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The whole family had crammed into Granny's to say their goodbyes to Hope.
Despite the fact they were all going to be there to wave her off.
Everyone took turns sharing their favourite memory of Hope. Regina's was creating her prom dress, Robin's was her yelling 'yuck' at their wedding, Lucy's was Hope doing her makeup for her first ball, Daniels was her being so easy to wind up, Snow's was the moment she saw her in her prom dress, Charming's was when she was born and the happiness she brought the family.
Henry decided he couldn't choose one. His little sister simply had to big of an impact on his life although he told everyone his one of his best moments with Hope was them watching Emma and Killian on their wedding anniversary.
When it eventually came to Emma and Killian's turn neither of them could speak.
Emma collected herself and told everyone her best memory of Hope was her running around the palace in her Princess Leia dress and falling face first into the skirt or that when she was really little she would sleep in Killian's jacket when he was away.
Hope couldn't speak for fear of crying.
Killian began to speak but couldn't every time he tried to he would just cry. He left the table and wandered off outside. Hope and Emma followed him out to see him sat on a rock holding Hope's swan teddy
"Dad!" She smiled
"Sorry lass!" He sniffed handing her the swan. Hope and Emma sat either side of him and both placed an arm around him
"Killian what's going on?" Emma smiled
"I'm not ready. I don't fancy Hope leaving yet!" He cried
"Neither do I but it just has to happen!" Emma sighed
"Dad? What is your favourite memory of me?" Hope asked as she looked up at her father
"You want just one?" Hope shook her head "ok well there's every time I would come home after a long time away I would hear you yelling me as you came running down the docks or the time you thought it would be funny to hide my hook in the dishwasher! Or when you were really little and I'm talking tiny baby you would grab onto my hook and wouldn't let go!" He sniffed
"I'm not letting go!" She smiled "just exploring!"
Hope wandered off back inside to join everyone else as Killian and Emma sat and watched.
"What if there was a way we could get her home?" Emma smiled
"I'm listening" he smiled as he pushed Emma's hair from her face
"I know that face! No we promised no more children! I meant the wedding we wanted!"
"You were serious about that?" He laughed
"Dreamshade serious!" Killian slid Emma's engagement ring from her finger and got down onto one knee
"Emma Swan, well it's Jones now but anyway... will you do me the honour of becoming Mrs Jones again?"
"Of course I will!" She smiled as she kissed him.
"Mum, Dad are you coming?" Hope yelled from the door they nodded and wandered back in.
"What's going on?" Regina asked with a slight hint of concern
"Well remember how we wanted to get remarried?" Everyone nodded "well Killian just re-proposed!"
"Hold on!" Hope yelled everyone's attention turned to her
"Your not planning on getting married whilst I'm gone are you?"
"Bloody hell! No way!" Killian laughed "give us a year and half to plan the wedding and then you can come back!"
"You only need a year and a half?" Hope laughed. Everyone sat down and began to talk about the wedding and Hope leaving when Neal decided he had something to share
"I know today is about Hope but whilst everyone's together I wanted to tell you all that me and Alexandria are engaged!" Everyone gasped and cheered they congratulated Neal before Henry's phone began to ring. He shot Lucy a look of guilt before hanging up the phone
"H what is it?" Hope whispered
"It's Jacinda!" He sighed "she's coming to pick Lucy up now!"
"What no!" Lucy cried "it's not fair!"
"Hey it's ok!" Henry smiled "your mom will let you come say goodbye to Hope and even if she doesn't she won't be gone long!" Lucy nodded and began to finish her dinner.
The door swung open and there she was Jacinda closely followed by her new boyfriend. She strutted over to Hope and crouched down beside her
"I hear your leaving! Well it's about time they rid the Forest of its flees!" She taunted
"Oh Hunny! Jealousy is a disease and I hope you get better soon!" Hope laughed
"Jealous? Of a 17 year old! That's the funniest thing I've heard all day! What do you have that I could possibly be jealous of?"
"A family who love me, an amazing future before me and a good heart!"
"Lucy loves me and so does Woody!" She snapped. Lucy shook her head at Hope who winked back at her
"Now if you would please excuse us we have a celebration to attend to!" Hope sweetly smiled "be good kid!" She whispered to Lucy.
Henry fist bumped Hope as Jacinda left. Before long the family decided it was best for them all to head home. It was a teary goodbye considering they would all be there in two days to say goodbye, it was almost like the end of something.
Two days later
Hope woke up on the morning of her leaving day she woke up to messages from Sam telling her the crew were ready and waiting on the ship. Hope dressed herself in leather trousers, black knee boots, a white t-shirt, a maroon velvet jacket and her uncle Liams Captains hat. She bounced down the stairs dragging her trunk behind her to find everyone ready and waiting to put her on the ship. All the women were crying and Hope couldn't help but join them. Daniel and Robin carried her trunk out to the ship and handed it over to Sam who had it lowered into her cabin. Hope turned to look at her family one last time before she left for the next year and a half
"Be careful Ducky!" Emma sobbed
"I will!" She sniffed
"Don't forget your write or to use the bloody mirror!" Killian smiled "you find yourself in trouble you know what to do!" He instructed her as he handed over a vile of what appeared to be water.
"I'll be back for the wedding ok? I mean unless I die or something happens," she laughed "if I'm not back 20 minutes before the wedding go on with it!"
"You'll be back in time!" Emma laughed before stepping back towards Killian and everyone else.
"Hope!" A voice yelled. It was Hercules
"I thought you weren't coming!" She laughed
"Well I couldn't do that could I?"
"Make it quick I have somewhere to be!"
"I wanted to let you know that we're over!"
"Wait what!" She yelled as Sam grabbed her arm to stop her from ripping his throat out
"It's for the best, I'm leaving tomorrow and your leaving now!"
"You are joking right? What about all that stuff you said at the promposal?"
"I meant it then! But Hope your too good for me! I'm setting you free!"
"Then let me give you this!" She smiled as she punched him square in the face
Everyone watched as Hercules ran off into the forest. She began to wave to her family as they waved her off. She and the crew set sail for Motonui.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now