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Hope had spent the night with her parents and her brother going through boxes of stuff Snow had found cleaning out the castle and Hope could think of nothing but Dalton.
She knew they were destined to be together, even when she was with Zack she really wanted to be with Dalton. Nobody knew her half as well as he did.
He knew all the subliminal things about her and all the weird things as well, like the fact she couldn't go sleep without a cup of tea or she could only eat ice cream in the summer because the thought of eating it in the winter was preposterous.
Zack had tried to know everything but Hope wouldn't let him, she claimed he knew everything about her but he didn't. He didn't know half of it.
Come to think of it James didn't even know all the things his father did but he had slowly morphed into his father as he got older.
Even without Dalton being there his gentlemanliness had shone throne in James. He would hold doors open, pull out chairs and throw his mom a pair of socks when he knew her feet were cold and she was to tired (or too lazy) to move.
"Hope!" Henry clicked
"Yeah...sorry I spaced out!" She smiled
"I know! Anyway what I've been asking for the last twenty minutes I'll ask now... are you hungry?"
"Stupid question I'm always hungry!" She laughed as the two of them raced to the kitchen
"Do you think they'll ever grow up?" Killian laughed to Emma
"If their anything like you... then no!"
Emma and Killian sat in the lounge looking through the last of the boxes when they came across a story Henry had written especially for Hope. So when the two of them returned their parents presented it to them and they both burst into tears remembering all the nights they had spent sat with that very book.
It was essentially a child friendly version of how Emma and Killian met. Of course the beanstalk section of the story remained as it was but parts like the underworld and Camelot were rendered a lot less gruesome and harsh than they actually were.
Hope was thirteen before she was actually told their story in full. When she found out both of her parents had been dark ones she didn't speak to them for a week as she feared they had done terrible things to people but then found out nothing they did was that bad.
The next evening Dalton returned James to Hope and she decided she should probably speak with him. So she took him out to her tree as she figured it was only fitting they rekindled their relationship where it started.
"Hope, I've come to terms with the fact we won't ever get back together so the fact you brought me here actually hurts!" He sighed as he lent into the tree
"Well it's a good job I intend on healing that wound isn't it?" She smiled sarcastically
"I don't follow?"
"Please don't make me spell it out!" She begged
"Oh! You want...?"
"Mhm!" She smiled nodding her head
"Maybe I don't want to!"
"What?" She gulped immediately regretting her whole life
"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" He laughed pulling her into him
"Good! I was hoping I'd get to sleep in our bed tonight!"
"You want to come home?" He smiled
"Well yeah. I mean I'm 37, married and have a child I think it'd be weird if I still lived with my parents!"
"Ok, but I need you to promise me something..." he sighed softly "no running, no walls, just you and me!"
"Maybe!" She smiled "I can't promise no walls! When I get scared that's when they go up!"
"I guess that's fair so I'll promise you there will be no fear so long as I am around! I can't lose you again Hope! I don't think I'll survive!"
"You won't lose me!" She giggled
"Great! So what do you say we go get our son and go home?"
Home the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.
Something Hope hadn't known in a long time, she'd had a home with James but it wasn't the same as the one she was about to return to with her husband.
James was delighted with the news his parents were back together and so were the rest of the family. Although Killian still felt he deserved a left hook for his behaviour during the ten years his daughter was 'dead'. Luckily for Dalton Hope had her father wrapped around her little finger so he managed to escape his fate of having a permanent black eye.
On the carriage ride back to their home James decided it was time he asked a very important question
"Can I have a sister?" He asked as he watched out the window. Hope almost choked when she realised what he had asked and then again when she realised Dalton was giving her his best puppy eyes
"What about a dog?" She asked hoping it would change his mind but unfortunately for her he had inherited her stubbornness

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now