Aidan Silver

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Going to be a slightly longer chapter... but it should hopefully be worth it! Thanks for reading so far, please comment and vote!

The figure stood over Hopes bed and she continued with her sleeping charade. She could hear the heavy breathing of the figure and picked up a strong smell of rum.
Hope decided she'd had enough of pretending to be asleep and wanted to know who the hell was watching her sleep.
She allowed her arm to slowly fall off the side of the bed to where she kept a sword, for situations such as these. She quickly grabbed it and turned to point it at the figure. It flinched at first before it realised she was still half-asleep and that it could use this to its full advantage. As Hope lunges towards the figure it stepped back allowing her to fall off of the bed and hit her head off of the floor, knocking herself out.
When she awoke she found herself tied up and gagged in the corner of her bedroom. The figure was pushing her bed and draws up behind the door in the event her parents woke up and found a spare key.
"Ah your awake!" The figure laughed his voice was harsh and it spat as it spoke.
It made its way over to where it had tied Hope up and sat down in front of her. As hard as she tried not to be Hope was afraid of it.
How couldn't she be? She had no idea why it was there or what it wanted.
As the figure lowered its good she saw a man no older than 25. He wasn't unattractive, he had dark brown hair, grey eyes that were sunken into his face and olive skin.
"Now, I do believe I'm yet to introduce myself!" He smiled "Captain Aidan Silver!" He bowed.
He stroked the side of Hopes face before pulling the piece of fabric he had used as a gag out of her mouth. Hope refused to speak to him which angered him
"You might not believe me sweetheart but I don't want to hurt you!" He smiled and he almost sounded sincere
"Really!" Hope laughed "maybe we could have that conversation in a room I'm not tied up and locked in!" She really had no idea who he was or what he wanted and that irritated him. Not even from his name did she understand who he was
"Ok, I'll join the dots for you! I'm Captain Silvers son, your uncle Liam is the reason my father never got to be a father to me!" He yelled through his cries
"Love that isn't my fault! My dad hadn't even met my mum yet, to be honest I don't even think my grandparents were born yet!" Hope sniggered although she soon wished she hadn't.
Aidan had pulled a knife from his belt and had sunk it into Hopes leg. Hope let out an ear splitting shriek which woke her parents and probably most of the kingdom. Aidan pulled the gag from around Hopes neck and put it back into her mouth to muffle her cries. He heard her parents come up the stairs and he began to panic.
Hope heard her dad pounding on the door screaming her name but even if she wanted to she couldn't do anything. From where she was led Hope was still crying at the pain he had caused her Aidan had noticed the bite scars on Hopes thigh and had a purely evil idea
"I suggest you leave now Captain! Or else I'm going to do this!" He smiled as he plunged his fingers into the scar causing Hope to scream through her gag.
"Hope!" Killian screamed from the other side of the door, he felt Emma pull him away from the door as she sank down the wall beside him.
"Swan we can't just leave her in there!" He growled
"We're not going to!" She smiled "I called Regina she's going to poof herself in and get Hope!" It was a good plan and Killian knew that but he wanted to be the one to rush in and save his daughter.
He wanted to be her hero, that was all he had ever wanted. Sure Emma told him he was a hero and everyone knew that but he didn't care about everyone else he only cared about his Swan and Hope.
Hours passed and the sun had started to come up a few times over the hours Killian had grown impatient of waiting for Regina and began to try and break down the door. Although every time he did so Aidan would hurt Hope. Her parents had no idea what he was doing to her or what he had already done and it was driving them insane.
Dalton had arrived at the palace in the hopes of allowing Hope to wake up in his arms in an attempt to make up for last night. When he made his way up the stairs he found Emma and Killian sat outside
"Mr and Mrs Jones?" He asked as he approached them
"Dalton? What are you doing here?" Emma smiled
"Well, I felt bad about last night so I brought Hope breakfast. What's going on?"
"Someone broke in last night and is holding Hope hostage!" Emma sighed
"What! Why haven't you broken in yet?" He yelled it had become obvious as to why when he heard Hope let out another scream.
"Clearly you didn't get the hint!" Aidan snapped from inside of the room
"Who the hell is that?" Dalton snapped
"Someone that isn't a fan of me!" Killian sighed his voice full of guilt
"Hey! This isn't your fault! If we're blaming anyone were blaming Liam!" Emma smiled as she cupped Killian cheek.
"Where's Regina?" Killian huffed but Emma shrugged her shoulders. She had called Regina hours ago but she must have fallen back to sleep or something must have held her up.
Inside the room Hope was led on the floor in a pool of her own blood. Every time Aidan heard the slightest noise he would dig his fingers into the teeth marks on Hopes leg or into the hole he had put there earlier in the night.
Throughout the night Hope had been falling in and out of consciousness but Aidan didn't really care. He figured if Hope died then Hook would lose what his father lost.
Eventually Regina and Robin came rushing up the stairs to find Emma, Killian and Dalton sat on the floor. Regina's bump had just started to show and Emma instantly felt guilty for asking her to go in but since the final battle Emma had stopped using her magic for anything other than making things she needed for Hope appear.
Robin was against the idea of Regina going in at all let alone without backup. But she asked him what would he do if that was Daniel or their baby in that room? Eventually he caved and allowed her to go in on the condition she took someone in with her.
Dalton and Killian bickered about who should go in before Robin raised the point Hope probably wouldn't want Dalton to see her in the state she could potentially be in.
Regina transported herself and Killian into the room taking Aidan by surprise. They looked around the room for Hope to find her laid on the ground covered in blood and bruises he had obviously created.
They noticed that she was unconscious and that they had to get her out of there and fast. Aidan stood over her and threatened her life if they took another step but before he could draw his sword Regina had knocked him out and 'borrowed' his heart.
Sure she was technically the 'good' queen but the darkness still lived in her a little. She transported herself, Killian and Hope to the lounge where he lay Hope before calling everyone else down.
Upon arrival into the room Emma couldn't believe the state he had put her in. She looked terrible, her hair was knotted, her legs covered in blood, her chest barely moving and her face was tear stained.
She held her hand as Regina began to slowly heal her wounds she watched as her chest began to return to its normal state and her eyes slowly flutter open.

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