I can't!

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A year had passed since all of the family drama and they couldn't have been happier: Henry and Violet had had the most gorgeous baby boy they had named Bentley, Snow and Charming has finally decided to retire and allow Regina to run the United realms on her own and Emma had finally been able to take a day off.
Hope however was not so lucky. Her engagement was dying, Dalton was never home but when he was he was always in the most foul of moods and whenever she tried to speak to him he would yell at her.
She'd been fighting a losing battle, she continued to plan their wedding that was routinely pushed back but she had reached her breaking point.
"I think we need to talk!" She sighed trying her hardest not to cry. At first he didn't even look up from his computer to speak with her but he caved after he heard her sniff in an attempt to hold back her tears.
"Not now my dear!" He weakly smiled, he hadn't told Hope but the kingdom was at risk of war with Arendelle. On their last trip over Dalton had pissed off Elijah and now he was threatening to launch an attack, regardless of its consequences.
"Yes now! You don't get to 'my dear' me and think I'll fall weak at the knees! As much as you detest it I don't need you half as much as you need me!" She yelled
"I'm sorry?"
"It's not alright! Look, I know it's been hard recently with Darling not talking to you but why has that ruined our engagement?"
"It hasn't!"
"No! Your right, it's your excessive drinking!" She spat, he knew she right he claimed it was the only thing that kept him 'sane' despite knowing she was.
"That's not fair! How often are you drinking?"
"No your majesty what isn't fair is you treating me like shit! I've had enough! I can't do this anymore!" She screamed throwing her ring at him. The rock had cut his face but she was passed caring
"Oh so we're at your majesty now? Really after everything we've been through? Brooke, Sharks, Curses you choose to leave me now?"
"It's not a choice!"
"That's going to leave a scar!" He sighed wiping the blood from his newly formed wound
"It's not the only thing!"
"Please don't leave me!"
"You've left me no choice! I've packed up most of my stuff and I'll have someone come for the rest of it!" She sighed, she didn't want to leave him but she had to start thinking about herself.
"Ok! You think your going to find someone that loves you more than me? Someone that will put up with the talking to dead? Someone will be around you after Leia? Let's face it Hope, Captain Swan and Leia are the same person! But still you won't find someone that won't look at that scar on your leg and be disgusted?"
Instantly Dalton regretted what he had just said, he knew how much Hope hated that scaring. Despite her telling him it was a memory of them she hated it. It had stopped her from doing so much.
The dress she really wanted for her wedding she wouldn't have as it showed the scars. Hope couldn't hold back her tears any longer.
She stormed over to him engulfed with anger and whacked him over the head with the closet object she could find, which just so happened to be a bottle of alcohol consequently knocking him out.
She looked over him as he led on the ground completely wiped out and she could do nothing, she definitely had to leave now and so fled their home. Although it didn't feel much like home anymore.
A few hours later she arrived in a different realm that she had managed to coach Sam into going to with her. She couldn't stay in the Enchanted Forest, she didn't want her family to know she had ruined the best thing that had ever happened to her.
Hurt and heartbroken Hope really wasn't in the mood for anyone to speak to her let alone hit on her. She and Sam were sat at the bar of a tavern when a big muscly man made a move on Hope, he most definitely wasn't expecting what he got. Without so much as batting an eyelid Hope punched him in the face.
Meanwhile with Dalton
Dalton woke to a fierce throbbing pain in his head but he didn't care. He had to know if she was ok. He called her phone but revived no answer, little did he know she'd dumped it in the sea.
It took him a lot of time to work up the courage but he called her parents palace
Hi, Mr Jones
Dalton, what's up lad? Is Hope ok?
I was hoping she'd be with you, she left about 3 hours ago
What?! What do you mean?
It's difficult to explain, she broke off the engagement and left!
She must have had her reasons!
She did, but now I'm worried!
Dalton didn't get anything else from Killian at all. Minus a death threat but he had told Dalton he and the rest of Hopes family would find her and he was to stay the hell away.
Back with Hope
Sam had tried to convince Hope she should give in and go home but he had no luck. Luckily he had managed to lure her back to the ship on the false promise of more rum.
He was taking her home, Sam knew the second she entered her cabin she would fall asleep.
Poor Sam had no idea how he was going to explain to her parents how she had gotten herself into such a state, as he now knew it wasn't just rum.
Enchanted Forest
Snow, Charming, Neal, Regina and Robin had all arrived at the palace with plans to search the forest before expanding their search over realms.
Emma and Killian were terrified Hope had done something stupid. The last time she left Dalton she repeatedly told them she couldn't go on without him but they all knew she was too stubborn to go crawling back.
All the family knew was what Dalton had told them, Hope was angry because he was spending to much time working and then she left. He left out the fact he had insulted her but he knew when her father found out he was at risk of meeting Captain Hook.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now