Letting him in

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Just because I know it helps some people. The photo up there ^^ is how I imagine Dalton to look... obvs I know it's Douglas Booth but yeah.

"Hope! Come on get up!" Henry yelled from outside of her bedroom
"Five more minutes!" She moaned throwing her head under the pillow
"Now Hope!" Henry growled as he opened the door. He walked in to find Hope wrapped up in her duvet with her hair giving away her position under the pillow.
Henry pulled back the duvet and the pillow so Hope would actually get up
"Have you not moved back out yet?" Hope sarcastically smiled as Henry shook his head
"No that's what we're doing today!" He smiled
"Correction, that's what your doing today I have a date!"
"Your date isn't until tonight! Please Hope!" He pleaded. Hope gave in but only to shut him up. He pulled her out of bed and pushed her to his room where everything had already been boxed up with the exception of a few small trinkets.
"You kept it!" Hope smiled as she lifted a small photo frame she had made for Henry when she was 5.
"Of course I did!" He laughed as he looked at it. The frame had been made with lollipop sticks, swan feathers and almost a whole bottle of glue. The photo in the frame was one of him and Hope on her 4th birthday the pair of them were covered in cake that Hope had smashed all over them.
Henry never let it out of his sight, it had been hung in his home with Jacinda (despite her protests) and it would be hung in his and Violets new home.
As Henry and Hope loaded the last of the boxes onto Charming's truck they had borrowed for the day Henry became very emotional.
He said that when he left home last time he didn't feel this upset but for some reason he did this time. He said didn't know if it was because of how close he had become to hook since he had moved back in or how he felt and Emma had caught up on lost time. But he did know why it was harder to leave this time, it was because of Hope.
As they sped through the forest they drove through a large town where they were pulled over by the towns sheriff.
"You know who we are don't you?" Hope laughed as he handcuffed them both
"I know who you are but that doesn't excuse the speed you were driving at!" He yelled as he threw them both into separate cells.
It felt like they had been sent back in time to the old west especially considering the state of the station they were being held in. The station itself looked like a stack of wood that had been pushed together during the dark curse as 'shelter'.
After a few hours Regina came stomping into the station demanding that the sheriff free both of them of he would spend the rest of his life in his own cell. But despite the threat he still refused to let them out and stated Regina had no authority in this town as it was ruled by the Charming's.
"Hold on as in Dalton and Darling Charming?" Hope laughed
"Yes!" The sheriff hissed
"Well bring your king here and have him decide our fate!" Hope smiled. Whilst she Regina and Henry knew exactly what she was doing the Sheriff had no idea and called the king to come and have the criminals permanently imprisoned for their crimes.
Henry still had no idea why they thought speeding was so bad, he was hardly over the speed limit. Dalton and his admiral came flying through the town on horseback the sheriff looked at Hope with smugness but Hope just mirrored the face back at him.
"Sheriff why have you called us here?" The admiral demanded
"Well Admiral, they were speeding through our town and could have easily killed someone!"
"And that's why we're here? This is ridiculous! Show me to their cells!" Dalton hissed. The sheriff pushed open the door and saw Hope stood behind bars her forearms poking out and resting on them whilst she pouted at him.
"Do you know who they are?" Dalton yelled
"Y...yes your highness he is a royal from the neighbouring kingdom! But she," he hissed as he looked at Hope "she is a filthy pirate! She is a murderer!"
"How dare you refer to Princess Hope as filthy!" He yelled as he unlocked Hopes cell. He lifted her out and placed a light kiss onto her cheek before unlocking Henry's cell.
Hope strutted over time the sheriff and whispered into his ear
"The pirate part isn't that bad love. Be careful who you lock up next time!" She warned "for all you know she's sleeping with the king!" She winked as she strutted out
Regina smiled at the Sheriff before she, as promised, locked him up in his own cell where he would spend the rest of the year for unjustly imprisoning royals.
Hope climbed up into the truck before Henry kicked her back out
"Ow!" She yelled as she fell to the floor "what was that for?"
"You have a date!" He smiled as he flicked his eyes up to Dalton who had now began to assist Hope up.
He lifted Hope up to his horse whilst he delivered orders to his Admiral regarding the next trip they would be taking.
"Now my dear I do believe we have a date to get to?" He laughed
"I believe we do!" She smirked as they rode of towards the beach.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now