The Wedding

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The day had finally arrived for Hope to marry Dalton (she'd only been waiting 10 years- but who was counting?). She had kicked Dalton out to his castle whilst she, Emma, Darling, Regina, Snow and Violet took up residency at their home.
The whole morning Hope had been her usual relaxed self whilst Snow had not stopped fretting she was running around the house trying to make sure everything was done and ready but she couldn't keep up with herself.
Eventually Hope was dressed and ready to go after her mum had helped her with her hair. Emma had tied it up just as she had worn hers when she and Killian went back in time and she played dress up as Princess Leia.
Upon arrival at the beach everyone abandoned Hope and left her in the carriage with instructions she wasn't to leave until her father came to collect her.
After around twenty minutes Killian had knocked on the carriage door allowing Hope to finally leave, she stepped out and her father began to struggle for air
"Princess you look..."
"I know!" She squealed spinning herself around
"You ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be!"
Hope reached for her fathers hand before quickly having a change of heart and holding onto his hook.
Hopes 1st Birthday
Emma and Killian had finally managed to clear everyone out of their house after the big party Snow had convinced them to throw for Hopes birthday.
The three of them were now in the front room surrounded by mountains of crumpled wrapping paper when Hope began to wobble her way from Killian to Emma.
She quickly looked around for something to grab onto and found her fathers hook. Hope giggled at her father and continued to shuffle her way over to her mother.
Present day
Killian had put this day to the back of his mind for as long as he could remember and now it was finally here. His little girl being not so little anymore.
"Me and your mother decided you should have this!" He smiled holding out Liams ring
"Dad! No!"
"Hope take it! It kept me and your mother safe and now it'll do the same for you!"
"Ok?" She smiled weary that her parents thought she couldn't keep herself safe or even worse they didn't trust Dalton to keep her safe 
"I love you daddy!"
Before Killian could reply he noticed he had subconsciously walked Hope down the aisle and they were now stood in front of Dalton, Killian handed her over as Dalton gently lent in to give him a small hug
"Hurt her and I'll kill you!" He whispered, Dalton pulled back and nodded politely unwilling to upset his father-in-law.
Hope was now stood in front of her family and friends about to marry her true love but something didn't feel right. Something- no- someone was missing.
As ugly as they were Hope had wanted her crew at the ceremony but Thomas had told her if she wanted him to allow the wedding to go on they couldn't be there.
Dalton was looking straight into her eyes and knew exactly what was wrong but proceeded with his vows anyway
"Hope, you are not only the love of my life but you are my best friend! Sure you drive me insane when you ask questions during a film or pull the duvet from me in the night but I wouldn't have it any other way! Many a time you've told me you 'ruin my life' but I want you to and I must say your pretty bad at it! True love is the rarest magic of all but I'm glad I found it! I can honestly say I knew from the moment you said yes to our first date we were going to get married I just can't believe it's actually happening! If Brooke's curse taught me anything it's that no matter where or when or how I choose you in every life!"
By this point Hope was a mess,
"Oh bloody hell!" She laughed "I don't know how we work but we just do! There isn't any amount of words I could use to use to sum up just how in love I am with you! Being with me isn't easy but I'm glad you stick around and just for clarity... you pull the duvet from me! I can't promise the rest of our lives will be easy but I can promise I'll always be around! I even promise to carry on letting you live out your dream of being the fourth Jonas Brother even if it drives me insane!"
Finally the rest of the ceremony was over and Hope couldn't have been happier, sure she was marrying her true love but was there any need for a service to go on for so long?
On their carriage ride over to Daltons castle Hope couldn't help but beam at him. She never thought she would ever be in love with someone as her parents were with each other, but now she was.
"You weren't supposed to tell anybody about my Jonas Brothers dream!" Dalton whined playfully
"Oh sweetie it'd be a crime not too!" She giggled flicking the end of his nose
"Great!" He sighed but Hope continued to giggle at him
He noticed her constant smiling and was slightly nervous as he'd never seen her this happy, he noticed she looked exactly like her mother when she smiled. It was almost as if anything that resembled Killian melted away when she smiled and she was all Emma.
He knew Hope wasn't ready for the conversation yet but he was picturing what their children would look like. He was willing to wait as long as Hope wanted for that. Besides she's a the child of the best cheaters of death the realms had ever seen. She most defiantly wasn't going anywhere anytime soon and even if she did he'd drag her back to him despite the stubbornness he would face in doing so.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now