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Leia woke up the next day to a loud banging on her front door. She rolled over and checked the time, it was only half past nine.
She laid there and hoped the banging would stop, but it didn't. Reluctantly she dragged herself out of bed and made her way to the door.
She swung it open to find the two strangers from last night and Henry (the town psycho) stood staring at her as if she was a ghost.
"Hope!" Henry cried as he wrapped his arms around her. She pulled herself back and threw him a filthy look
"Bloody hell! Henry you know who I am!"
"Yeah, your Hope Jones, my little sister!"
"Brilliant! So what did you two break him out?"
"Yeah! And now Emma's looking forward him!" The girl laughed
"And you brought him here? Brilliant! So now I'm top suspect on a murder and hiding a psycho! Get off my property!" She yelled as she slammed the door.
She trudged into the kitchen and turned on her TV. There was a new show playing but she wasn't that interested she mainly had it on as background noise.
For as long as she could remember she had been alone, she didn't mind it but it was early mornings and late nights she wished she wasn't so alone.
As she finished up her breakfast there was another knock at the door. But from the knock she knew exactly who it was
"Swan! What can I do for you?"
"Henry Gilmore was broken out of the psych ward, I wondered if you'd seen him?" Leia thought about telling her that she had and thought that maybe if she did she would fall for the lies she'd been telling her about Dex's murder.
Part of her wanted to do the 'right' thing and allow him to be free because he wasn't actually crazy he just fancied a better life. But as always Leia did the selfish thing and told Swan where he was and who he was with.
Just as she had expected her to Swan lapped it up and headed into town to find them. She had also decided to give Leia the benefit of the doubt and drop Dex's murder case, on the condition she found Henry.
Hours had passed and Leia had decided she should probably start getting ready for her dinner with Darren or whatever his name was.
He had told her but it was just so loud in the bar she hadn't caught it.
Leia spent the afternoon exploring the contents of her wardrobe trying to find something to wear. She didn't understand why she was trying so hard she presumed he wanted what all guys wanted. To get her into bed.
But never the less she pulled out her tightest pair of blue jeans, a cute white t-shirt with a red apple on the pocket, her over the knee boots and she topped it all off with her red leather jacket.
She strutted over to his house and couldn't believe how big it was. Surely he didn't live there alone!
As she approached the front door she began to get nervous but she had no idea why. Before she could knock on the door it was flung open and he was stood behind it.
"I'm really sorry but I don't think I caught your name last night!" She laughed
"That's alright I'm Dalton!" He laughed as he took Leia's jacket.
He led her into the kitchen where he had prepared dinner which consisted of steak, sweet potato fries and salad.
"Wow! How are you not married?"
"I was, she broke my heart!"
"Oh my god I'm so sorry!"
"I'm kidding!"
"That is not funny!" She laughed as she punched his arm playfully
"I take it you've had your heart broken before?"
"Oh no! My parents broke my heart before anyone could even blink!"
The two enjoyed their evening before Leia decided it would probably be best if she left. Dalton quickly invited her for dinner again at some point over the next few weeks and she politely accepted.
As she made her way home she decided she would stop by the docks and just stare off into the horizon. She sat there for a few hours before realising the only light was the ones coming from the streetlights. She couldn't believe it when she turned the corner and saw Henry sat on her doorstep
"Hope! Just let me in! Mom refuses to believe it, Killian won't even entertain me and our mom wants me locked up!"
"I'm not this Hope you want to believe I am! And I want you locked up! Go to the Sheriff station!" She snapped as she slammed the door.
She watched as he walked away and in the direction of the sheriff station. She couldn't help but feel guilty, he was just as alone as she was but she wasn't willing to let more than one person in at a time.
Several weeks had passed and somehow Henry and his two new friends who he claimed were his siblings had managed to convince at least half the town of his delusion.
The mayor had left the Captain and claimed she was married to the deputy, Swan had done the same but claimed she was married to Captain, Miss Blanchard and David had gone public with their affair and the woman in the coma had woken up claiming she was married to Henry.
Leia couldn't believe it, it was bad enough Henry had the idea they were all cursed but the rest of the town too! Luckily enough Dalton didn't believe any of it either (at least he said he didn't), he and Leia had grown immensely close since their first date. She had actually moved him in not because she wanted to but because his house had burnt down and she was too lazy to keep going over to his house all the time, she secretly saw the fire as a blessing.
Sheriff Swan had dropped Dex's case although everyone in town knew Leia had done it they just had no idea why.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now