Water and a song

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Hope awoke with a sudden jolt as she had relived another horrid nightmare of her horrific encounter with Brooke.
The walls of that cage were so confining but somehow Brooke genuinely believed by keeping Hope down there eventually she would fall for her.
In Hopes nightmare she relived the nightly routine Brooke would push her through in which she would wash with a bowl of water so small you wouldn't be able to keep a fish in there, change into one of her own pairs of pyjamas and then lay in the bed whilst Brooke sang that dreaded song to her.
Dalton had noticed Hope was no longer clung to him as she usually would be but instead was sat upright silently crying and she was dripping with sweat
"Brooke?" He asked softly rubbing his eyes as he sat himself up opposite her
"Brooke!" She confirmed as she let out a slight sob
"Anything I can do?"
"Water and a song?" She smiled weakly and Dalton happily obliged, he threw on his joggers he had laying by the bed and tiptoed downstairs.
When he reached the bottom of the stairs he noticed Emma stood in the window watching the sea, it almost looked as if she was still asleep but Dalton knew she most definitely wasn't.
He cautiously approached her lightly placing his hand on her shoulder when she span around to greet him with a smile
"Can't sleep?" She asked quietly trying to refrain from waking Hope or Killian who were both awake and awaiting their significant others return
"Hope had another nightmare... if you can even call them that!" He sighed muttering the last half of his sentence
"Water and a song?"
"Water and a song! How did you know?" He asked instantly regretting his question she's Hopes mom of course she knows that! He yelled to himself
"When she was little she used to have these crazy nightmares that were more like memory's but they were never hers they were mine..." Emma started as a wave of guilt washed over her "anyway, she'd always wake up crying and would ask for a cup of water and a song. Whilst I would sing Killian would fetch the water." She smiled
"That's sweet," he smiled "I'm really sorry I probably should be getting back to her!"
"And you should be coming back to me!" Killian chuckled softly as he grabbed Emma's arm.
Dalton returned to Hopes room to see that she had taken the exact same stance her mother had just been in, again he cautiously approached her but this time he wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed a kiss into the bottom of her neck.
He felt her relax as she took the water from his hand and took a slow sip before leading him back to the bed where he noticed she had been crying but he knew nothing good ever came from pressing her for information so he left it and hoped that in time she would tell him.
He placed her glass of water on the bed side table noticing small rings that had obviously been left behind from milk bottles from when she was little before turning back to Hope allowing him to place her head on his chest.
"Song," she smiled sleepily to which he just nodded and began to sing the only lullaby his mother had ever sang him as a child

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true

By time he had finished his lullaby Hope was blissfully asleep on his chest her fingers intertwined with his. But he couldn't seem to fall back into his sleep as now he was thinking or should I say fearing becoming a parent.
His parents hadn't been all bad when he was growing up in fact he had fond memory's of them when he, Darling and Alexandria were little but the older Alexandria got the less time the twins would spend with their parents.
Alex would often be left to watch the twins whilst their parents went out on dates or to see friends and for a lot of his late childhood he saw Alexandria as a mother rather than a sister.
But in his mothers defence she did as much as she could for her children but her husband was only ever interested in Alexandria.
He would hear tales from his friends at school of the adventures they would go on with their parents and the only 'adventures' he went on were with his sisters on the rare occasion they would be allowed to go to the park.
He made sure Hope was asleep before he lent down to her stomach and started talking to their child
"Hey there little pumpkin this is your daddy, I haven't had chance to talk to you yet with how busy your mother and I are but I assure you we cannot wait to meet you! Your mother is the most amazing woman in the world (don't let Auntie Darling know that or she'll give daddy a slap) and I do not know what I did to deserve her! I promise I will be the best father I can be to you and if that means I give up my kingdom and we return to StoryBrooke then so be it! Now my child it's time I went to sleep on the off chance your mother wakes me up again with another nightmare. I love you!" He whispered.
But only then did he begin to think seriously about raising a child in StoryBrooke instead of the Enchanted Forest, after all that's where his parents went wrong. If they had stayed here instead of going back nothing would have changed and they could've been happy.
Just as he had suspected Hope woke up a few short hours later after yet another nightmare and luckily enough he had managed to cram in a few hours sleep in that time.
Dalton looked over at her before handing her the glass of water that was now slightly warm before pulling her back down to his chest and humming the lullaby to her once more.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now