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It had been three days since Hopes shark attack and her parents were due home soon. Hope prayed they were get home sooner but they didn't.
She had been stuck in with the Charming's and she was going insane. At first it wasn't that bad Charming had given her everything she wanted and catered to every need she had.
But Snow had become very possessive over Hope. As she found it difficult to walk Snow felt it was important she assist Hope everywhere and Hope couldn't take it anymore.
"Gramps you have to tell Grandma to stop treating me like a china doll!" She begged
"I've tried! Believe me I really have!" He laughed
"When are my parents going to be back?"
"The end of the day. But you need to change that bandage!" He ordered
"Gramps..." she whispered "will you help me?" If there was one thing Hope did not like doing it was asking for help. She was exactly like Emma in that sense, no matter how dangerous something may be she would always want to do it alone.
"Of course I will!"
Charming unwrapped the bandage and Hope watched. She looked at her thigh and realised the scaring was horrific. There were four teeth marks in her leg that would never fade the bleeding had stopped but the wound weeped.
Even whilst he was treating it Hope didn't wince or cry it was only once she realised that would be in her leg forever she began to sob.
"Squishy, it's ok!" Charming comforted as he cradled Hope's head.
"Gramps it's horrible!" She sobbed. She felt the couch dip on the other side of her and saw Snow sat beside her
"So is this!" Snow smiled as she revealed a scar that ran straight across her stomach
"What happened?" Hope sniffed
"Well, just before I met your grandfather you know I was a thief?" Hope nodded as Snow continued "I fell out of a tree when I planned on robbing a royal carriage and I fell onto the forest floor and I must had landed on something but that's when this appeared!"
"So mum did that?" Hope laughed
"I did what?" Emma laughed as she came into the room
"Mummy! Daddy!" Hope smiled
"Hey kid!" Emma beamed as she hugged Hope making sure she was careful of her leg
"Oh Hopey!" Killian sighed as he looked at her leg "that's why we have the Roger lass!"
"I know!"
"Come on Snow she's ok now!" Charming smiled as he ushered Snow out of the palace.
"Grilled cheese, onion rings and a movie?" Emma smiled. Both Killian and Hope nodded their heads as Emma headed to the kitchen to start preparing their movie feast.
"So where's the lad?" Killian asked "do I need to kill him?"
"Daddy!" Hope scolded "no! He saved me!" She sighed
"Not a fan?"
"I don't need saving! I'm not some damsel in a tower!"
"He knows!" Emma laughed as she handed Hope her grilled cheese.
"Now what are we watching?"
"Harry Potter?" Hope suggested
"Not you as well?" Killian sighed
"Yeah it's good!" Hope laughed
"Why watch magic on TV when you could just get your mother to do it?" Killian laughed but neither Emma or Hope found him amusing.
Days passed and Hope had grown bored and annoyed of everyone in the family smothering her. If it wasn't Snow constantly dropping by it was Henry calling every hour to see if she was ok.
She couldn't take it any longer so whilst her parents were busy Hope snuck out and headed back to the beach. She grabbed her horse and fled.
It didn't take her long to get there but once she did she couldn't help but feel free. She tied up her horse and limped down to the sand.
She carefully sat herself down and watched as the sun set and stars start to appear. Every so often she would shuffle herself back to ensure she wouldn't end up in the water.
Eventually she began to fall asleep to the sound of the waves crashing against nearby rocks.
What she didn't know was that the majority of her family were now out looking for her.
Grumpy and the rest of the dwarves found her on the beach. Instead of waking her they had carefully lifted her into her horse and walked her home.
Once they reached the palace Grumpy called the rest of the family and informed them Hope had been returned home.
Emma and Killian sat in Hopes bedroom and watched her sleep.
"What are we going to do?" Emma sighed as she laid down beside her
"I don't know love, I really don't!"
"Sometimes I wish she was that tiny baby we brought home all those years ago!" Emma smiled
"Aye love me too! But unfortunately for us she's not, speaking of unfortunate things... I've been offered a voyage to New Orleans's,"
"And you want to take it?"
"Of course I do however I made you both a promise that I intend on keeping!"
"Killian you made that promise 18 years ago, it was only supposed to apply until she was 3!"
18 years ago
Killian had taken over as the Sheriff whilst Emma was on maternity leave and was struggling with the work load. He was sat in the sheriffs office when the phone started to ring
Killian... it's Hope she's coming!
I'm on my way!
Killian darted our of the station and jumped into the car, he sped to the house and quickly carried Emma into the car. When they arrived at the hospital Killian wheeled Emma in and the nurses took her into the delivery room.
Emma was in labour for hours
"Come on Swan you can do it love!" Killian encouraged
"Easy for you to say!" Emma yelled as Killian swapped his hand for his hook before Emma squeezed the blood from it.
"Killian you out her in here now get her out!" Emma pleaded
"I can't do anything love!" Killian laughed. After 2 days Hope finally arrived and her parents couldn't have been happier.
As Emma slept Killian held Hope in his arms she held onto his hook as he sang gently to her
You are my sunshine my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know dear how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
Hope looked up at her father with the same blue orbs that he looked at her with and in that instant he knew no matter the consequence he couldn't leave her.
He made a promise to his daughter that day that no matter what he wouldn't leave her or her mother. He promised that if Hope was ever hurt or upset he would stay with her until the pain had passed.
Present day
"Swan, I can't leave either of you! The second I go I feel terrible, it's like a dull ache!"
"Your so dramatic! Just go! We will be fine!" Emma smiled as she held his hand and watched over their daughter.
"Ok I'll go!"
"Just leave your jacket, she likes it when your not here and she can't sleep!"
"Of course love. You know I would have thought she'd had grown out of doing that by now?" He laughed
"I don't think she ever will!"

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now