Adventure To Oz

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After a long night the men were finally ready to leave for Oz despite Hopes protesting she eventually caved and realised it was better than letting Dex get to her again she watched as her family left for Oz. Her mum led her back inside where Regina,Snow,Jacinda,Lucy and Darling sat in a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor of their living room they all sported their finest pyjamas
"What's this?" Hope smiled
"We wanted to cheer you up!" Lucy smiled
"So we decided there was no better option than a girls day full of gossip, films, make overs and the rest of it!" Snow squealed this would be the first time she had spent time with her best friend, her daughter, her granddaughter, her granddaughter in law and her great granddaughter
"So Hope any gossip for us?" Jacinda asked throwing a piece of popcorn at Hopes head
"Well obviously me and Hercules are together now, Darling is dating Elijah and I got kidnapped!" Hope laughed as Darling made her way over to Hope and pulled her in for a cuddle
"Your so brave!" She whispered into her ear and Hope squeezed her a little tighter
"What garbage are we watching then?" Regina laughed
"How about Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging?"
"Oh my god I loved that film I remember watching it when it came out!" Emma laughed "I was 25 then bloody hell!" Hope crawled over to the DVD player hooked it up to the projector and pressed play. Whilst the film was on the girls got to bonding and laughing whilst the men had made it to Oz
"Charming?" Ruby called from her house
"That was easier than I thought it was going to be!" Robin chuckled
"What are you doing here?" Ruby asked
"Your son thought it was acceptable to rape my daughter!" Killian yelled
"No he wouldn't!" Ruby yelled
"And your saying my sister lied?" Henry questioned furious Ruby would even say such a thing
"Maybe I mean she sounds like an attention seeker!" They were all taken back by this could Ruby not see her son was in the wrong
"Mrs. Gale," Hercules began "Hope was in so much pain because of your sons actions she forced her mom to take her memory's now you may not want to believe us so why not see for yourself?" Hercules asked showing Ruby the dreamcatcher
"Mom are you-" Dex walked out of the house to see the whole clan staring at him he turned to run when Killian very kindly introduced him to his hook.
"Killian!" Ruby yelled
"I'm sorry lass but he bloody deserved it!"
"I swear I just saw your hook wrapped around my sons head!" She yelled just then Dorothy came skipping up the path
"Oh hey guys is everything ok?" She asked tilting her head Robin quickly took her to one side and explained everything to her fully
"Dexter I can't keep trying with you anymore your too dangerous!" She sobbed
"Mom please!" He cried
"Take him!" She nodded "lock him up I can't have him do to anyone else what he did to Hope!" Ruby rushed to Dorothy's side and wrapped her arms around her
"Now Hope doesn't remember what you did to her so when we get back you will charged for what you did only the only people that know about all the charges will be us!" Neal told him as he cuffed him
"Oh now you want to play the doting uncle, the always there big brother, the father that cares , the grandfather who doesn't trust her, the boyfriend who will never love her half as much as I love her and the whatever you are that pops up to be noble!" Dex laughed, Robin punched him and knocked him out
"Nice one!" Killian laughed patting him on the back
"Felt pretty good!" Robin smiled. Charming threw a passed out Dex over his shoulder and stepped through the portal before they knew it they were stood in the courtyard of Killian and Emma's palace the sound of laughter could be heard for miles around the castle the doors of the lounge flew open and there they were all laughing and giggling throwing popcorn around and doing makeup Hope seemed happy until she saw him
"No! No! Get him away from me!" She screamed
"Hope it's ok he's knocked out!" Darling reassured her
"Why did you bring him in here?" Emma yelled
"The portal brought us back here we were planning on taking him straight to the Crocodile I'm sorry Hope!" Killian sighed. None of them knew the portal was going to throw them back there they all agreed on thinking of Rumples castle
"Just summon him!" Hope yelled
"Rumplestiltskin, Rumplestiltskin, Rumplestiltskin!" Charming yelled
"Oooo is it my turn?" He laughed in his signature high pitched laugh
"Yes do with him as you will his mothers pratically disowned him!" Henry laughed before rushing to his wife and daughter
"Who knocked him out then?" Darling giggled
"As much as I wish it'd been me it was actually Robin!" Killian smirked as he wrapped Emma in his arms
"Right it's been a long day so I'm the nicest way possible please go home!" Emma smiled everyone listened although Hercules made his way over to Hope
"Hey gorgeous!" He smiled kissing her cheek she flinched but instantly apologised
"It's ok don't worry look I'm heading home now but call me if you can't sleep or whatever" he smiled
"Stay?" Hope pined
"Of course I will come on I'll carry you up to bed!" He smiled before picking her up bridal style and taking her to her room.
Before long she was asleep but awoke in the middle of the night to a loud smash
"Killian if you would have listened to me none of this would be happening!"
"But if I would of listened to you neither one of us would be alive!"
"Ugh your so infuriating!"
"What and your not?"
"Get out!"
"Your joking?"
"Get out!"
"Emma come on your being stupid!"
"Hook she doesn't need saving she's  not some princess locked in a tower you don't need to rescue her!"
"Ah so we're back to Hook now!"
"Until you can control how much you drink don't bother coming back!"
"I won't!"
Hope sat at the top of the stairs listening to her parents fight she had never heard them fight before but she couldn't help but wonder what did her father mean neither one of us would be alive? She cried at the top of the stairs until she felt a hand on her shoulder
"Hey it's ok everyone fights!" Hercules said sitting down next to her
"Not my parents they don't do the whole fighting thing it isn't them!" She sobbed
"Maybe your dad just had to much to drink I've seen you after one to many and if that's anything to go off!" He smirked
"Hey! I'm not that bad maybe a little bit nasty!"
"There you go your dad probably said something he shouldn't upset your mom and I'm sure it'll be fine in the morning!" As Hope crept back into her room she could hear her mum sobbing in her parents room but she knew if she had gone in to comfort her Emma would have only sent her away.
The next morning Hope woke up wrapped in Hercules' arms she felt safe there
Mum: Hey Ducky are you awake Xxxxx
Hope: I am now xx
Mum: Come to the kitchen Xxxxx
Hope untangled herself from Hercules' arms threw on her silk dressing gown and ran to the kitchen. When she got there both her mum and dad were sat at the table
"Nnnnnnno no no no oh my god you guys are getting a divorce aren't you!" She cried
"Woah nobody's getting a divorce kid! Why would you think that?" Emma asked
"I heard you guys last night!" She sighed "what did you mean neither one of you would be alive?" A single tear fell from her eye
"Hey, hey it's ok we were arguing because I wanted to come and save you from where you were being held but your mother knew you had it under control!" Killian sighed
"That doesn't explain why you would both be dead!" Hope sobbed
"Hope, baby girl without you we may as well be dead!" Emma smiled wrapping her arms around Hope
"So your not getting a divorce and Dad your not leaving?" Hope said pushing her glasses up onto her head and wiping away her tears
"Aye lass nobody's going anywhere!" He smiled
"Thank god"
"Just as a thing I think we need to stop with the rum!" Emma said squinting her eyes
"What?" Killian said jolting away from her
"Mum you are joking aren't you?" Hope said leaning into her dad
"Obviously I'm joking trying to get your dad off of rum would be like signing my own death warrant!" She smiled. Emma left the table and began to make breakfast Hope's phone buzzed in her pocket
Hercules: Hey where'd you go? Everything ok?Xxx
Hope: Hey I'm in the kitchen! Mum and Dad wanted to talk about last night but everything's ok now! Xxxx
Hercules: Ok I'll be down in a sec! Xxxx
Hope watched her mum and dad make breakfast they looked more in love this morning than ever before she felt Hercules hand move across her shoulders she turned to him and smiled as Killian caught his eye
"Two meters I know!" Hercules smiled just then Killian shocked everyone
"Mate you've been together six months I think my two meter rule wore off a long time ago!" He smiled. Hercules  nodded and kissed Hope on the cheek
"Ah see both of your children do it too Swan!" Killian yelled
"What?" She jumped
"Hope and Henry both turn their heads away when they blush!" He smirked Emma just laughed
"On the subject of my brother how is he?" Hope asked
"Fine I think why what do you know?" Emma asked turning her head
"Ugh I thought he had already told you!" Hope sighed
"It's her isn't it?" Emma asked hoping the answer would be no but Hope nodded Killian nodded to Hercules and the two of them left to go and discuss sport of whatever it is men talk about whilst Hope began to cry
"Lucy was talking to me yesterday she told me her mum is leaving Henry!" She sobbed "I feel so guilty!"
"Hopey it's not your fault!" Emma smiled
"It kinda is Mum. Lucy said Jacinda was sick off Henry running off on all kinds of missions whenever we tell him something's wrong!" She sighed not long after she had explained Henry had come to the kitchen door
"Hey Mom!" He sniffed
"Henry!" She smiled taking him into her arms
"You think I could move back in?" He smiled through his tears
"Of course you can! I'll get Killian and Hercules to help you take your things up!"  Emma called them through and they carried all of Henry's things back to his old bedroom after everything was unpacked everyone left Henry to collect himself and shower
"Hey gorgeous," Hercules said
"Hey what's up?" She sighed
"Nothing everything's perfect your perfect but I think it's best I leave you to spend time with your brother, he needs you right now my ray of sunshine!" He smiled twirling Hope around before dipping her and kissing her nose
"Ugh your a tease and I love it! But your right Henry needs me right now call me when you get home?" She smiled
"Of course I will!" He smiled before leaving.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now