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It had been 10 years since Brooke had cast her curse and she couldn't have been more pleased with herself if she had tried.
She had taken over Daltons kingdom in his absence (at least what was left of it), forced Regina to give up her child, placed everyone in loveless marriages and as for Hope... well she became everything she Brooke had always wanted her to be.
Even from the Enchanted Forest Brooke was still controlling every move made in StoryBrooke. She had everyone in the palm of her hand. The purpose of the curse was to punish Hope, her family and everyone they cared about in an attempt to punish them for having lives she envied.
Leia had been working in her bar when she received a visit from Sheriff Swan and Deputy Hood regarding the recent murder.
"I don't know how many times we've been over this but I'll go over it one more time for you and your lap dog! I was not involved in this murder, I have no idea who the victim is and no I don't know who would have done it!"
"Miss Morrison we know you murdered him, it's only a matter of time before we prove it! Also I'd prefer it if you didn't refer to my husband as a lap dog!"
"Yeah whatever, now if you'd kindly leave I have customers to serve!" Leia snarled as she strutted away.
Sure she had murdered Dex but there was no evidence tying her to it. She hadn't left a single hair or footprint behind, she never did.
Swan had been trying to catch her out for years, over the last however long she'd murdered at least 20 men.
For the rest of the night she continued to serve people flirting with a few of the regular guys until a new face showed up.
He sat at the bar and couldn't tear his eyes away from her, Leia shot him a look that clearly stated continue to look at me and I'll be the last thing you look at. But he payed no attention to her warning.
She figured she may as well lap up his attention so she made the conscious effort to over dramatise all of her movements. As she strutted up and down the bar she swayed her hips with more force than she had previously, she maintained eye contact with him as she flirted with other guys and bit her lip as he spoke to her.
"Alright what's your deal?" She laughed as she sat herself on the bar in front of him
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"What's going on with you? Your eyes have looked at nothing other than me or my arse all night!"
"Oh sorry! It's just your absolutely gorgeous my dear!" He wasn't wrong every man in the bar agreed with him and Leia knew it. The way her hair fell down her back, her eyes that any sailor could drown in and a laugh that was so infectious even those who considered themselves immune would fall.
But there was something strangely familiar about this man from his eyes to the way he called her my dear, it felt as if she'd been with him in a past life or something stupid like that.
Leia continued to go about the rest of her night as she usually would but for the life of her she couldn't stop thinking about the guy from earlier.
His perfectly combed hair, those deep brown eyes and boy did he know how to dress. Most guys that drank in Leia's bar looked like they'd rolled out of bed and picked something up off the floor but this guy had a perfectly fitted suit and Leia loved it.
She debated with herself all night as to weather or not she would call him (he'd left his number on a napkin). She thought about it but then came to the realisation he didn't need to be dragged into her mess of a life, nobody had ever wanted her.
Not even her parents.
She pushed the napkin into the bin and began to lock up when she felt a tap on her shoulder
"Look Swan I didn't do it!" She huffed
"Do what?"
Leia quickly turned herself around to see the guy from earlier stood in front of her
"You?" She laughed "let me guess... your here to ask why I didn't call?"
"No! I mean I'm not that desperate!"
"Love your here at half two in the morning!"
"I suppose maybe I am a little!" He laughed realising his actions screamed desperation "I just couldn't stop thinking about you, yeah I get your desperation comment now!"
"So why are you here?"
"I came to ask you to dinner, tonight at my place?"
"Sure I mean Sunday's are usually pretty slow so why not?"
"Great! I've got your number so I'll text you my address and a time?"
"Wha- how?"
"I have my ways!" He smirked as he slipped off into the darkness.
During her walk home Leia noticed two people wandering the town. Normally she wouldn't have cared but it was 2:40 what could anyone be doing out at this time?
She didn't recognise either of the two strangers which was strange considering everyone had fallen into her bar at least once.
The two people began to walk faster and in Leia's direction. Anyone else would have been terrified but not Leia she was the only person that struck fear into people around those parts.
"Hope!" The boy cried as he attempted to throw his arms around her
"What do you mean no?" The girl laughed
"I mean I'm not Hope!" The two looked at Leia and then at each other before repeating the same action a few times over.
"It's the curse! Brooke must have wiped everyone's memories!"
"Curse? Wow! Maybe you guys should go speak to Henry!" She sniggered as she pushed passed them
"Henry!" They both smiled
"Where is he?" The boy smiled. Leia looked at them both in utter confusion, why on earth would anyone want to speak with that whack job?
"On the psych ward! I mean sure it was kinda funny at first and then it got boring, so Mayor Mills locked him up about 5 years ago!"

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now