Where are you?

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*2 weeks later*
Hope was still missing and the family had began to fear the worst, Snow had repeatedly told the family they needed to have hope but how could they do that when they had no idea where she was or if she was even alive?
"She's her mother's daughter," Killian awkwardly chuckled
"What's that supposed to mean?" Emma snapped, she never really got annoyed with Killian but since Hope had disappeared everyone seemed to annoy her she'd threatened to kick Killian out a few times
"I'm saying she's stubborn and if she's even half as stubborn as you are love she's completely fine!" Emma rolled her eyes but she agreed with him, Hope was hardly the running scared type she and Killian had made sure of that.
The only lead the family had was her phone which really wasn't much help, Hope had dropped it during her call with Dalton. He had hardly slept since she had vanished, Darling had tried everything to get him to sleep even if it was for 10 minutes but he refused.
Regina had tried locator spells but whoever or whatever had Hope had made sure she couldn't be found. The family thought they knew exactly who had taken her but they couldn't be sure.
If Brooke had her she would be taunting them but they'd heard absolutely nothing from her. Henry had told the family how incredibly guilty Lucy felt and they all had the same opinion which was that she should.
Even when the family had to work there were still people out looking for her, the dwarves had gone below ground looking for her but there was no sign of her, blue and the fairies kept an eye on who entered and left the realm whilst Hades had agreed to keep an eye out for her in the underworld.
Dalton had been keeping Hopes phone with him at all times on the off chance she found a way to contact them but nothing ever came through.
That was until he was working and the phone started to flash. He dropped everything he was doing and rushed over to the phone to see he had received a text followed by a photo
Your no closer to finding your princess! But I have her right here, don't worry she isn't going anywhere! You don't know how hard it is for me not to put this bitch to sleep for one hundred years!
Below the message was a photo of Hope either passed out or sleeping in what appeared to be an exact replica of their room. He quickly had her family meet at his castle where he would show them all the message and the photo that went along with it.
"Oh my god!" Snow yelped her eyes lined with tears
"Well at least we know she's alive?" Robin smiled trying to throw some hope around
"I don't know," Regina sighed "lover boy didn't look at the photo too well,"
"Excuse me?" Dalton snapped
"Look beneath her hair! That pillowcase is covered in blood and unless she's sharing a room I'm going to say that's Hopes blood!"
"No! I won't have it! She's a Jones!" Killian yelled as Emma placed her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down
"Maybe that's not enough!" Charming sighed
"Come on! You can't seriously think it's over!" Henry cried
"Of course it's not!" Dalton defended "everyone is out looking for her it won't take long for us to find her!"
"You've been saying that for two weeks!" Neal snapped
"What would you care? You've not spoken to her since Henry's wedding!" Emma yelled
"Em! Don't, I wanted to I really did but I just couldn't!"
"Shut up!" Regina yelled "We're never going to find her if we continue to rip each other apart!"
Just then there was a knock at the door and despite Daltons constant yelling for them to go away they let themselves in. Luckily it wasn't anyone he could fire or do anything to without Hope hating him.
"Sam? What are you doing here?" Henry asked
"Well, you lot need a kick up the arse! Last night me and the boys were on the way to the tavern when we heard crying..."
"Hope!" They all cried
"Yes...no... maybe. We don't know all we know is that we heard crying and then this all mighty roar!"
"Your joking right?" Dalton laughed "because Hope isn't scared of Lions!"
"Isn't she? She clearly never told you what happened when we were away!" He chuckled
"She doesn't talk much of her year away, she isn't exactly proud of the person she was!" Emma smiled sadly
"She's a beast when we go away!" Sam howled
"So where did you hear this crying?" Regina coughed desperately trying to get everyone to regain their focus
"Oh about twenty minutes away from the docks and about a five minute walk from the Charming's castle!"
"Your kidding?" Charming sighed "if she was that close to us surely we should've heard her?"
"To be fair her crying wasn't that loud we only heard it because it was absolutely silent in the forest!"
"Great! So my wife is in some bunker somewhere absolutely terrified but we can only find her in complete silence!"
"Calm down mate!"
"Calm down? You think I can be calm? She may be your daughter but she's my wife! I don't intend to let her die because I couldn't find her in time!"
The family sat back in shock, sure Dalton was authoritative hell he had to be as the king but he was never like that toward them. Mostly because he was absolutely terrified of receiving a left hook from Killian or a quick blast of saviour magic from Emma.
Dalton knew he loved Hope more than life itself but he also knew she was her parents whole world. If anything happened to her he knew her parents would never forgive themselves and it would probably kill them.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now