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Three days after Hopes minor meltdown the family had arrived at what was Daltons palace.
Brooke had taken up residence there during the curse and had refused to give it back upon his return.
Hope and her family snuck into the palace using the staff entrances and when they found her Hopes blood boiled. She was with Melody helping to plan her wedding. The wedding that should have been Hopes.
As the family made their positions around the throne room Hope stepped out and made her presence known.
"Hey ladies!" She smiled "So what are we discussing? How to curse a kingdom because you have I'm-a-jealous-bitch disease? How to be a home wrecking little whore?"
"Hope! You should have called, I would have lit a fire for you to fall into!" Brooke laughed as Hope sneered at her
"Jonesy, I didn't mean for it to look how it does, but you did leave him!" Melody gulped
"Oh do us all a favour and piss off! I left him then within a week you sank your fishy little claws into him!" Hope laughed but Melody was far less than amused by Hopes little 'joke'. She marched over to her and slapped her
"Wow! See a slap would have probably hurt if you'd had done it a little more like....this!" She laughed as she punched Melody square in the face.
Out of the corner of her eye she could see her parents slightly enjoying watching her defend herself but she could see they were terrified she was about to go dark.
Melody stumbled back and hit the floor leaving Brooke speechless. Sure she knew Hope could pack a punch but she'd never seen her knock anybody out before.
Brooke got up from her throne and strutted over to Hope, she circled her looking her up and down as she did so she drew her sword and started to prod Hope with it
"Sharper than you that!"
"Where has this new found confidence come from Hope? I seem to recall you were far less mouthy when you watched me murder my brother!"
"Please, you had my heart!"
"Oh yeah!" Brooke laughed as she began to dig the blade into Hopes arm
"See, I may have killed a few people but I had my reasons for all of those but you... you killed your brother because?"
"I felt like it!" She growled as she traced her blade up Hopes arm
"Brooke, if your going to fight me get on with it... if not shut up and sit the hell down!"
"I want to know why your here!"
"Ugh please you know why I'm here! You cursed my family because your a jealous person! Now if you'd go quietly that'd be much appreciated!" Hope smirked as she threw her hands dramatically towards the door.
But Brooke refused to go quietly and began to put up a fight, for the majority of their duel Hope managed to beat her. That was until Brooke began to use magic
"Ah! Now that is bad form!" Hope yelled wafting her finger in her face as she slashed Brooke's leg. To Hopes disgust she quickly healed herself and continued to fight with her.
"Bad form? Sweetie I'll show you bad form!" Brooke took a swing at Hope but completely missed her. Hope pretended to be hurt before turning around and laughing in Brooke's face.
Brooke decided she would go for the scar across Hopes chest but Hope knew she would do that and so blocked her every move.
"You see Hope, it doesn't matter that my curse was broken because a whole new curse was born from it!"
"And what was that?"
"Your loneliness! Now that is a curse I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy... oh wait your my worst enemy! So I take it back I would wish it upon you!"
"I'm not alone!"
"Yes sweetie you are! Being alone is the worst curse imaginable!" 
Hope began to worry Brooke had noticed her family were there and had done something to them but they were all still stood in their positions. Why hadn't they got involved yet? What were they doing?
During Hopes brief moment of thinking Brooke flung her across the room knocking her out cold.
The rest of the family came out from where they had been hiding and began to fight with Brooke themselves.
As much as her parents wanted to be by Hopes side whilst she was unconscious they knew it would take everything the family had to defeat Brooke.
After around an hour of fighting Brooke finally gave in and decided to go with the Charming's willingly. Dalton appeared in the palace looking for Melody when he saw Hope sprawled out on the ground.
He saw Melody in the other side of the room but noticed Hope had blood pouring from her head and her family surrounding her.
He ran over to where she lay and dropped to his knees beside her. Killian and Emma shot him a death stare but he continued to hold her hand.
"Hope, come back to me!" He begged as tears began rolling down his face but there was no response.
He felt awful. She looked almost lifeless, she wasn't dead she was still breathing.
Killian lifted her up from the ground as Emma healed her head. The family made their way out of the palace and allowed Dalton to help his bride up from the floor.
Even though she had left him Dalton couldn't bring himself to hate Hope. He couldn't even dislike her.
Dalton was still madly and uncontrollably in love with her. Melody knew this and knew she had to come clean and tell him the truth
"Dalton? I have to tell you something!"
"When we were cursed I was living with Hercules as like house-mates or something anyway we fell in love and are still in love!"
"Maybe we could come to some sort of arrangement?" He beamed a wicked tint in his eyes.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now