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Dex had started to walk around the dingy room and was reading Hope her parents love story
"You know if you hadn't had slept with Dalton me and you could of had true love!" He smiled
"I'm sorry Dex I truly am but you ended our relationship which led me to drink heavily which in turn led into bed with Dalton!"
This infuriated Dex and he decided he had heard enough. He ripped a part of his scarf off and gagged Hope with it he then proceeded to make an advance on Hope. She knew exactly what he was going to do. The one thing Hope wouldn't allow him to do whilst they were together. Hope believed if he truly loved her he would wait and he did. But now he believed he had the right to see to her as he pleased. Dex took a knife to Hope's dress a slit it down the side he proceeded to do the same with her underwear. Hope tried to fight back but it was hopeless. Eventually she closed her eyes and began to cry. When Dex had finished he got up and began to scream at Hope
"You know I really loved you! I forgave you after you slept with my best friend, I put up with your dads two meter rule, I complimented you on every move you made and that night at Melody's party that dick Hercules catches you and you instantly fall in love with him!" He yelled
"Let me guess you just knew!" Dex said holding his hands together and fluttering his eyelashes
"16 years I loved you for and he's around 16 seconds and you fall weak at the knees! Have you slept with him yet? You have haven't you? Oh Hope !And here I am thinking your as pure as... as well Snow!" He laughed as he looked at Hope who was still gagged and still crying
"I wonder what your family would think of you now? Look at you! Your pathetic! Oh and Hercules I'm sure he'd be loving this riding in on a dangerous rescue mission! But Hope you broke my heart and now I'm going to enjoy watching your the hearts of each and every member of your family break!" He laughed and made his way over to Hope and began untying her
"come on Jonesy it's time to face your family!".
Back at the palace
It had been 12 hours of waiting and watching the front gate nobody had slept and nobody had any intention of sleeping until Hope was home. Jacinda had taken Lucy and Daniel to her and Henry's house as everyone felt they were still to young to see what state Hope could potentially be in. Little did they know it would be far worse than they had imagined. Moments before Dex arrived back at the palace with Hope his Moms had arrived
"We are so sorry!" Ruby sobbed "we didn't know he was capable of this!"
"It's like I say evil isn't born it's made. When Hopes heart was healed by wonderboy over there Dex couldn't handle it!" Regina said. Emma and Killian hadn't left the front gate since they had returned from Regina's castle
Emma had fallen asleep in Killian's arms and suddenly awoke shaking
"Bad dream?" Killian asked
"Yeah it was nothing, sorry I fell asleep!" She said looking up at him
"I'm glad you did! You do realise this is the first time you slept since Hope went missing?"
"Killian I will sleep for weeks when she's home but right now I need to be awake when that devil brings her home!".
Not long after Dex presented himself at the front gates and threw Hope off the cart and to his feet, he pulled her up by her hair and placed the sword used in the final battle at her throat. The family came running out of the castle whilst Killian and Emma rose to their feet there she was their precious baby girl clothes torn, hair missing, bruised, cut and stained with tears
"Now that were all here I'd like to begin!" Dex said as he slowly began to push the blade into Hope's throat
"Dexter Gale drop that sword right now!" Dorothy yelled
"Yes now we know Hope hurt you but you've hurt her enough now! It's time to stop you can come back from this!" Red told him as she extended her hand
"Moms you don't understand when I saw her with him ugh it was revolting! She loved it she enjoyed watching my heart break and now I'm going to break all of theirs!" He smiled
"Hey look at me!" Dorothy smiled "I do understand I've been there I've had relationships in the past that ended because they had cheated but you know what? You just have to say I'm better than this I'm better than you and walk away!"
"Mate put the sword down or I swear I will shove this hook so far into your chest they'll be fishing it back out!" Killian yelled as Emma held on to his arm. Hope's neck had been cut she winced in pain
"Dex come on don't be stupid" Hercules said holding his hands up
"Ah here he is you want her now? Look at her she's a mess! Damaged goods!" He laughed
"Dex you don't mean that deep down inside of you you know that you still love her! Now let her go and we can finish this!"
"I like the sound of that but I'd much rather watch you suffer as your girlfriend bleeds to death!"
"Right that's enough!" Regina yelled "he's bluffing if he wasn't he would have slit her throat by now would he not?"
"Regina do not antagonise the man with a sword to our granddaughters throat!" Snow yelled
"Ah you'd be wise to listen to her you know but what would I know I'm just bluffing!" He said wiggling the sword into Hopes throat. Eventually he bent down to Hope and removed her gag
"Dex stop! I'll do as you ask I'll come with you and we can start again!" She sobbed "just stop with the sword!"
He dropped the sword from her neck and everyone gave a sigh of relief he helped Hope up to her feet but it would be a decision he would regret.
Hope quickly grabbed the sword that had been so close to killing her and kicked Dex to the ground
"You forget one thing Dex. Nobody saves me but me!" Ruby and Dorothy raced to their son as if he were the victim in all this they picked him up and fled to Oz. Hope fell to the ground once more her parents rushed over to her and pulled her into their arms
"Please don't ever leave me alone!" She sobbed
"No of course never again!" They said
"We need to get you cleaned up!" Regina said as Killian carried her into the palace
"Herc," Snow sighed "I hate to do this but right now it needs just to be family I will call as soon as she is up to people being around ok?"
"Of course Snow I was getting ready to leave anyway!" He smiled.
Hope was led on the couch whilst Regina healed any open wounds he had left
"He really hurt you didn't he?" She said shocked
"Mhm" Hope nodded "can you all give me, Mum and Dad a minute I need to speak with them" she sighed
Everyone cleared the room as Hope sat herself up
"Hope what is it?" Emma softly asked
"When I was in their he kept dragging up what happened with Dalton and what I've done with Hercules,"
"Hope you slept with your boyfriend it happens we're not angry about it!" Emma smiled
"No I know but it's what he would do to me after he screamed about it," she started to sob "at least twice he forced himself onto me and I fought back I promise I tried but it didn't stop him he would knock me out or slap me and I had to sit there and take it!" Emma and Killian watched as their daughter sobbed what could they do?
"What do you want us to do Ducky?" Emma asked
"Make it go away!" She cried "make me forget!" Emma knew what she had to do she just didn't want to do it. Emma left the room and Killian tried to comfort Hope but every time he touched her she would flinch
"Hopey it's just me I'm not going to hurt you!"
"I know I'm sorry!" She sobbed as she crawled into his arms and grabbed onto his hook.
Outside of the room everyone saw Emma start to make a dreamcatcher
"Emma, what are you doing?" Snow asked as she sat beside her
"That monster... raped her!" Emma said although the last part was mostly a whisper
"Oh my god!" Henry said sliding down the wall
"Why the dreamcatcher?" Robin asked
"She asked to to make it go away make her forget so that's what I'm doing, she will remember being taken and everything else she just won't remember that bit!" Emma cried
"He can't get away with this!" Neal said
"He won't in the morning me, you , Killian, Henry, Robin and Hercules will go to Oz and we will make him face his crimes!" Charming said "his mothers need to know what he's done they only know a fraction of what he's done!"
Emma finally finished the dreamcatcher and ran to the lounge where Hope was wrapped in her dads arms
"Ducky, I've done it are you ready?" Emma asked as she stroked her arm Hope flinched at the touch
"Swan it's alright" Killian reassures her
"Mummy make it stop!" Hope cried and just like that the memory's of what he had done to her were gone.
"I'm so glad I'm home!" Hope smiled her parents both looked at each other and sighed "what am I missing something?" Hope asked cocking her head
"No we just missed you kid!" Emma smiled
"Good but promise me you will never leave me alone!" She said
"We promise you!" Killian smiled
"Killian my Dad wants to speak with you!" Emma said
Killian got up off the couch kissed both Hope and Emma and headed for the kitchen where everyone else was gathered around the table
"How's Hope?" Henry asked
"Aye she's as well as can be expected she doesn't remember what he did to her but Dave Emma said you wanted to see me?"
"Yes, I thought that me, you, Robin, Henry, Hercules and Neal could go to Oz and get Dex so he can pay for his crimes!" Killian smiled
"I like that idea how long are we going to be because I don't want to leave Hope she made us promise to never leave her alone?"
"Hope will be fine me ,Snow ,Jacinda and Lucy will stay here with Emma and Hope a girls day if you will it'll take you mere hours!" Regina told him
"Alright, when do we leave?" Killian smirked
"In the morning!" Charming smiled

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now