What have I done!?

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It had been a week since Brooke's curse had been broken and everyone had returned to the enchanted forest. The Charming clan had decided Brooke needed to be punished for what she had done not only to them but to their people.
Everyone had gathered at Snow and Charming's castle to discuss a plan to bring Brooke down.
"Well Faith your the saviour, what should we do?" Henry asked as everyone began to stare at Faith
"I don't know! I've never met this Brooke!" She sighed
"Hope, she was your best friend what should we do?"
"I could run her through?" She smiled tapping her fingers at the handle of her sword
"Hope!" Everyone scolded looking at her in complete shock
"What? After everything that bitch has done to me, it's the least I can do!"
"Technically you ended your engagement!" Henry muttered but whilst the family looked at Henry with scornful looks Hope had stormed out of the room. Nobody understood what was going on with her; they knew Henry was right she had pushed Dalton away, she had chosen to move back in with her parents and she had made herself miserable.
"Hook?" Regina sighed "we have to fix this!"
"You forget we know better than anyone what losing a love can drive you to do!"
"She's not going dark!" Emma laughed but everyone else looked at her as if she was stupid.
"She could potentially," Henry frowned and as much as Killian hated to admit it Regina was right. Despite not being those people anymore they still knew how it felt to be that way "I mean look at the lengths mom and Killian went to after their loves were taken from them! Who's to say Hope won't do as she suggested and run her through!"
If anyone could pull Hope back from the darkness she was about to dive into it was the two of them. But before they could leave the table to go after her they heard a scream followed by a smash.
The family ran out of the room into the corridor and discovered Hope was throwing a fit.
Leroy was stood beside her trying to calm her down but it only made her worse when she saw her family watching her she couldn't take the slight hint of fear in Snows eyes and so she ran off into the forest.
They saw a small envelope on the floor that Leroy had been trying to deliver when Hope had recognised the handwriting and snatched it from him. Charming picked it up and read it out to them all
Queen Snow and King Charming you have been invited to the wedding of King Dalton of the Magic Kingdom and Princess Melody of Atlantis.
Now they understood why Hope had thrown such a strop, Dalton was marrying Melody. The person his parents had wanted him to be with all along
"I'm going to rip his throat out!" Killian yelled as he began to make his way towards the door but Robin quickly shot an arrow beside his head to stop him. Killian threw himself around and shot Robin a filthy look
"Jones! The whole point of you and Regina going after her is to stop her doing something she will regret! Don't you fall back into the darkness you fought so hard to get out of!"
Killian rolled his eyes before he and Regina fled the castle in an attempt to find Hope. They searched for hours and hours until they found her sat in her childhood treehouse deep in the forest.
They carefully approached her, cautious of what she would do if they startled her. Regina cleared her throat and Hope looked up from her chair, rolled her eyes and looked back down at the floor.
It was obvious she had been crying and smashing things up but did she really have the right to be upset? She had left Dalton and insisted he find someone better to share his throne and rule over his kingdom.
Regina and Killian sat down either side of her and allowed her to calm down. They could practically feel the anger boiling inside of her.
"Why? Why wasn't I enough?" She screamed
"Hope, honey you were!"
"Aye lass, I know it's hard but you have to be happy for him!"
"Oh ok! So if you knew mum was marrying someone else you wouldn't want to slaughter him?"
"Exactly! I know I told him I didn't want to be with him but I do! Brooke has ruined my life and for that-"
"Slow down! Your starting to sound like us!" Regina warned "trust us nothing good comes from seeking revenge!"
"Doesn't it?"
Hope looked at them both and thought they were wrong. Regina cast the dark curse which was a literal catalyst for everything bad that had ever happened to the family but she met her soulmate and got her happy ending because of it.
Her dad had spent centuries hunting the dark one but still got his happy ending. Every villain that had attacked StoryBrooke had been redeemed so why couldn't she get her revenge and then be redeemed?
All she had to do was eliminate Brooke and then her problems would all be fixed right?
The only villain here was Hope. Dalton was right she would repeatedly destroy her own happiness instead of taking the chance that something could go right for her.
She sat in between her dad and Regina and sobbed. She wanted him back but he was getting married and nothing she could say or do would stop that.
"What have I done!?" She repeatedly sobbed "I was about to go kill Brooke and then crash the wedding!"
"People do crazy things when their in love!" Regina smiled
"Well it doesn't matter if I am or if I'm not it's too late now!"
"Your kidding me right?" Regina laughed
"Hope Jones, your not giving up! Giving up is not in your blood!"
"Let me guess hope and fighting are?" She sniggered
"Blood hell! I don't get what your not understanding! He is getting married! There is nothing I can do to stop that wedding!"
"Maybe not! But you can tell him how you feel!"
"Regina, I'm not going to make myself look an idiot for some guy!"
"He's not just some guy though is he? You love him and he loves you!"
"Yeah well I don't fancy allowing a man to define my life! Now let's go and sort Brooke out!"

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now