How to plan a wedding

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Hope and Dalton had now returned to their happy little bubble and he had insisted they bring their wedding forward. Because of Daltons suggestion of having a day of wedding planning Hope was now stuck with the women of her family and her grandmothers huge folder of wedding ideas.
Hope could've sworn she'd been making that since her mother announced she was pregnant with her. But she couldn't complain not really it saved her a lot of time and effort.
Snow had began flaunting dress fabrics and centre pieces to which both Hope and Regina turned up their noses. Nothing Snow showed her resembled hers and Daltons relationship at all. But then again what did?
They had met because Ashley needed a babysitter and Emma had offered to have the twins because Hope needed someone her own age to play with.
Every boyfriend she had ever had Dalton couldn't watch them together without becoming fiercely jealous and the same applied for Hope. Their first time had been whilst Hope was with Dex and they were both drunk, their first date she had been attacked by a shark, he had proposed during a thunderstorm and then they were cursed the next day, she had almost died in a fire that he risked his life to save her from. In the end she came to the conclusion that they had the most unpredictable relationship.
"Oh come on you must have something that you both love?" Snow sighed as she sipped on her tea looking at Emma, Regina and Violet for support
"At our wedding the centre pieces were little ink bottles and our first dance was to Only You," Violet smiled
"Robin thought it'd be funny if we had red apples with arrows through them at ours!" Regina laughed but Snow couldn't add to the conversation as centrepieces were a real world thing not an Enchanted Forest thing.
"I've got it!" Hope smiled as all the other women looked at her in excitement "blossom trees!"
"What?" Violet asked
"That's perfect!" Snow smiled but Violet was still confused
"Hope had a blossom tree where we live with a swing attached to it, she and Dalton used to sit out there for hours!"
"Where are you having the wedding and please don't say the Jolly Rodger?" Snow begged
"What's wrong with that idea? It'd be romantic!"
"Your definitely your fathers daughter!" Emma laughed
"What about shark zone!" Regina cackled
"Yeah that's a brilliant idea, obviously not in the water but on the beach!"
"Ok what about the party... where do you want to have that?" Snow asked
"What about at Daltons castle?"
"Wait he has a castle as well as this place?" Violet asked although she was married into royalty she and Henry lived a somewhat normal life.
"This is my place it was built for me!" She explained "and of course he has a castle!" Hope laughed as if it should've been common knowledge
"Ok, who's your maid of honour?"
"Darling obviously, then daddy will give me away but mum I want you to do a speech!"
"Kid, your joking right?"
"No, I'm Dreamshade serious!"
"If that's what you want!"
Emma was terrified, sure she was used to fighting beasts in front people but talking, that was a whole different ballgame.
They spent the rest of the day picking out chair covers and wedding favours. Hope and Regina had hated most of the things Snow had pitched to them which upset her but Emma quickly reminded her it was Hopes wedding, if she wanted everything the way she wanted she should renew her vows or something.
Henry had turned up with baby Bentley as he had to go and assist Neal and Charming in moving Neal back into their castle.
Hope was stood over the table rocking her nephew when Regina decided she would breach the subject nobody else dared to
"Hope? When are you going to have one of your own?"
"Ha! Probably not for a while yet, I mean Daltons busy running his kingdom I'm always working and I think I'd prefer a puppy!" She laughed
"That's what I said!" Emma agreed "not that I'd change you or Henry for the world but I would've liked a puppy!"
"Really? But Daltons great with Ben, Destiny and Alex!" Violet laughed and Hope came to a small realisation that she probably shouldn't hold out on giving him a child of his own for much longer but was she really ready to give up the way her life was right now?
"Ok! Enough baby talk Hope which of these seating charts do you like best?"
Hope looked at her Grandmother and rolled her eyes of everything she could've gone to next it had to be who was sitting where. She didn't even have a full guest list yet, all she knew was that her family (every member of it) would be there, then Daltons little family, their friends, members of the Navy and Daltons closest advisors.
After hours of picking out invites, save the dates and anything else Snow could persuade her to do only for Dalton to come storming into the kitchen and shatter a glass as he did.
Hope politely asked everyone if they would leave as she knew nothing ever ended well when he came home like this, one of three things would happen: He wouldn't speak to her, she would blow up at him or they'd have all out war.
But something was different about this outburst, after everyone had left Hope noticed he was practically on fire. She was slightly more concerned about this mood as she feared it had something to do with her or a threat to his kingdom. He showed no signs of calming down in fact he only seemed to become more and more angry.
Hope left the room and sat herself down in the lounge waiting for him to come to her but he didn't, he took himself off outside where he continued to yell down the phone at someone.
Eventually Hope grew tired of listening to King Dalton and wanted her fiancé back, so she marched outside snatched the phone from his hand hung up and dragged him back into their home.
"What's going on?"
"It's nothing it doesn't matter," he smiled trying his hardest to remain calm
"It clearly does so what's going on? I won't ask again!"
"Fine! They want to honour my marriage to Melody which means we are allowed to marry but she will be Queen and not you!"
"Can I still host balls and wear big gowns?" Hope asked looking at him slightly amused
"Well yeah..."
"Ok as long as I'm not being executed I don't care!"
"Not funny Hope! I want you as Queen not Melody!" Hope just looked at him with those big puppy eyes of hers whilst taking his hands in her own
"There's a reason I took that year and a bit out... I didn't want to be Queen of the Enchanted Forest! I'm happy to stay a princess and do what I wanna do!"
"How can you be so calm about this?" Dalton asked cupping her face in his hands. She placed her hands over his and simply smiled
"Because all that matters is we're together!"
"Your so cute!" He poured before earning a death stare from Hope
"Shhhh!" She laughed shaking her head at him
"I'm going to make some dinner ok?"
"Ok, but I'm watching TV so keep the opening night of your tour down please!" She giggled before he threw a pillow at her
"Yeah ok... completely joking your going to hear every word and I know you love it!"
From the kitchen Hope heard her soon to be husband open his 'world tour' by thanking the pots and pans for being there this evening.

Caught my heart about one, two times
Don't need to question the reason I'm yours, I'm yours
I'd move the earth or lose a fight just to see you smile
'Cause you got no flaws, no flaws

She couldn't help but giggle at him knowing he was singly loudly on purpose knowing that was her favourite of all of the songs he liked to sing but after a while she flicked the door shut and turned up her TV.

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