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"Hope Jones I swear if your not out of bed in the next five minutes I'm going to have to throw a bucket of water of you!" Emma called
"Go away!" Hope called back
"Hope do not make me call your father!" Usually the threat of her father would work but it didn't today
"Mhm" Hope groaned
"Killian come and get her up!" Emma yelled as she walked into their bedroom
"Swan is it really that bad?" He laughed
"Killian she told us she would be home at 11 she came stumbling in at quarter past three this morning!"
"She did what!" Killian yelled before throwing himself out of his chair and storming down the corridor to his daughters room "Hope Jones you get out of your bed right now!"
"Go away!" She yelled
"That's it I'm coming in!" Killian threw the door open and saw his daughter with half of her body hung over the side of her bed her hair covering her face and still in last nights clothes
"Daddy I feel poorly!" She cried
"Aye well you smell like a bloody tavern!" He told her pushing her hair back into a ponytail "Swan come and help me tie this madams hair up!" Hope giggled even when her Mum threatened her with her Dad she knew he would come in and play good cop. Emma swung herself in and watched the pair of them laughing away before Hope ran into her bathroom to throw up her Mum followed her in and grabbed her hair
"Feel better now?" Emma laughed
"Mummy turn the sun off it's hurting my head!" She groaned
"This is your punishment Miss 'I'll be back at 11 but I'll actually be back at 3:15'" Emma said mimicking Hope
"Where did you end up lass?" Her Dad asked leaning against the door frame
"Urm well I went to Melody's party stayed until Brooke turned up and then headed back to Dex's before Red brought me back here" she said rubbing her head
"A boy you went to a boys house!" Killian yelled
"Daddy shhhhh" Hope told him as she crawled back into her bed
"Killian she's known Dex since forever nothing is going to happen there!" Emma laughed "you can calm down now!" Emma and Killian both watched Hope toss and turn making sure she didn't choke on her own sick whilst she slept until they heard the door
"I'll go you watch Sleeping Beauty over there!" Emma laughed. Killian walked over to her bedside and sat on her dressing table chair Emma shortly returned with her parents
"Awe is our princess not very well!" Snow cooed
"Mom she's very obviously hung over!" A now 22 year old Neal chirped in "let me guess Melody's party?"
"How do you know about that?" Emma asked her brother
"Everyone knows when she throws a party," Emma and Killian both shot him a look of I really Hope your joking
"I jest I jest I'm friends with Melody's older brother we went to knight school together I was there but I didn't see Hope" he told them. They were all sat in Hopes room watching over her when she woke up only to throw up all over her Dad
"Dad I'm so sorry!" She cried
"It's alright lass it's not the first time someone's thrown up on me and it probably won't be the last!" He said shooting a look at Emma
"Hey! I was pregnant she liked to jump on my stomach!" Emma laughed
"Why is everyone in my room did you think I was going to die or something?" She asked raising her eyebrow
"Oh don't you look like your father!" Charming laughed slightly irritated she didn't look a bit more like Emma
"She certainly does and yes Hope I thought you might have thrown up in your sleep and chocked on it!" Emma yelled
"Mummy shhhh my head!" She told her lowering her head back on the pillow
"I love how she says Mum instead of Mom" Neal laughed
"It's something she picked up from her father" Emma told him. The family left Hope to sleep in peace but before long she had managed to drag herself out of bed, shower, change and make her way down stairs
"Ah so you've decided to grace us with your presence!" Henry laughed from the couch
"Henry hey!" She made her way over to her brother and hugged him "where's Jacinda and Lucy?"
"Oh there at home I only came by to pick up Neal we're going on a quest it'll take us a few hours!" He told her
"Where are you off?" She asked
"Oh I'm not allowed to say" Henry said looking at her with a frown just then Killian came in carrying a plate of Pop Tarts for Hope
"Here you are lass!" He said presenting the plate to her
"Killian, I remember back in StoryBrooke you binned my Pop Tarts and called them 'rubbish' what's changed?" Henry laughed
"I'm sick!" Hope laughed "cough"
"Kid it's alright when she was little she only had them when her Dad was away!" Emma laughed as Killian jabbed her. After dinner everyone left the palace leaving Hope with her parents
"Feeling better Hopey?" Her Mum asked jumping on the couch next to her
"My head hurts Mummy!" She told her as Emma passed her some paracetamol she took them and decided she would play on her first hangover for all it was worth
"Daddy," she called dragging it out
"Yes lass"
"Can we watch a movie?" She smiled
"That's not a bad idea ducky" Emma smiled
"Fine so long as it's not that bloody Mamma Mia again"
"Ok so Mamma Mia 2 it is then" she pouted at her Dad who inevitably gave in just as he always did and put the movie on. Hope led on the couch her head in her Mothers lap whilst her legs were on her Dads before the film had finished Hope had fallen asleep
"I think we did well with the first hangover!" Emma laughed
"If she's anything like her father they will only get worse!" Killian laughed Emma knew he was right but refused to admit it to him. Killian moved Hopes legs off of his lap and carried her up to bed
"Come on love let's sail away!" He whispered as he picked her up.
"Bloody hell ducky it stinks in here!" Emma said turning up her nose "no I won't do it she can sleep in the guest room!" And with that he carried his daughter back towards the guest bedroom he put her in bed tucked her in and left.
"That took longer than it should've!" Emma laughed
"Swan you made the right call. She wasn't sleeping in her room it stinks I mean I don't mind the smell of a tavern in fact I actually rather like it but my daughter was not sleeping in one!" He laughed
"I'll have someone clean it up in the morning!" Emma called after him as he left the room
"No you won't she'll do it her bloody self!" He called back to her.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now