I stayed by your side every day. I will never leave you again."



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