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Robin's jaw dropped when he found a stone cold Hope laying on the floor in the woods with and arrow straight through her chest.
He quickly pulled her into him in an attempt to warm her up but it was too late. She was gone.
He began to yell for everyone else but nobody seemed to hear him. Of course we had to split up now! He though to himself as he carried her through the woods.
He arrived outside Emma and Killian's place where the family had agreed to regroup in an hours time but nobody was expecting her to already be gone.
Dalton felt he was to blame for this as if he would've agreed to stay here with her she wouldn't have run off and gotten herself and their baby killed. But the fact she thought his parents wanted to kill her was preposterous.
Emma's heart sank as Robin lowered her daughter onto the couch and Regina pronounced her dead, she buried her head into Killian's chest when he wrapped his arm around her and gently began to sob.
Henry seemed rather sceptical of her death as Robin mentioned she was talking about a plan when she 'died' but the evidence was right there in front of him. His little sister was really gone. As the family stood around her Snow came up with an idea of where to lay her to rest.
The coffin the dwarves had kept her in whilst she was asleep still lay in the woods so the family decided that in the morning she would be laid to rest in Snows coffin.
That night was the longest night the family had ever lived through. Nobody could sleep not knowing who had killed her or why they had killed her. Had it been a hunting accident? Was it done on purpose?
Dalton couldn't bring himself to sleep in her bed that night and so slept in Henry's old room whilst Emma and Killian sat up in Hopes room talking through moments of her life they had been privileged to share with her.
The next morning Killian carried his daughter into the woods and placed her into the coffin, he couldn't bare to watch them close the lid and so had to turn away as Charming did so.
The next few weeks were the hardest, especially when they had to leave StoryBrooke to return home.
"Killian, I can't go! I can't leave her here alone!" Emma cried as they packed their cases
"Swan, I know you want to stay with her but she would want us to go home to be happy!" He weakly smiled, he didn't want to leave either but he knew when they finally accepted their daughters death they wouldn't want to be apart from the rest of their family.
Dalton had to return to their home which seemed to have been drained of all life and colour but the truth was all happiness in this house died when Hope did.
Breaking the news to the kingdoms had been hard but breaking it to Destiny had crushed Darling and Dalton, she had no idea what was going on she just kept laughing and asking everyone when she'd be home.
Brooke had been told of Hopes death and she couldn't breath, truth be told she had reacted more than Dalton had.
Nobody had seen or heard from him since their return home, everyone from her family to her crew had reached out to him but gained no response.
Dalton was failing to do anything without Hope around, he couldn't eat he couldn't sleep and half the time he couldn't even move. He stayed in her dressing room all day everyday trying to muster up the courage he needed to get on with his life like she needed him too.
Emma and Killian had made plans to visit StoryBrooke once again on her birthday but couldn't bare to go back and feel everything all over again.
Henry had broken the news to Lucy who didn't even know what she was supposed to do, Hope had always been there for her when her mom found herself a new man who would slag them off with her now?
Hey man it's Hercules
Hi look if this is some call about you and Melody running the kingdom being too hard call my father and he can take over!
No it's a call about you! Look I know we're not exactly the closest but I did love Hope once upon a time and I know if she were here right now she'd be kicking your arse!
She would wouldn't she!
Yeah, I can hear her now whining at you to get up and go to work!
Thanks man!
Hey no sweat look me and Mel were wondering if you wanted to come and stay with us for a bit?
You know what I think that's a good idea!
Good, I know it's hard but she's been gone a month now and you know as well as I do she wouldn't want you moping about over her I'm surprised she hasn't started haunting you!
Aha yeah, ok well I'll go into the office and see what I can do about getting back to work
After his talk with Hercules Dalton finally managed to find some normality in his life now that she was gone.
Her family had started to go back to work and living their lives again and finally things were starting to look up. Nobody forgot about her but they all knew she'd found peace somewhere and was watching down on them.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now