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Hope woke up on the morning of prom to Hercules snoring loudly next to her. She rolled her eyes and headed for the shower she began to sing
"Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air I know I can't count on you...." Hercules woke up and began to smile. He loved listening to Hope sing she didn't do it as often as she once did it reminded her of Dex but when she did there was often a reason normally it was her way of controlling her happiness or her temper. Hope shut off the water wrapped her hair and body up in a towel and tip toed back into the bedroom
"Oh I thought you were still asleep" she smiled
"No I heard you singing, are you ok?" He smiled back
"Couldn't be better Herc it's the morning of prom and I'm here with you!" She laughed he watched her as she began to dry her hair off she caught him staring and turned off the hair dryer
"What?" She sighed
"Nothing you just look absolutely gorgeous!"
"Please don't lie to me I hate my hair like this!"
"I'm not lying and what's wrong with your hair?"
"It's all straight and horrible!" Hercules made his way over to Hope and nestled his head into her neck
"It looks perfect!" He smiled "speaking of perfect my mother sent these!" He said presenting Hope a large black box. She took it carefully and opened it in the box there was a pink diamond necklace and a pair of earrings to match
"Herc oh my god! They're gorgeous! Call you mum right now!" He laughed and did as she said
Good morning Monkey is everything ok?
Hera hey it's Hope
Hope darling good morning how are you?
I'm brilliant Thankyou I hope your ok
Oh I'm brilliant is Hercules ok?
Yeah Monkey is fine I just wanted to call to Thankyou for the gift
Sweetie it's really no problem Theia had them made last weekend. Also when are you and your family going to come for dinner Zeus has been dying to speak with your father
Aye my Dad would love to see Zeus as well. On a Tuesday we have dinner with our extended family so maybe Wednesday
Oh honey! Let's do the Tuesday that way we can meet all of your family in one swoop before your big birthday ball!
Oh I completely forgot about that! Anyway I really must be going!
Ok love to you both
Hercules was led on Hopes bed dying of embarrassment
"She answered the phone with 'Monkey' didn't she?" He mimicked his mothers voice
"Sure did Monkey!" Hope giggled before Hercules jumped up and tackled her onto the bed "it's cute it also fits with Ducky so!" A few short moments after it seemed the whole of Hopes family had met in her bedroom
"Guys I love you all but I'm perfectly capable of dressing myself!" She laughed
"Oh baby no your not!" Snow smiled "this is a ball now how are we doing your hair and what about your makeup oh and shoes!" She fussed
"Hope babe I'm gonna head downstairs I'll be back in a few hours it'll take me seconds to get dressed!" He laughed
"Aye lad that's a good idea Charming, Robin, Henry you coming?" They all nodded and left.
Five hours later Hope was ready her hair had been pulled back into a loose ponytail that looked an awful lot like Emma's only darker, her makeup was a natural look with glittery eyes and a nude lip and her shoes had kindly been donated by her mother (white converse). Hope gracefully wandered down the stairs her dress flowing behind her to the room Hercules was getting ready in with Zeus, Killian and Charming
"There isn't enough leather on it!" Killian laughed
"I agree!" Hercules laughed as he looked at the normal black suit "do you think Hope will be disappointed if I don't wear it?"
"I don't think she will mind!" Hope giggled
"Ok I feel as if I've just been thrown back to your wedding!" Charming laughed
"Well when you've finished getting ready do you fancy leaving?" Hope laughed
"Hold on lass it took you five hours give him five minutes!" Killian laughed leading her out of the room "you look beautiful Ducky!" Killian cried
"Daddy! I'm going to prom not getting married!" She scolded as she threw her arms around him
"That'll be next though won't it!" He sniffed
"Not yet!" Hercules laughed he had traded his black suit in for a similar looking suit just with a little more leather and a flare of gold "Hope my dear you look stunning!"
"I know you look so good!" She winked. The two wandered out to Pegasus who Zeus has brought with him
"You have to be kidding don't you!" Hope stomped
"Hope stop being a brat!" Henry laughed as she hit him
"Have you seen this dress? What happens if I fall?" She whined
"Hope Jones get on the bloody horse!" Killian laughed she finally gave in and Hercules lifted her on. Mere moments later they had arrived at the school and headed into the gym
"Oh my god Hope you look gorg!" Darling squealed
"So do you now where's Dalton?" She smirked knowing that Dalton hated any event where he had to dress up
"Hopey make them let me go home!" He whined
"Don't Hopey me Dalty now go find May and enjoy yourself!" She laughed as Hercules led her onto the dance floor he placed Hopes hands around his neck and placed his hands on her waist
"I don't want to sound like a bore or a babysitter but can you stick to 2 bottles of rum tonight my dear?" He sheepishly asked her
"For you, I don't see why not!" She giggled as Sam and his date swirled past handing her her first bottle of rum
"Read the label Captain!" Sam winked at first she was hesitant to but then she gave in
To our new Captain on her prom night love the crew of the Jolly Rodger
Hope blushed she had always wanted to Captain her but she felt that the princess part of her life suited her far more. The night flew by and before they knew it prom Queen and King were announced
"Dalton Charming and Hope Jones!" Blue announced
"What?" They laughed
"I've been cheated mate!" Hercules laughed tapping Dalton on the back
"You get one dance!" Hope smiled as she led him to retrieve their crowns.
After prom everyone had wound up back at May's house it was a simple house but nobody minded she was the only person in their friendship group that hadn't come from royalty but they liked it they felt it kept them grounded. August and his wife Penelope came into the front room at around 6:30 in the morning and decided it was time to kick the kids out
"Hope your under orders from your mother to wait here until she comes to get you!" August smiled Hope nodded she knew better than to argue with August it never ended well for her. Hercules made his way over to her and kissed her forehead
"Beautiful, I'm going now call me when you get home your rum bottle has been filled and it's by your shoes!" He smiled as he left the room. Hope began to help May and Penelope clear up when she was told to sit down by Penelope as it was 'preposterous' the princess would even dream of helping tidy up
"Hey August I hope she wasn't to much trouble, she's a bit of a dick after too much rum!" Emma laughed
"Hey Em no she was fine I mean she's thrown up a few times this morning but nothing ridiculous!" He laughed he helped Emma take Hope out to the car where she fell into her seat. Emma fastened her seatbelt and began to drive away
"Hope Jones still has a full bottle of rum? Who are you and what have you done with my daughter?" Emma laughed
"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you in fact it can wait until we get home I'll tell you and Dad together it's sweet actually!"
"Well I won't have to wait much longer go on your Dad has been up all night!" Emma laughed rolling her eyes. Hope dragged herself to the lounge and threw herself down next to Killian who had noticed the full bottle of rum
"That for me lass?" He laughed
"No," she scolded as she checked if her mother was in the room she saw that she was and she began to speak "well last night we were dancing and Sam comes up beside us and hands me this bottle, at first I didn't want to read the label but I gave in it basically says I'm their captain now!" She laughed
"That you are!" Killian smiles "she's yours if you want her!"
"Really! I mean I'd love her but it wouldn't feel right I feel like I'm more inclined to do princessy things like host balls and stuff like that!" Hope smiled she saw her fathers face drop "Daddy it's not that I don't love the sea and the ship because I love them so much it's just I couldn't imagine a life on the sea!" She sighed
"Hope I won't lie I'm thrilled you don't want her! That means I can keep her!" He laughed and evil glint in his eyes "besides after all the bad things that have happened on that ship I didn't really want you to say yes!"
"Why what bad stuff happened on there?" Hopes eyes lit up she had always loved hearing her fathers tales
"Well I lost my brother on that ship, I lost Milah, I lost my hand, I had far to many wenches on there and countless other things!" He sighed
"Yes Killian but what about all the good things that happened on there? Like when we were back in StoryBrooke the only way we'd get little miss 'I don't want to go to sleep' to go to sleep or the fact you traded her to get back to me!" Emma smiled placing her hand on his shoulder
"Exactly Dad so not everything that happened on deck is bad! Also Hera asked if we would ALL go over for dinner on Tuesday I already agreed so!" Hope cackled as she ran out of the room

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now