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It had been a few days since Aidan had been locked up in Snow and Charming's dungeon and Hope was furious she was still struggling to believe what had happened to her.
Since that night Dalton had refused to leave her side, despite the constant pestering of his advisors.
All day everyday Hope would lay in her bed clinging onto Dalton every so often his hand would brush a bruise or a cut and she would wince.
"I'm sorry!" Dalton sighed
"What for?" Hope asked as she sat herself up
"Not being here, if I'd had just had James attend to what I was doing-"
"It's alright but just out of curiosity what were you doing?" She smiled
"Well this isn't how I wanted to tell you but... for the past month I've had a small palace built for the two of us to live in!" He smiled
"You want me to move in with you?" She smiled almost crying
"Yeah! If you want to?" But she didn't answer, she didn't need to.
She pressed her lips onto his and he knew she wanted to. Dalton spent the rest of that day boxing up Hopes bedroom as he insisted she didn't move at all. Hope didn't mind him packing everything up for her. She watched as he carefully folded up the entirety of her wardrobe and placed it in suitcases her parents had brought up.
Dalton picked up a feathered photo frame from her dressing table with a photo of her and Darling in at a party.
The two of them were dressed in matching dresses only Hope was wearing white and Darling was wearing red. He quickly joined the dots and realised they were dressed up as an angel and the devil. The two of them were pouting at the camera and each holding a glass of something he couldn't work out what.
It quickly dawned on him what night that was. It was the night he and Hope had first slept together, sure she was with Dex then and he had started to flirt with May but he had been infatuated with her ever since.
Hope handed him another photo frame and warned if he broke it she would break his nose. He carefully took the frame from her and couldn't help but let out an 'awe' at it. In the frame was a photo of Hope and her parents the day she was born. She was wrapped in a white hand knitted blanket with her name threaded through it in purple letters the blanket he had just packed. He continued to look over the photo and saw she was sleeping in Emma's arms whilst Emma slept in Killian's and he slept beside her on the bed.
Shortly after the majority of Hopes bedroom was all boxed up and ready to be moved into her new home when she stumbled across the reason for the shark attack.
She sprung up from her bed and raced downstairs to where her parents were sat. She jumped into her fathers lap and handed him the flask
"Where did you find that?" He gasped
"The bottom of the sea, when Silvers ship went down it must have gone down with it. Anyway that's what I was swimming for when I got attacked by that bloody shark!" She laughed
"Language!" Killian sighed he ran his hand over the engraved writing and couldn't help but smile
"Hope have you left Dalton packing on his own?" Emma scolded as Hope nodded.
She sprung back up from the couch and headed back upstairs to find Dalton had completely finished and was holding something in his hand.
Upon closer inspection she noticed it was the bloodied piece of blanket he had wrapped around her leg after the shark attack.
"You kept it?" He smiled as she laid down beside him
"Of course I did! That was our first adventure together!" Dalton couldn't say anything he couldn't believe that that was why she had kept it. He thought she would have kept it as a reminder not to trust anybody but she kept it as a reminder of their first adventure together.
They spent the rest of the night surrounded by Hopes family as they had come over for their once a week family dinner.
Snow and Charming arrived and everyone noticed Snow was clutching a brown book that looked almost identical to Henry's storybook. She carefully dropped it down into the table and they all noticed it read
Once Upon A Time
But that wasn't the only thing it said underneath the iconic title was something else written in gold letter and the most beautiful cursive handwriting
The story of Emma and Killian
Snow had created her own version of Henry's storybook but used photos from Emma and Killian's second wedding. The family sat and flicked through finding photos that they all loved. There was photos of Emma and Killian getting ready that morning, photos of them at the beanstalk and photos from the ball (which were everyone's favourite).
They stumbled across the photo of Hope virtually asleep whilst dancing with Killian and the photo made him cry. He said it made him think of his 'tiny baby'.
They flipped to page to find a photo Snow didn't remember taking. It was a photo of Hope and Dalton out by her swing.
"Grandma did you follow us out?" Hope laughed as Dalton had gone a shade of red
"No! I didn't take that!" She defended
"I did!" Daniel smiled "I saw you two go outside and I saw how cute it looked and I had to take a photo of it!" Hope was glad he had take the photo. It was the most gorgeous photo she had of the two of them.
The way the moon shone down on her tree, the way Dalton was looking at her and the way the cherry blossoms were falling.
"That'll look lovely in our new home!" Hope smiled
"Sorry what?" Charming laughed as he was accompanied by the rest of the family in looking at Hope in utter bewilderment
"Oh yeah! Me and Dalton are moving in together!" She beamed

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now