Henry's wedding

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It had been three weeks since the fire, Hope and Dalton had returned to their homes (despite Dalton's protesting as he and Killian had formed quite the bromance), Neal still refused to blame anyone but Hope for his wife's death but that anger had to be put aside as it was finally Henry's wedding day.
Dalton had spent all morning trying to pry Hope from their bed but it wasn't working nothing he did could get her out of bed.
"Baby come on you need to get up!" He huffed
"Go away!" She muttered from under the sheets
"That's it you leave me no choice!" Hope peered out to see him holding a glass of water in his hand that he was more than likely going to throw over her.
"Alright! Alright! I'm up!" She whined as she held her hands up in defeat. She knew he was right she did need need to get up.
Their seaside home was at least an hours journey away from Reginas castle and Hope was going to need a few hours to get ready.
Dalton pulled her off the bed and pushed her into the shower he had turned on for her. As she showered she began to worry about seeing Neal. She worried they would never go back to their bantery relationship and she didn't know if she could live with that.
She jumped out of the shower and waltzed down to her dressing room. On her way there she caught a glimpse of Alexandria sat at the end of the corridor.
Was she haunting Hope?
Hope brushed it off as her powers had died down since they had returned from StoryBrooke. She began to dry her hair when Alexandria appeared in her mirror.
She quickly flicked off the hair dryer and span her head round to see her sat on the chair in the window
"Alex?" She asked nervously
"Oh so you can see me?" She scoffed throwing herself into the chair beside Hopes dressing table
"Well yeah I can talk to the dead, what are you doing here?"
"I came to make sure you make peace with my ex-husband! I know the fire wasn't your fault and he knows that too!" Hope smiled at her as she was grateful she understood and even happier that she didn't blame Hope for her death
"How's my son?"
"Truthfully? I don't know, I'm not allowed to see him and neither is Dalton. It's killing him!"
"He's a moron!" She laughed before Hope looked at her ready to defend Dalton "not Dalton, Neal!"
"He's just upset! He wanted to come after you!"
"I'm glad he didn't! We weren't even living together when I died!"
"Wait? Yeah you were I babysat for you guys remember?"
"I do but we never told you what exactly it was we were doing," she admitted "we went to finalise our divorce!"
"Oh my god!"
"I know!"
"Alex, where are you?" Hope asked praying she would tell her she was ok and not in any pain
"I'm currently in the underworld," she smiled noticing Hopes face drop "hey it's ok. Where are you off to anyway?"
"Henry's wedding! I hate to be rude but I have to finish getting ready!"
Alexandria curtseyed and left. Hope threw her head into her hands before exhaling loudly.
Dalton came in a set her down a cup of tea. He didn't ask what was wrong as he didn't feel she would tell him. But to his surprise the walls were finally down and she told him who had just visited her and he felt calmer.
After she had dried and curled her hair Hope began to put on her makeup. She did a natural look but added a pink shimmer to her eyelids.
"Hope? Are you nearly ready my dear?" Dalton called from the bedroom but she didn't have time to respond. If she wanted to be on time she had to multitask.
She knew Snow would have a fit if she didn't wear a ballgown, after all she was a princess (not that she felt like one anymore)and this was a royal wedding.
Hopes dress had been sent by Snow and there was no denying it was beautiful. She slipped it on and then threw her feet into her heels.
She left her dressing room and met Dalton by the carriage when he saw her his jaw dropped.
"Hey! My eyes are up here!" She laughed as she tapped the bottom of his chin to tilt his head up to meet hers
"My dear you look beautiful!"
As they arrived at Regina's castle Hope noticed that the door to the dungeon had been left unattended. She desperately wanted to go down and speak to Brooke but she knew it would only make matters worse.
As Henry's family and friends began to arrive Hope began to get nervous. She knew that if Neal didn't make peace with her then Alexandria would be stuck in the underworld.
She left Dalton as he was talking to some people he knew and she wandered to Violets room before she saw Neal enter the castle with her grandparents and she quickly made her way over to him and pulled him outside.
Snow looked at Charming with concern she knew how angry Neal was but she also knew how angry Hope could get (she had inherited her parents tempers).
As they stood outside Neal couldn't help but look at Hope in disgust. How was it fair that she had survived and his wife hadn't? The only reason she was there was to drop Hope off!
"Look I'm sorry about Alex!" She sighed as she wiggled her finger in baby Alexander's face he laughed at it whilst his father still refused to look at Hope with anything but hatred
"Are you? I mean whatever you and Dalton have to tell yourselves to sleep at night!"
"Excuse me?" Hope asked pulling her head back
"He's selfish and so are you!" Neal spat hatred becoming more and more prominent in his eyes.
Hope couldn't believe what she was hearing and neither could the rest of the family who were stood directly above them listening to their conversation.
"Your kidding me aren't you?"
"Oh Hope shut up and take the blame! Your a stuck up princess that needs every member of this family attention and I'm sick of it!"
"You know what? You can blame me until you blue in the face but ask yourself this... why was she in the building? I left her in the carriage!"
"Clearly you didn't! I bet your lured her in so she'd die and your precious Dalton could have everything!"
"What the hell!" She muttered
"Hope! Get it through that pretty, thick skull of yours that it's your fault she's dead! I always knew you'd be the worst thing to happen to this family, and I was right!"
"Are you joking me!" She snapped "out of curiosity how did I start this fire Neal?"
"With your magic!"
Hope laughed "Bloody hell! Your delusional! I have no magic!"
"Alright maybe you don't but the people you can summon do!"
"Why would I start a fire that would risk my life?"
"So your not denying it anymore?"
"Of course I'm denying it! Neal I don't know why your so hell bent on blaming me for this but you need to get over it!
"Or what!?"
By this point Killian had heard enough of listening to Neal screaming at his daughter he and Charming headed out to stop them before it got any worse and ruined Henry's wedding.
"Or Alex is going to be trapped in the underworld!"
The whole family was stunned, she had spoken to Alex and not told Neal!
"What! When did you talk to her? Why didn't you tell me? You bitch!" He yelled as he slapped Hope across the face. Hopes jaw dropped open as she held the side of her face. She couldn't believe he had just slapped her.
From the balcony Snows eyes widened she was so shocked by her sons actions. She was wrong to fear Hope being the worst at controlling her anger. She should have been worried about Neal.
"What the hell!" Hope yelled "To answer your questions, not that I think you deserve to know, I spoke to her this morning, I didn't tell you because you've treated me like shit since the fire and before you ask no I didn't summon her she came to me!" Hope yelled as she walked away from Neal and fell into her fathers arms.
From where she and Killian had sat she could hear Charming screaming at Neal about how his behaviour was unacceptable, that it wasn't right to hit anyone let alone a woman and he reminded him that he had done all of this whilst holding his infant son at his nephews wedding.
Luckily Violet had no idea what was going on outside although she had become slightly curious as to why she hadn't yet seen Emma, Regina, Hope or Snow.
Henry however had heard every word and was furious with the pair of them. He went stomping out to where Hope was sat and began to yell at her
"You couldn't have waited could you? You know Neals right! Your not happy unless your centre of attention!" He spat before Emma and Regina scolded him after pretending he was listening to his mothers he made his way over to Neal handed his cousin over to Charming and punched Neal in the face
"That was slapping my little sister and causing a scene at my wedding!"

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