Octavia P.5

115 5 1

Word count:

Angsty fluff

Ethan Gilwraeth
Flynn Jones
Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

"Oh my god..."

"What is it, Auri?" Flynn asks, serious.

"It's a pamphlet for Cryo! Flynn, we have three CryoPods down on level three. We can plug in a course and go in Cryo and-"

"-And we can leave." Flynn breathes.
"I was in engineering. I can fix them for Cryo."

"We can leave..." Ethan says.

I hug him.

"Oh my god, Auri. You are incredible!" Ethan cries, and kisses me.

It's only for a second but it's filled with so much warmth and hunger that my breath is stolen clean away.

"I am right here, y'know."

We break apart.
"Way to ruin the moment, Flynn." I mutter.

"It's a talent."

"You two should go and get the Cryo machines up and running, and I'll record the message." I say, and walk to the bridge.

There, I tap the comms unit.
"This is ship Nebulae 809, hailing Octavia colony survivors."

"Join ussssss, Au-"


I shut the comms channel off, and flick a few switches so it'll broadcast throughout the whole galaxy, and I press record.

"My name is Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley. I am an Octavia III colonist, alongside Ethan Gilwraeth and Flynn Jones."
"We are going into a CryoSleep, and will attempt to cross the fold."
I pause.
"There is something on Octavia. Something evil. Something terrible. Please, for the love of god, let no one on it. Ever."
"And...If I don't make it, can you...can you tell my Mom and my sister that I love them?"
"This is Nebulae 809, signing off."

I flick off the recording and press transmit.

I flick on the omboard comms.
"Y'all okay?"

I hear a grunt, and a curse.
"Fine!" Flynn calls.


"I can hear your eye roll right now."


"Aurora! Watch your filthy language!"


"We have the CryoPods set up, so if your ready..." Ethan says.

"Yeah. I'm ready."

"Okay. Head down to us, Auri."

I shut off the comms unit, and run my hand over the console.
"Thank you." I whisper, and run out to where Ethan and Flynn are.

My feet echo against the dark metal of the ship, too loud in my ears.

I reach the boys, and Ethan is holding something behind his back.
"You, uh, said that this was your favourite. So..."

He hands me What Did You Think When You Made Me This Way? By Nothing but Thieves.

I hug it to my chest.
"Thank you."

He gives me a dorky, cute smile, and I kiss him on the cheek.

"When we get back to Earth, maybe..." He asks.

"I'd love to."

I turn to Flynn.
"What was your girlfriends name?"

"Cat." He smiles.

"Well then, I guess you'll see Cat soon."

"I guess. Thank you, Auri. Really."

"No problem."

Ethan turns to face us.
"May we meet again, somewhere fine and far from here."

"Cheers bro I'll drink to that."

I smile.
"May we meet again."

And we all step into the CryoPods.

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