No way!

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Hope and James had been living in the forest for six months now and life was practically perfect in every way. Hope and Dalton were officially back together, living in their home with James and had both returned to work whilst James went to school.
James had just turned eleven and had spoken to Neal and Daniel about what they did when they were eleven which Hope did NOT approve of.
"Mom please!" He begged as she walked away from him again
"James! I'm going to say this one last time... you are NOT going to knight school! It's not happening!"
"Dad? Come on! You went, Neal went, Daniel went and Bentleys there!"
"Son I won't go against what your mother is saying! If she has said no she means no!" Dalton sighed, he did really want James to go to knight school so that hopefully he could get a seat at the round table alongside David.
He figured he would wait for James to be with his in laws or in bed before he breached the subject with Hope. It was almost a family tradition and why should his son miss out.
Leaving knight school to return to Enchantica was one of Daltons biggest regrets, that's when his relationship with his father fully died. Thomas was furious when Dalton dropped out and decided he wanted to be a king instead of a knight.
But let's be honest why be the lap dog when you can be the one calling all the shots?
Later that night James had gone off to his room to finish up his homework when Dalton decided he would speak to her about it. He knew exactly how to butter her up, a cup of tea and a plate of biscuits.
"What do you want?" She laughed as she noticed the tray Dalton carried into the front room
"Nothing!" He smiled kissing her cheek
"Yeah, I most defiantly believe that!"
"Ok fine!" He huffed "I want James to go!"
"Dalton! No way!"
"Hope, think about it?"
"I have! I'm saying no!"
"Nothing!" She yelled cutting him off.
Dalton knew their conversation wouldn't progress any further without causing an argument and he didn't want that. Especially considering how fast they could get out of hand and he didn't want James to witness that so he decided to drop it.
"So...what are we watching?" He smiled cuddling up next to her
"Housewives!" She smiled, she knew exactly what he was doing and right now she didn't care she just fancied some attention.
Half way through the show James came wandering into the room and stood himself directly in front of the TV at first his parents looked at him with a glare that read 'move' but he just ignored them and continued to stand there until Hope paused it.
"What?" She asked
"This!" He hissed throwing down a letter that had arrived this morning
"Hope?" Dalton sighed as he realised what she had done.
She had signed James up for the naval academy. It now made sense as to why she had been so against him going to knight school.
"Why?" Dalton asked as he ran his hand through his hair angrily
"I don't know!"
"Yes you do! Don't you give me that crap!" Dalton yelled "James, give us a minute son?" He smiled and he did as his father told him
"I'm scared ok!" She admitted
"Scared? Hope Jones doesn't know what fear is!"
"Doesn't she?"
"No! Babe, you've been kidnapped twice, nearly been eaten alive, you've been held hostage and you fought with Brooke on multiple occasions!"
"Every time I was terrified!"
"You never look it!" Dalton smiled "Your parents raised to you to be a hero and that's what you are!"
"I don't feel like one!" She sighed resting her head on his shoulder
"You think this will keep him close don't you?" He smirked
"Yeah!" She pouted
"He absolutely adores you and if I'm being completely honest I think he's doing this to get closer to your family!"
"How many time's their our family! You married into it!"
"If you say so!" He laughed as she elbowed him. Hope looked at him and realised he was probably thinking she was being selfish (which she was) so she decided she had to let him go
"He can go!" She whispered
"Pardon?" He smiled completely oblivious to what she had just said
"James...he can go to knight school!"
"Great! I'll go tell him!" Dalton smiled before kissing her and rushing up to James' bedroom.
Hope was furious that her plan had been foiled but if it had gone ahead then she would have ran the risk of losing James.

A/N: If you want to see more of Hope make sure you check out my new multifandom fic Everybody Talks. In this new fic I have crossed over
-Once Upon A Time
Please check it out, vote and comment.
Also I'm thinking of finishing this story up so how would you guys like to see it end or should I continue?

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now