New found power

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When Hope woke up she was back in her bedroom with her family gathered round she could hear talking but she didn't recognise the voices
"Mummy, Daddy?" She asked groggily
"Hey how you feeling?" Emma whispered
"Not great... I can hear voices!" She cried.
Emma and Killian looked at each other had she gone dark? Was she hearing Rumple?
"Do you know who the voice is?" Emma asked
"No they keep screaming for help!" She sobbed
"They?" Everyone asked.
Just then Hercules came crashing in through the balcony doors
"I know what my uncle did to Hope and I'm so sorry!" He spluttered
"Well spit it out!" Regina snapped
"He cursed her! So now she can communicate with the dead!" He sighed "Hope I'm so sorry!" Hercules reached out for Hope but she turned away from him.
"Can it be undone?" Snow fretted
"Unfortunately it can not however it can be harnessed" he informed "you have to embrace it!" He sighed
"What so that's it there's no loophole nothing! I have to listen to these shrieks for the rest of my life!" Hope exploded
"Unfortunately so. However it can be seen as a gift!" He assured
"Really because the last time I checked my granddaughter doesn't need to speak to the dead!" Charming yelled but Hope had wandered off to her sulking chair and began to try and drown the voices out the only way she thought she could do it was the bottle of rum she had under her bed
"Hope put that down!" Henry whispered
"It might stop them!" She whispered back
"Ok but we can find another way our mom is the queen of third ways!" He smiled by this time Hope had heard a familiar song it was one her father sang a lot she listened to the voice singing it until someone appeared in front of her.
"Dad come here!" She called as everyone else continued to bicker
"Yes love?"
"Do you remember that song you used to sing when I was little?"
"Fifteen men on a dead mans chest yo ho"
"That one yes! Who taught it you?"
"My brother Liam why?"
"I can hear and see him!" She smirked
"What no! He moved on I watched him!"
"Killian, Hope can hear people wherever they are that's why she can hear the screams!" Hercules sighed
"The river of lost souls!" Emma cried "when I came to get you I had to travel that river and the screams were so loud!"
"Your telling me!"
"Hope if you want you can speak to them you just have to sit, concentrate and they will appear in front of you nobody else can see them but they can see you and you can see them!" Hercules smiled "I think it's best I leave you with your family I'll see you at the ball?" Hope nodded and he left
"Right everyone be quiet!" Hope snapped as she began to concentrate it became apparent it was her Uncle Liam in front of her
"Who are you and where am I?" Liam questioned "your a demon!" He yelled
"Not a demon technically I'm your niece... I'm Hope!" She smiled
"Killian had a daughter?" He laughed "no I won't believe it!"
"Ok don't believe it!" Hope laughed
"No I won't believe it!"
"Bloody hell look over there!" She sighed rolling her eyes and he did sat on the bed was Killian.
"Language!" Killian scolded
Liam rushed over and began to speak to him
"Pointless he can't hear or see you!" She sighed
"How can you? Oh god your not?"
"Pft I'm not dead!" She giggled "I was cursed by Hades so I can speak with the dead now!" She hissed
"How did you know who I was I died long before you were born?" Liam hissed "I thought Killian left your mother!"
"Oh my god your such an arse!"
"Hope!" Killian yelled
"Daddy!" She whined "he just said he thought you left mum so!"
"Is there no way at all he can see me?" Liam begged
"I don't know... does anyone know if there's a way for Dad to see him?"
Regina stepped toward Hope and whispered into her ear that if she held her fathers hand he may be able to see Liam even if it was only for a few moments
"Dad, if what Regina told me is true you might be able to see Liam... take my hand!"
Killian did as she said "can you see him?" She asked
"Yes!" He laughed "Liam!"
"Killian! Don't let go if you do I fear you won't be able to see me! How are you brother?"
"I'm great! And what of you?"
"I'm brilliant! Although I had hoped you would've left Emma!" Liam smiled
"What! You apologised to her!"
"Unfortunately I didn't mean it! What of her now?"
"We're married and obviously had Hope!" He smiled
Hope suddenly felt a huge drain in her energy and flopped
"Hope are you ok?" Killian asked slightly shaking her noticing that Liam was gone
"Mhm... yeah I'm just tired!" She yawned
"Ok well you relax ok!"
"So she can actually do it!" Regina laughed "that's great!"
"She's not a toy!" Emma warned
"They've stopped!" Hope smiled "the voices they've stopped!"
"That'll be because you tapped into your powers dearie!" Rumple laughed
"Get out!" She yelled, everyone was staring at her as she pushed herself up into the headboard of her bed "get out of my head!"
"Hope who are you talking to?" Henry asked cautiously edging towards her
"Great..." she mumbled "nobody it doesn't matter" she smiled
"It's Gold isn't it?" Emma sighed
"How did you know?"
"I just do!"
"If you can see him does... does that mean he's dead?" Henry stuttered
"I don't know try and summon him" Hope suggested Henry summoned home and he appeared but if he wasn't dead why was Hope seeing him she wasn't going dark Hercules had said her power wasn't dark magic
"Henry my boy what can I do for you?" He smiled
"Why are you in Hopes head?" He asked
"I'm not and if I am there is two reasons," he started "the first being she's going dark and the second she has new powers that a version of me will be helping to control"
Hope began to yell and scream
"Get away from me put that down!"
"Hope who is it?" Emma said placing her hands on her shoulders
"I... I think it's Milah!" She stuttered
"What!" Henry, Rumple and Killian spoke at the same time
"Shut up!" Milah lunged towards Hope with a sword
"I lost my life because of your father now he can lose part of his!" She yelled
"Please calm down!" Hope pleaded
"You see I don't want to 'calm down'. I have a job to do... you see Hades let me out of the river and in return I had to kill you I mean it won't be difficult will it?" She laughed "you are your fathers daughter alright!"
"Oh my god will you shut up! You died at the hands of your husband not my father and to be honest what the bloody hell did he see in you!" Hope began to get irritated everyone could hear Hope but not Milah
"Your pretty, but so was dear old daddy! I may have died at Rumples hand but only because I ran away with your father!" She cackled
"Oh my god! Your so funny you died because you abandoned your son! Rumple was mad that you did granted killing you was harsh but come on you left your son!"
"And your father would leave you and that pretty blonde distraction of a mother in a split second if I told him too!"
"No he wouldn't!" She yelled and for some reason Milah vanished.
Hope fell to the floor and began to cry. Killian ran over to comfort her but she screamed for him to get away from her.
Killian left the room full of embarrassment and Charming chased after him
"Hope what did she say?" Snow wearily asked as she and Emma helped Hope up
"Hades wanted her to kill me and because she blames Dad for her death it'd be easy for her to do so," Hope sobbed
"But that's not it" Regina frowned "your all for your Dad what did she say?"
"She told me that if she told him too he would leave me and his 'pretty blonde distraction' and she left!" Hope wept
"How does she know he said that?" Emma mumbled everyone looked at Emma with great confusion
"when Killian was the dark one he came over and said some nasty things one of which was that I was a 'pretty blonde distraction.'" A single tear fell from down Emma's cheek
"It's not true mum!" Hope smiled "he loves you with all of his heart Hades sent her to kill me. I don't think he can do it himself!"
"Milah tried to kill you?" Killian asked walking back into the room "Swan why are you crying?"
"Hm nothing nothing I'm fine!" She sniffer as she wiped her tears
"Yes dad your physco ex girlfriend thought it would be a great idea to team up with Hades!" Hope smiled
"Why did that make you push me away?" He asked
"She told me that you would leave me and your 'pretty blonde distraction' if she told you too!" Hope sighed
"That's why your crying isn't it Swan?" He gulped wrapping his arms around her. He felt her nod and continue to cry into his chest
"I never meant any of what I said that day!" He cried "it was my way of getting back at you and it was wrong!"
"It's ok" Emma smiled
"Not to ruin your moment but your daughters passed out!" Regina nodded they turned their heads to see Hope passed out although she looked drained of life. She had turned an off white colour and looked incredibly weak when she woke back up she felt herself becoming weaker but knew she had actually become stronger
"Why did he do this?" She screamed
"It's the only way he can hurt you!" Killian sighed "last night Hades told me he would make me suffer for escaping the underworld despite the fact his brother let me out. But before he could do anything to me Hercules came in and started playing hero!"
"I just want a normal life!" She whined

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now