I'm back!

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After ten years Hope was finally home. She looked around the forest and couldn't help but smile, she realised where the portal had dropped them and she couldn't have asked for a better place to have been taken to.
She, James and her parents were stood outside of her parents palace. The place she had been raised, the place she'd had her heart broken, the place she had learnt to sword fight and sail, where she spent nights cuddled up with her parents and where she fell in love with Dalton.
"So...Mom is this your house?" James asked looking up at the summer palace in complete awe
"Kinda, this is your grandparents palace, I left home years ago!" She smiled hoping her big brother was inside.
James and Killian took his cases up to the spare room closest to Hopes bedroom whilst Emma and Hope decided they'd inform the rest of the family of her return.
"Who first kid?" Emma asked handing her the phone
"Henry or Dalton?" She asked
"Your brother!"
Hey Mom what's up?
Hope! No...oh my god...what? Lucy said she thought she'd heard your voice...what how is this happening?
Slow down! Yes Lucy called me and I pretended to be someone else... I had to disappear for mine and James' safety,
The baby survived?
Yeah he did, he's also a pain in the arse!
We're coming over!
Ok, I'll see you soon!
Hope couldn't help but smile before realising who the 'anonymous' source was... it was Lucy. She had called Hope the night of her engagement and then a week later her parents show up.
James came into the room closely followed by Killian and wanted to know if he could go down to the ship with his Grandpa or if he had to wait for her. But Hope couldn't deny them any more bonding time so she allowed them to go, besides when the rest of the family showed up he wasn't going to be able to breathe.
His whole life it had been him and Hope, apart from the nights Zack would spend. James had a tendency to freak out in crowded places so Hope thought it was probably best for him to be out of the way whilst the clan poured in.
After an hour Henry, Violet, Bentley, Regina, Robin, Snow, Charming, Neal, Zara and their daughter Eva (after Snows mother) arrived eager to see Hope.
"Where is she?" Snow smiled as she threw the doors open revealing Hope sat in her usual place on the couch with a grilled cheese in hand
"It's like she never left!" Regina smiled
"I'm back!" Hope announced in a song song voice but before she could even get up Henry had tackled her into the couch and was squeezing her so tightly she feared she could actually die.
"Squishy!" Charming smiled trying his hardest not to cry "Your home!"
"I am! And who's this little lady?" She smiled looking down at Eva
"I'm Eva!" She smiled at Hope and my god was it obvious she was Zara's daughter.
She sat beside Hope with her blue curly pigtails, a knee length dress and a smile that read 'I'm a Charming'.
"Your so pretty!" Eva smiled as she hugged Hopes side
"So are you!" She smiled down at her "So, I know you all probably want to know what happened and everything..."
"You think?" Regina laughed as she sat herself down beside Emma
"I can tell dad later, he's busy right now," she smiled looking over to the sea "ok... so me and Dalton went to his childhood home after that day out and found Will Scarlett under the porch!"
"Oh my god!" Zara gasped up until that moment she forgot that she had probably met him with them both being wonderland inhabitants
"Don't worry he's not dead, I then refused to come home for fear Ashley and Thomas would do the same to me which caused mine and Daltons fight!"
"I still don't understand how that lead to me finding you in the woods?" Robin asked shaking his head
"I then ran into the woods and hid in a shack where Will found me and took me to his wife..."
"Anastasia!" Zara smiled whilst everyone else looked at her as if she was insane
"Yeah, they told me I had to go away otherwise the not so Charming's would wait for me to have the baby and then kill me!" She huffed
"The baby made it!" Snow smiled
"He did and he's outside with Killian!" Emma smiled "They get on really well!"
"Does Dalton know?" Neal asked hesitantly
"I haven't had chance to speak with him yet but I think I might head over there!" She smiled
"Can we meet the baby first?" Snow smiled
"Yeah sure, his name is James!" Hope announced as Emma left the room to go and grab him and Killian
"You named him James?" Charming gasped
"Yes, I know you always wished you could've made things right with your brother but also in the real world dads known as Captain James Hook so it worked both ways!" She smiled.
James and Killian followed Emma back into the room and James immediately turned his gaze to the floor. He shuffled over to his mom before whispering something in her ear to which she nodded and smiled.
"It's so lovely to meet you James!" Snow smiled extending her arms for a hug that he gladly accepted
"I heard a lot about you all but I didn't know it was you guys!" He admitted sheepishly
"What does that mean?" Regina asked
"Oh I told him stories about you all, let's just say he's terrified of the Dark Swan!" She laughed and as she said Darl Swan they all noticed James' eyes grow wide
"Hey, it's ok! She left a long time ago!" Emma comforted as she slapped Hope on the upside of the head.
"Mum? Is it alright if I leave him here whilst I go speak with Dalton?"
"Of course it is!" Emma smiled "Sparkles is outside!"
"You kept her?" Hope beamed
"Hope, she was the last thing we had of yours! Of course we kept her!" Emma laughed as she watched Hope rum out to the stables.
There she stood her head peering over the half open door and if horses could smile I'm pretty sure Sparkles would've.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now