I'm home

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A month had passed since Hope had told Dalton she loves him and ever since they had been inseparable. Emma had allowed Hope to practically move him in.
She had her reasons one being she knew Hope felt safer knowing there was a man around. But the other being Dalton planned on asking Hope to move in with him but he wanted to know enough about how she went about her daily life before he asked her.
Dalton had awoken hours earlier than Hope, as he usually would, and had tried to skip out from underneath her but she wasn't having it this morning
"Come back to bed!" She whined sleepily
"I have to get ready princess, I have a kingdom to run!" He laughed as he kissed her head and headed for the shower
"Fine!" She sighed as she rolled back over to go to sleep. She heard him turn on the shower and that was it she was awake and couldn't get back to sleep.
Part of her reason for not being able to sleep was excitement for her dads return and the other was the concert Dalton had put on in the bathroom. Although she didn't mind the concert as she loved listening to him sing.
She heard him shut the water off and make his way out of the bathroom
"So, is the tour all sold out?" She teased before he threw his towel at her
"I thought you were going back to sleep?" He smiled as he pulled up his trousers
"I tried!" She smiled "but my dads home today and you were opening for Beyoncé!"
"For who?" He asked cluelessly but Hope just threw her head into her hands.
"It doesn't matter, come on I'll make you some breakfast!" She smiled as she jumped out of bed.
Once she and Dalton had reached the kitchen Hope began pulling all sorts out of the fridge
She laughed as she watched him attempt to tie up his tie and fail miserably. She tied his tie for him and then she pushed a plate of eggs and bacon in-front of him.
Emma wandered in and was shocked
"What the hell you managed to domesticate Hope Jones!" She laughed
"Oh come on mum I cook all the time!"
"Yeah, grilled cheeses!" Emma laughed as Hope began to wash the pots "oh and she cleans too!"
"Shut up!" She laughed
"I'd love to stay but I have business to attend to!" Dalton smiled as he kissed Hopes cheek and ran out.
The rest of that morning Emma and Hope spent cleaning around the palace ready for Killian's return. As much as Emma hated to admit it he was the tidy one. When they first moved in together they made a deal that Killian would keep the house 'shipshape' whilst she was out saving the town.
After a few hours Hope grew bored of cleaning up and so did Emma so they did half of the job and hoped Killian wouldn't notice. Before long the Jolly Rodger had docked and Hope had gone running down the docks to greet her father.
He stepped off the ship and took both his girls into his arms
"Did you miss me?" He smirked knowing full well that they had both missed him. As Emma hugged him she noticed him wince in pain
"Hook? What happened?" She asked concern lacing her voice Hope looked up at her father and noticed he was covered in cuts and bruises
"Huh? Oh there was an issue on the sea... nothing Captain Hook can't handle!" Emma allowed his excuse knowing whatever really happened he clearly didn't want Hope to know.
They all made their way back to the palace when Emma decided to grill Killian on what had happened to him. On his way home Captain Silvers son had attempted to take over the Jolly Rodger in an attempt to get revenge on Hook for the death of his father.
Obviously he had failed but he and his crew had seriously injured Hook and his crew. By the time Killian had finished filling Emma in on every minor detail they had arrived back at the palace and Hope was stood in the kitchen on the phone.
She angrily stormed into the lounge where her parents were now sat and threw her phone down onto the sofa. Killian looked at Emma confused as as far as he was aware Hope had nothing to be unhappy about. She and Dalton were doing great and he was going to ask her to move in with him.
"What's up kid?"Emma asked
"Dalton!" She snapped
"What's he done? Do I need to send your father round?"
"No, he just said he isn't coming back here tonight as he has 'stuff' to do!" She huffed
"I'm sure he'll tell you eventually!" Emma smiled
"Hm is sure he will," Hope sarcastically laughed "anyway I'm going for a shower and then to bed!"
"Alright night lass!" Killian smiled as she darted out of the room.
After spending an hour in the shower Hope got out and dried herself down before throwing on shorts and a cami top. She flicked on her TV before receiving a text from Dalton
Goodnight princess, I'm sorry I won't be there tonight but I promise you when you find out why you won't be as mad! I love you Xxxx
As much as she didn't want it to the message made her smile. After a while she flicked the TV off and turned to go to sleep.
She had been asleep for hours when she heard her bedroom door open. At first she thought nothing of it and secretly hoped it was Dalton. But she noticed whoever had just entered her room had locked the door behind them and was now stood over her bed.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now