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Who the fuck gave me permission to write honestly-

Auri = Kal
Kal = Auri
Ty = Zila
Zila = Ty
Scar = Fin
Fin = Scar


"Oh mother of god nO-" I scream, and a flash of bright light goes through the ship.

I groan.
"Ow. Ow. Ow. That really hecking hurt."

Hold up.

My voice isn't deep.
And last time I checked, I didn't have an eight pack.
Or any muscles, for that matter.

There's a scream from the other side of the ship.

I see myself get up, clutching my head.

"Oh no. Oh no no no no no." I say.

"Be'shmai- oh."


I look at myself.
"Oh, holy cake did my hair look that bad?!"

"I look strange." He says, looking at me.

"No shit!" I cry.

I run to the bridge.
"Are you guys okay???"

"I can look at myself naked." Scar says, in wonder.
"Oh yeah, I'm Fin, by the way."

"Your body is really shitty, Fin." The person inhabiting Fin says.

"Yeah, thanks Scar."

"It appears that we have switched bodies due to a power influx caused by Aurora." Ty says.

"Zee...? Is that you."

Ty nods his head.

"Auri, what in makers name happened?" Zila groans.

"Welcome back,, bee bro." Scar -fin- says.

"Ow. That hurt." He says, and checks out Zilas body.

"I have decided that I do not like being a girl." Kal says, and Scar and I roll out eyes.

"Neither." Ty says.

"Well." Fin declares, putting his hands on his curvy hips and flicking his hair.
"This is gonna be interesting."

aurora rising one shots, volume one. Where stories live. Discover now