Back to the Court of Shadows and Stars P.4

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Part four

Word count:
567 words

Angsty fluff.

Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley as an Illuminae member (Human)

Scarlett Isobel Jones as an Illuminae member (Half-Elf)

Tyler Jones as an Illuminae member (Half-Elf)

Cat 'Zero' Brannock as an Illuminae member (Human)

Finian De Karran De Seel as an Illuminae member (Betraskan)

Zila Madran as an Illuminae member (Dwarf)

Lila James as the Court of Stars Queen (Human)

Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth as an Elven Prince (Elf)

Saedii Gilwraeth as a Elven Princess (Elf)

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

"Do you want me to run over the plan again?" Ty says, as his sister runs ink through my hair, dying it an inky black.

I nod my head, and Scar swears under her breath as a drop of ink lands on her skirt.

"You will sneak into the palace ball, disguised as Queen James courtier. Get to Queen James and explain who you are, she would shelter you. Then, over the course of a few days, at midnight every night you will sneak gold out the window to us."

I sigh. "Simple."

"More or less." Ty says, and turns to leave me and Scar be.

"Aaaaaaaaaand, done!" Scar says, throwing her hands in the air in triumph.

I look in the dirty mirror that's in the corner of the camp, and I see someone with darker hair than the void, her mismatched eyes shining.

"And now for the dress!" Scar cries, her voice filled with excitement.

"Looking good Sleeping Beauty!" Fin says, leaning on the edge of the tent.

"Shut up Fin!"

He snickers and wanders off, and Scar shuts the tent flap so no one can see in.
I strip out of my clothes, and slip into the dress, the corset tightening around my waist.

"Owwwwww." I groan.

"Gotta." She grunts "Look. The. Part."

She finally get the corset tight enough, and steps back to admire her handiwork. My shoulder-length black hair is pinned back with silver half-moon pins. My dress hits the floor, the neckline plunging, my shoulders exposed.

She claps her hands and does a little jump. She brings out my necklace, and puts it on, and slips my heels on my feet.

"Aaaand for the finishing touch!" Scar says, and brings out a small wooden box.

"What is it?" I ask

"Lover boy will be able to recognise you by your eyes, so, Fin found someone who makes lenses."

She puts a white lense in my left eye, and shouts that I'm done, and pushes me outside, into the twilight.

"...Adequate." Zila says, but with all her little side glances at me, I think she likes it. Or at least the neckline.

"Lover boy is gonna freak when he sees you!" Cat says, enthusiasm lighting up her features.

"As your older brother, that neckline is wayyyyyyy too low, but being the amazing Betraskan that I am, dAMN GIRL!" Fin cries, shaking my shoulders.

"Looks good, Auri!" Ty says.

"Not just good, Bee Bro, magical!" Scar cries, and pushes me onto a black horse.

"Go! And for the love of the Maker, don't get too distracted with Lover Boy." Ty says.

"I will!" I shout, but I'm already racing towards my past, present and future.


I don't know if any of y'all are having trouble picturing Auri, but she has shoulder-length black hair, white eyes and this is the dress.

I don't know if any of y'all are having trouble picturing Auri, but she has shoulder-length black hair, white eyes and this is the dress

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