Henry and Hope

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14 years ago....
"Henwy sad?" A tiny Hope asked running into her brothers bedroom
"No Hope!" He smiled ,it was obvious he had been crying  Hope rushed over and climbed up onto his bed where he lay she threw her arms over her brother and began to shake him
"No sad!" She giggled
"Oh Hopey!" He smiled once more "what am I going to do?" He sighed
"Me know!" She said running out of the room Henry sat himself up and waited for her to return. Hope came flying back in with Henry's storybook and opened it to Regina she pointed at Regina and shouted
"What about auntie Regina?" He asked with a look of confusion slapped across his face. Hope pretended to rip out Henrys heart
"Biolet!" She pointed at Henry "Gina!" She giggled pointing at herself
"Hope!" Henry laughed "we are not going to rip out Violets heart besides Mommy already did that!" He said tickling Hopes side Hope flailed around on the bed whilst Henry tickled Her
"You've done it Hope! You cheered him up!" Emma smirked leaning into the door
14 years later...
"Knock knock" Hope gently called into her brothers bedroom
"Hope hey what's up?" He said quickly wiping his tears away
"Henry I may be legally blind without my glasses or contacts but I can clearly see you've been crying!" She said raising her eyebrow as she leaned into the door frame
"Shut up I'm not crying!" He laughed throwing a pillow at her
"Oh yeah I definitely bought that one! Your a terrible liar just like mum!" She giggled wandering over to the bed "you know your worth 10 of her!" She said punching her brother in the arm
"Am I? I guess she has a point I mean I missed my daughters first steps because I was off fighting some trolls somewhere!" He cried
"Admittedly that wasn't one of your finest hours but Henry when she met you she knew who your family were! She knew what she was getting into 14 years ago so obviously somethings changed and she's pinning it on the monster slash curse slash everything else chasing!" Hope giggled
"Your right! But what do you think she met someone else? Or maybe she doesn't want me anymore? She used to love the monster chasing she said it was 'heroic'!" He sighed
"Henry what changed is you had a child! Look at Mum and Dad sure they still do whatever it is you guys do but nowhere near as much as they used to and it kills them I know it does!" She sighed "the issue with this family is occasionally we put the good of our people before thinking of ourselves like Grandpa and Grandma putting Mum through the wardrobe to break the curse or Mum letting Gideon kill her so she could save all of you!"
"Hope when did you grow up?" He laughed
"Urm in the 14 years you were gone!" She laughed "so what are you going to do big bro?"
"Well Jacinda made it very clear she didn't want me back no matter what I do so what if I go for shared custody of Lucy?" He said
"I like it but maybe you should find somewhere to love permanently I mean I love you being home and stuff but now it means theirs one more person to sneak past when I decide to get pissed!" She smiled
"He's not going anywhere!" Emma smiled leaning on the door "at least you cheered him up Hope!"
Hope rolled her eyes before turning to Henry
"Ok if your going to stay I have three rules!" She sweetly smiled
"Go on!" He said screwing his face up
"1. No grassing to Mum or Dad when I get drunk. 2. You must always bring me a hot chocolate when you make yourself one and finally rule 3. No eating my food out of the fridge!"
"Ok I can deal with them!" He laughed as he put her into a head lock and began to rubbing her head
"Henry! Get off of me! Mummy tell him!"
"Swan did we fall through another time travel portal?" Killian laughed looking at a now fighting Henry and Hope
"You'd think so he's almost 33 and he's arguing with his 16 year old sister like their four!" She laughed "as much as he's hurting right now I'm actually pretty glad he's home. I know it sounds terrible but they never had this!" She said wafting her hand over the pair of them
"Mummy!" Hope wailed
"Urm no you don't get to call for help you started it!" Henry yelled
"No you started it!" Hope yelled back throwing her hands on her hips
"Yeah right!" He laughed
"Alright you two that's enough!" Emma laughed as her and Killian stepped in between them both. Hope threw herself to the floor and began to throw a tantrum and as she did Emma and Killian were thrown back to 11 years ago.
11 years ago....
"Hope it's bedtime come on" Emma said picking a five year old Hope up off of the couch
"No!" She yelled arching her back
"Hope Jones!" Killian yelled from behind her
"Daddy I'm not tired! Can we watch Monsters Inc? Please!" She cried sticking out her bottom lip as always she got her own way. That child had her parents and the rest of her family wrapped around her little finger. After the film had finished Hope decided she still wasn't tired and that she wanted to throw a tantrum she threw herself to the floor and began to scream
"No! No Daddy I'm not tired!" She yelled as Killian picked her up "OW!" She screamed in the midst of trying to pick Hope up whilst she was kicking and screaming she had caught her leg on Killian's hook
"Oh my baby girl I'm so sorry!" He panicked "Daddy's so silly!" He said as he wiped her tears away Hopes tears soon stopped especially as she now realised she could squeeze another film out of her parents.
11 years later...
"Hope your 16 pick yourself up and go and calm down!" Killian suggested although it was more of an order
"Ugh he's been back like 5 hours and your already taking his side!" She screamed as she ran off to her room
"Leave her!" Emma yelled just then they heard Hope's bedroom door slam "she's just being dramatic it's what she does best!" Emma laughed as Killian nodded in agreement. Emma and Killian left Henry's room and headed for the lounge where they sat and watched crappy Sunday night TV.
"Do you think it was a bad idea for Henry to move back in?" Emma sighed
"No love, Hopes been used to having our undivided attention and now Henrys home she will just have to suck it up!" He laughed
"What if she doesn't what if this ruins their relationship?"
"Don't be ridiculous me and my brother fought all the time when we were younger. He'd beat the crap out of me and then bring me rum later on!" He laughed they heard the sound of padded footsteps in the corridor behind them
"Hope?" Emma yelled
"No mom it's me!" Henry smiled as he lent round the door "I decided I have to be a grown up and apologise!" He sighed if there was one thing Henry hated doing it was apologising a little habit he picked up from Regina
"Considering in this situation you are the grown up yeah I'd say it's for the best!" Emma smiled. Henry left the room and headed up to Hopes room
"Knock knock!" He called pushing the door open with his foot
"Go away!" Hope yelled
"I guess I'll just have to drink both of these hot chocolates with cream and cinnamon then?" He smirked
"Don't be stupid give me one!" She smiled
"Hope I'm sorry about earlier. It's just difficult you know?"
"I know it's ok, you've gone from living with Regina to living with mum to living with Jacinda and then to living with me mum and dad it can't be easy!" She smiled
"I'm glad you get it!" He smiled before his smile turned to tears
"Hey! Oh shit did I put my foot in it?" She whispered
"No you just reminded me of something" he sobbed she tilted her head which made Henry smile she looks like a puppy when she does that "that maybe I should still fight for Jacinda!"
"Did I say that?" She said in a high pitched voice
"You didn't have to all those years ago almost 20 I watched your dad follow my mom to the ends of the earth and time. And for the most part she wouldn't even admit her feelings but it's like your Dad told Grandpa they fought for their love and won!"
"Henry that's different and deep down you know it!" She sighed handing him a tissue
"No it's not Hope your Dad has taught me everything I know about love with a little bit of help from Robin and Grandpa but most of it was your Dad!" Hope smiled a weak smile at her brother she was proud of her Dad but terrified for Henry
"It doesn't really matter what I say now does it?" Hope sighed Henry shook his head "at least go in the morning!" She sighed once more
"Yes I'll go after Lucy's gone to school!"

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now