Did you ever love her?

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Hope and James arrived at Daltons place to find Ana leaving in a rather upset manner that only seemed to worsen when she noticed Hope.
She looked as though she was about to say something but silenced herself as she caught sight of the ten year old boy in front of her.
Hope ushered James inside softly closing the door behind her
"What was that about?" She whispered to Dalton
"Oh...nothing!" He smiled scratching behind his ear nervously.
Hope knew what he really meant was 'something huge just happened but I don't want to tell you because I know you'll freak!'.
So she did what she would've done if they were still married, she let him believe the fact she believed him and would grill him on it later. Right now him meeting their son was their top priority.
Dalton took them both into the lounge when Hope decided she'd head upstairs to her old dressing room in order to leave them to bond.
As she entered the room she noticed everything was exactly how she left it. The whole house looked untouched. She sat in the seat in front of her dressing table and let out a small sigh.
If she hadn't been born with tragedy in her blood maybe her marriage would have worked out differently, maybe her son would've grown up with a father and maybe she wouldn't be listening to her son screaming at her husband (or ex-husband, she wasn't really sure).
"Did you ever love her?" She heard James yell
"I love her!"
"Then why did you leave her? She has no idea I know this but every night for as long as I can remember she cried for you but then she met Zack and the tears stopped and then now we're back here all she does is cry!"
"James, I didn't leave your mother even if I wanted to I couldn't! She has this hold on me and I could run but I don't want to! Your mother is my dream!" Hope couldn't help but let out a few happy tears at the fact that after all these years she was still Daltons dream.
But then she realised James has heard her cry for him all of his life. Great! Now Daltons going to think I'm a bad mum! She thought to herself but she knew he could never think that of her.
"Your her dream too!" James smiled "But your with that other lady and mom knows that, she's also way to nice to tell her to sling her hook!"
"That's funny!" Dalton laughed but James looked at him completely bewildered "You know because your grandpa is Captain Hook?"
"Oh that makes sense! So dad when can I have your kingdom?"
"Slow down!" Hope laughed as she walked into the room throwing herself into her little perch on the couch
"This!" Dalton smiled "This is how I imagined our life!"
"Me too! But fate had other plans, so James do you wanna stay here tonight?"
"Can I?" He asked his eyes widening
"Of course you can! We can watch football and eat junk and you can meet your aunt Darling and cousins Destiny and Drake!"
"Darl has another kid?" Hope asked completely stunned
"Yeah, she ended up marrying Sam! I'm surprised he didn't tell you... hell I'm surprised he didn't ask your headstone for permission!" Dalton laughed
"Who's Sam?" James asked
"My first mate and apparently your uncle!"
"You guys are actually pretty cool!" James laughed realising his dad was a king and his mom was technically a pirate.
"I guess I should head out leave you guys to do your guy stuff!" She smiled grabbing her bag and jacket
"Bye mom!" James smiled wrapping his arms around her torso
"Bye kid! Be good!" She warned before steeping our the room only to reach the front door and be stopped by Dalton.
She let out a small sigh. All she wanted was to let him go so he could marry Ana, help raise James and so she could move on but he wouldn't allow it. He stood in front of her his eyes staring into her soul practically begging for her to stay but she couldn't do it.
"Hope, please!"
"Dalton I can't! You can't! We can't!" She sighed holding back tears (it was moments like this she wished she was as tough as her mother!)
"I left her! After all it's not fair to allow her to think I love her when it's you I want!" He smiled cupping Hope's face
"I love you too!" Oh shit! Now I've done it she thought "But we still can't! I lied to you for ten years, I let you believe I was dead and I know if you had done that to me you would be dead!"
"If you would stop being so stubborn for five minutes maybe we could talk about us!"
"There is no us! Not anymore!" She cried before running out the door and into the forest.
Eventually she arrived back at her parents place only for her mother to read her like the open book she was
"Don't!" Hope sighed raising her hand as if by magic it would shut her up and it did.
She walked straight past her mum and dad and locked herself in her bedroom as if she were 16 again. To be honest it looked like a scene from a Disney Princess movie, you know where they throw themselves on to the nearest object and sob dramatically for like three minutes before they sing? Don't worry she isn't about to sing ;)
As she laid there she realised crying wasn't going to do anything but ruin her makeup and her sheets. So she picked herself up and wandered around her bedroom trying to think of something to take her mind off of what had happened but she couldn't
"Knock, knock!" Emma smiled poking her head around the door
"Hey!" She smiled sadly as Emma sat down beside her on the floor
"You know what your problem is don't you?" She laughed
"Uh... well there's the fact I faked my own death and ruined my life, there's also the fact I'm half villain and we all know villains don't get happy endings and then there's the fact I destroy everything I have!" She sighed dramatically
"I wouldn't have said any of that, I would've said your problem is your too much like me,"
"Is that a bad thing? I mean I could be like dad!" She laughed sadly
"No it's not but it is when you deprive yourself of being happy because your terrified of being hurt! But kid, it's a part of life!" She sighed
"I know! But it's not just me that can get hurt if I go back to him!"
"That's the excuse I used when I was avoiding your father!"
"Ah so you were avoiding me all those years ago Swan!" Killian laughed entering the bedroom
"Not now!" She laughed "But Hope, if you and Dalton don't work out you don't work out James will understand! But it's worth a shot I mean you only get one true love!"
"Uh fine! I'll talk to him tomorrow when he drops James off!"

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now