Wedding Anniversary

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It was the day after Hopes first hangover and she was feeling positively normal although when she woke up she realised she wasn't in her bedroom
"Mum, Dad?" She called but she got no answer she recognised the room but she didn't know why she looked around and realised this was Henrys room when he was living at home although it was now a lemony colour and was known as Guest Room 1. She left the room and made her way back to her own bedroom but even before she made it up the stairs she could smell the alcohol. Eventually she had made it up the stairs and into her room but it was disgusting no wonder her parents had not let her sleep in there she heard footsteps coming up the stairs and presumed it was one of her parents it wasn't it was Nancy the maid
"Morning Princess!" She curtseyed
"Good morning Nancy if you wouldn't mind please would you help me tidy?" She smiled
"Actually Princess your father insists you tidy on your own" she frowned. Nancy enjoyed helping the Princess, well she enjoyed cleaning for anyone she said it helped her calm down
"Oh ok how do I get rid of the smell?" She asked
"Well let's try opening your doors, take your sheets off and I will have them washed" Nancy instructed her
"Ok then what?"
"Collect up all of your dirty laundry and put it in the basket, then you need to tidy your dressing table, straighten your curtains and maybe hang your dresses back up" Nancy told her before leaving with her laundry.
"Hope are you up here?" Her father called
"Yes Dad I've been cleaning!" She huffed
"Aye so you have well done lass come on I'll cook us a pirates breakfast of Grapefruit and-"
"Boiled mackerel Dad I know the drill!" She laughed as she and her father made their way down to the kitchen there was staff everywhere which confused Hope as normally there weren't many people around normally she would see the regular guards on the gate and the regular maids who would clean up every little mess Hope made on her way around the castle
"Dad why are there so many people here?" She asked
"I have no idea, hold on what's the date!" Killian asked
"May 7th why?" Hope answered
"Wedding anniversary! Bloody hell I forgot!" Killian shouted as he ran out of the palace
"Morning ducky" Emma smiled
"Mum I'm almost 17 you can stop calling me that now!" Hope growled
"Hmm I think not," Emma giggled "let me guess your dad forgot what day is was and rushed out to find something?"
Hope smirked at her mum they both knew that he had. He forgets it every year without fail. The first year they both forgot because Emma was pregnant with Hope the next Killian was away on a royal voyage and all the others just faded into a blur
"How long have you been married now mum?" Hope asked
"Urm let me think I think it's 17 years we got married the year before you were born so yeah it's 17 years" Hope looked at her mum in amazement "what?" She laughed
"I don't think I could put up with anyone for that long!" Hope laughed
"You put up with Dex for that long, I think he's your happy ending you know!" Emma smirked
"Will you shut up! I'm sure there's a heard of angry baby dragons somewhere!" She laughed. The two sat in silence and awaited Killian's return they waited hours and hours but still no sign of him
"Hope call your father will you?" Emma shouted from her bedroom
"Yes mum" she called back
"Dad hey where are you?" Hope asked as she took a bite from her toast
"On my way back I bumped into your Uncle Liam and Nemo in town, Hope are you eating!" He asked she could practically hear the look of disappointment on his face
"Dad you've been gone nearly three hours I was hungry and didn't fancy waiting any longer!" She laughed
"Alright well I'll be back in a matter of minutes" before she could even hang up the phone he came running through the palace doors with a bouquet of pink roses and a black jewellery box
"Dad psst what's in the box?" Hope whispered her dad gave her his you'll have to wait and see look. Emma came down the stairs in the dress she wore on their very first date
"Swan you look stunning!" He gawped
"You look..."
"I know I look a mess I'm really sorry I forgot again" he said taking Emma's hand and kissing her
"Errr get a room you guys!" Hope called from the couch. Killian led Emma into the room where Hope was sat and gave her the box Hope lifted herself up from the couch to be nosey
"Oh Killian I love them!" In the box were two pairs of earrings one were a pair of glass swans the other a pair of diamond ducks. Killian turned his head to look at Hope who smiled at her dad
"You did good Dad now will you two clear off for your dinner the staff have been doing my head in about mess all day!" Hope whined ushering then out of the room. From the lounge Hope could see straight out into the garden where her mum had prepared a candle lit dinner for two she watched from the couch in awe of her parents love for one another when she felt the couch dip next to her
"You know I used to hate watching them be so loved up!" Henry laughed
"I think it's sweet that no matter what happens they always stay together they always fight for each other and their love and win!" Hope smiled still watching her parents
"Hey I never said it wasn't nice it's just easy for you to watch being the product of true love and all that!" Henry laughed
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were jealous not like you need to be with your little family!" Hope smirked at her brother before watching him turn red "you know you do that thing mum does when dad compliments her?"
"What thing?" Henry asked getting rather defensive
"You turn your head to the side. Henry I'm your sister not one of your men it's ok to have emotions! Anyway not that I don't enjoy the company but why are you here would you not rather be with your wife?"
"Oh I wanted to drop these off!" Henry dangled the keys to their mums yellow bug in his hand
"I think she's going to cry!" Hope laughed "do you wanna wait or do you want me to give them to her?"
"It's from us and I really need to be heading back so you can give them to her" he smiled before turning to leave. Hope put 27 dresses on in the lounge and not to far before the end of the film her mum and dad came back
"I thought I wouldn't see you guys until tomorrow!" Hope laughed
"No we thought we come sit with you for a bit. What you watching kid?" Emma asked stealing Hopes popcorn
"27 dresses it's nearly finished now though"
"Oh ok well we could make your dad watch Peter Pan?" Emma smirked as Killian frowned
"Good idea! Oh I almost forgot Henry stopped by with our wedding anniversary present!" Hope passed Emma the small yellow box containing her car keys and just as Hope said Emma cried
"It's here?" Emma asked
"That must have been where him and Neal went but yeah it's sat out front!" Hope laughed her mum and dad dragged her out
"To hell with the film come on let's go for a drive!" Emma giggled

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now