Sleeping Curses and First Dates

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It was the first weekend after school had started and Hope was still fast asleep in her room
"Hope come on I've left you all morning it's time to wake up!" Emma said opening the curtains this had no effect on Hope which concerned Emma as normally opening the curtains would drive Hope under the duvet she didn't even move
"Hope come on it's dinner time Henry, Jacinda and Lucy are coming over soon you need to get up!" She continued as she gently shook Hope still nothing
"Killian come here!" She shouted panic obvious in her voice Killian came rushing up the stairs and swung in through the door
"Swan what's up is she alright?" A now out of breath Killian asked
"I don't know she won't wake up I've tried opening the curtains, I told her Henry was coming over and I tried shaking her nothings working!" She cried
"You don't think..." Emma looked at Killian with a glare of death
"Don't say that it's not possible!" Emma cried
"Right let me try," Killian said "Hope lass come on it's time to get up your scaring your mum!" But still no response
"Call Snow if it's a you know what then she will know!" Killian said Emma took out her phone and called her mom she explained everything and Snow told her what she really didn't want to hear!
"Killian, mom said it is a sleeping curse!" Emma cried "what if she's stuck like this for- wait!" She said a slight smile arising on her face
"What Swan what?" Killian asked slightly concerned
"Dex! Hope really likes Dex and Ruby told me he likes her what if he can wake her up!" Emma smiled
"No way! They're not in love!" He growled
"Well I'm going to call him and he can try if not we'll have to find another way! I'm not leaving her in that fiery room any longer it's awful in there!" She yelled. Emma left the room to call Dex but he was already at the door
"Dex I was just about to call you Hopes-"
"Under a sleeping curse yeah I know Brooke put her under it!" He told Emma
"Well do you want to try and wake her up!" Emma smirked
"What I don't think it'll work but I can try!" He said Emma led him up to Hopes room where Killian sat beside her he didn't question how he'd got to the palace so fast he just looked away as Dex lent over his daughter and kissed her.
Hope started to move and they thought he had done it but his love wasn't strong enough. Not yet.
"What the bloody do we do now!" Killian yelled
"I don't know why didn't it work?" Emma yelled back
"It wasn't strong enough!" Dex told them "I'm sorry!" He said sliding down the wall
"It's not your fault Dex!" Emma said sitting down next to him "why would Brooke do this I thought her and Hope were friends?"
"They were but Hope began to get more attention than Brooke because of who you guys are and Brooke really didn't like it. She vowed to turn Hope dark so that everyone would fear her but obviously because of Hopes heart it's not possible!"
"So Brooke's jealous of Hope? That's ridiculous!" Emma yelled
"It's getting late I should probably be heading home let me know if there's anything I can do!" Dex called as he walked out
"Aye lad maybe I've been a bit hard on you it's obvious that you care about her but hurt her and I will gut you like a fish!" Killian said stroking his hook "she's not been used in a while!"
"Killian!" Emma scolded "see you later Dex!"
"He's terrified of me and it's brilliant!" He laughed
"Come on we need to eat we've been held up in here since dinner she'll be ok for half an hour it's not like she's going anywhere!" Emma laughed although Killian wasn't amused by her joke. After they had eaten they went back up to Hopes bedroom and sat with her for another 3 hours before deciding they needed to go to bed
"Sleep tight Ducky" Emma said softly kissing her on her forehead secretly hoping it would wake her up but it didn't Emma then got up and left the room leaving Killian alone with Hope
"Right madam it's time you woke up don't you think? I know your mother isn't going to sleep until your awake so here goes nothing!" Killian bent down and kissed his daughters head again nothing happened so Killian turned and began to walk out of the room
"Daddy?" Hope muttered rubbing her eyes
"Hope I'm here it's ok!" He cried running to her side "Your ok your awake now!"
"Where's Mum?" She asked propping herself up
"Hold on I'll go get her!" As her father left the room she pulled her phone out from under her pillow to find 204 messages from her friends
Darling: Hey H are you coming to practise today?
Dalton: I need someone to help me plan a date will you help me?
Dex: Hey Jonesy text me when you wake up Xx
Ana: Hope OMG I've just seen Brooke on a date with Coach Graham's son txt me back!
Dex: Hey Princess I stopped by today but you were sleeping, I tried to wake you up but it didn't work I'm really sorry call me when you wake up there's something I want to ask you! Were only a few messages she had chance to read before her mum came running in
"Oh my god Hope your awake!" She cried pulling her into her arms
"I sure am Dad woke me up!" She said smiling at her dad "oh but you guys need to sleep I'll be alright I can get Nancy to sit up with me or I'll call Dex he wants to ask me something!" She said turning her head away from her parents
"Hope we already know lass, do you think that boy would do anything without my permission?" Killian laughed Hope grabbed his hook and pulled him and her mum out of the room. She ran back over to her bed and called Dex
Jonesy your awake
Yeah sure am my Dad woke me up but what's up what did you want to ask me
Well Princess I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me?
Dex I'd love to pick me up in an hour
Hope it's already quarter to 12
So? We can head to that lake you bang on about so much
As you wish I'll be over in an hour
Ok bye Dex
Bye Princess
Hope hung up the phone and started squealing on her bed she quickly ran to her wardrobe and pulled out her pink floor length dress that her mother doesn't really like put on her makeup re-curled her already curly hair and put on her white cape over the top and headed to the gate and waited for Dex (Play the song)
"Princess," he laughed "you look"
"I know," she smirked "come on we can take my horse" she grabbed his hand and pulled him up they rode through the Forest before the came to the lake
"So I've been wanting to ask you out for months!"
"I know I wanted to ask you but I'm a Princess so I wasn't about to was I" she smirked
"No I'm glad you didn't. Hope you've been on my mind for months your the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep! When you were in your sleeping curse and I couldn't wake you up I was terrified you were never going to wake up!"
"Well I did and if I'm honest I only asked you to start walking to school so I could see you for a little bit longer everyday!"
"That's good to hear! I mean I'm still terrified of your father and his hook but not as terrified as I am of losing you!"
Dex stood up and held his hand out Hope stood up and took it the pair waltzed their way around the lake
"But there's nothing to be afraid of even when the night changes!" Dex started to sing
"It'll never change me and you!" Hope finished the line before he booped her nose as he had done since they were little. As they continued to dance Dex began to talk
"You know I am actually really glad you made me pick you up when you did!" Dex laughed
"Well I would have only been sat up in my room on my own watching the same 10 films over and over!" She smiled
"Well Jonesy I feel like it's time I take you home!" He frowned looking down at his watch
"I swear we've only been here like 15 minutes!" She sighed
"Hope it's half past 6!"
"Oh crap I need to get back before my parents realise I'm gone!" The pair quickly climbed upon to Hopes horse and raced back through the Forest when they eventually reached the castle Dex helped Hope down off of her horse and kissed her hand
"Hope," he started "I love you!" Hope didn't know what to say
"Great!" She said as she ran back off into the palace
"Bye then!" He called as he started to walk home.
"Your up early Hope!" Her mum laughed walking towards her
"Don't tell Dad but me and Dex went to the lake!" She giggled
"Dad already knows love!" Killian said stepping off the bottom step "come with me" he said Hope grabbed onto his arm and walked back up the stairs towards her parents bedroom Emma following closely behind
"What are we doing in your room?" She asked her parents
"Look out the window Hope" her mum laughed
"Bloody hell!" She said putting her head in her hands "you guys saw!"
"It was sweet your Dad even cried!" Emma laughed as Killian rolled his eyes
"I don't think we'll be going out again!" Hope said sitting in between her parents
"Why not Ducky?" Emma asked as Hope put her head on her shoulder
"Dex told me he loves me and I replied with 'great' and then ran back inside!" Hope cried
"Hope you've been telling Dex you love him since you learnt how to say it!" Emma sighed stroking Hopes hair
"I know but it's different this time it's not like I'm just saying 'love you' it's a big deal to say 'I love you'" Hope sighed as she held her Dads hook, for as long as she could remember her fathers hook had helped soothe her everyone else was terrified of it but not Hope
"Aye it must run on your mothers side it took her almost dying to tell me she loved me" he laughed "now if I had any feeling in that Hook I'd tell you your squeezing it far to hard so somethings telling me that this isn't just about Dex is it?" Hope looked everywhere but at her parents until her mum turned her head to look at her
"Fine! It's not it's just if I tell Dex I love him too then Brooke has leverage especially after her sleeping curse was broken!" She cried
"Ah so you love him!" Emma cheered
"Not the time Swan! Hope no matter what Brooke tries to do to you you will always beat her! Like me your a survivor but your also the Pirate Princess!" Killian told her
"Your right!"
"I am? Yeah of course I am!"
"I'll just have to face her the old fashioned way!" Hope smiled

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