Lost in the woods

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"Dex you can't keep me here forever my family will come and they will kill you!" Hope yelled out into the dark and damp room she was being held in
"Oh but I can Hope you see I can you will stay here and you will be mine and only mine!" Dex laughed keeping himself to the shadows
"So this is what this is about you can't stomach the fact I moved on and you couldn't catch a break?" She laughed
"I don't understand what's funny Jonesy your going to die here!" He spat
"I don't think I am you see you fail to remember that I am a princess as soon as my family find out I'm missing they will do everything in their power to find me. The whole kingdom will be looking for me!"
"Hope nobody dares enter these parts of the woods not even you pwecious wittle famiwy! Scream all you like nobody can hear you!" He said as he left. Hope looked around the room but could see nothing! She was tied to a chair in the middle of this room with one light bulb, leaks in every part of the roof and mice all over the ground. He's right I'm going to die in here! How the hell am I going to get out? It's not like I can call anyone! Wait yes I can! Hope called out for Dex to make sure he had left and to her luck he had
"Rumplestiltskin, Rumplestiltskin, Rumplestiltskin!" She yelled tears had now began to pool in her eyes
"Hope?" He questioned "is that you dearie?"
"Ah Rumple I need you to get a message to my family to our family!" She cried
"Hey it's ok I could just free you right now! Who has you here?" He said making his way over to where she had been tied up
"No don't do that he will just come and take me again! It's Dex my ex he has me here so I can't be with Hercules. Rumple I'm afraid!" She cried
"Why? Hope your fearless!" He said sitting on the floor
"I'm terrified he's going to kill me! Our family there at Regina's castle get to them tell them I'm ok and that they need to get to the centre of the Dark Forest by morning!" Before Rumple could speak the door flew open and he disappeared. Dex was back and this time he seemed more confident in his plan in his left hand he was carrying a leather duffel bag filled with what looked like knives. Hope began to squirm in her seat as he approached her Dex caressed her cheeks and kissed her
"So much for your Dads two meter rule!" He scoffed he began to run his hand up Hopes thigh which made her shiver
"If your going to kill me get on with it!" She yelled
"Oh Hope I've decided to be kind if your family aren't here within the next 12 hours I'm going to take you to the palace and kill you in-front of your family!" He laughed.
Back at Regina's castle
Everyone had gathered in the battle room and were trying to map out where Hope could have been taken.
"Ugh it's useless we know nothing!" Charming yelled kicking a chair
"Oh but I do!" Rumple smiled
"Bloody well spit it out then Crocodile!" Killian yelled
"Your daughter summoned me!"
"Hope! Is she ok?" Emma asked
"She told me to tell you she is but I'm afraid she's not, she is in the centre of the Dark Forest and she is terrified he is going to kill her!"
"Who? Grandpa who has my sister?"
"I believe she said his name was Dex" Rumple said
"Oh I'm going to have fun killing him!" Killian smiled
"Not so fast dearie! I imagine he isn't working alone and those woods are a dangerous place!" He cautioned
"I don't care! You've just told us how terrified their daughter is and now you want to warn us just tell us how to get to her!"
"Hold on she's summoning me again!" Rumple smiled
Back in the Dark Forest
"Your a smart girl I'll give you that!" He laughed
"Thanks but tell everyone not to come looking!" She sighed
"Hope their planning a way to you right now!"
"It's ok I can handle 12 more hours!"
"Hope what's going to happen in 12 hours?"
"He's going to bring me to the palace and kill me in front of you all at least I will see everyone one last time!" Rumple looked around the room she was being held in and felt something he hadn't felt in centuries. Guilt. He knew he should just release her and take her with him but he believed Hope had the situation under control
"Ok I'll deliver the message, your parents are driving themselves insane anything you want me to tell them?"
"Urm just that I'm ok and I'll see them soon and not to bother trying to save me tomorrow because it won't work!" The strangest thing then happened. Rumple walked over to a fragile Hope and gave her a cuddle
"You will be ok Hope!"
Back at Regina's castle
Killian had started to pace the room whilst Emma stressed everyone else could do nothing to help settle them. How can you settle someone when they know their child is being held captive and possibly being hurt
"I'm back!" Rumple yelled
"Ok what what did she need?" Regina asked rolling her wrist
"She said to stop looking,"
"Is she insane?" Charming yelled
"Charming if she's asked us to stop looking their must be a reason!" Snow snapped
"She's a clever girl!" Neal added "either she's found a way out or a loophole!"
"I'm afraid she hasn't found a way out but she has found a loophole in his plan!" Rumple smiled
"Well what is it?" Emma yelled falling to the ground the stress had become to much for her. Killian ran over to where she now sat and took her into his arms
"The boy he is going to bring her to your palace in 12 hours providing you leave her there!" Rumple sighed "I know it's hard and all you hero's want to rush in and save the day but trust me she knows what she's doing!"
"Why is he bringing her back?" Hercules asked
"Well he plans on killing her in front of you all. Reading the situation Dez or whatever his name is is jealous of Hopes boyfriend so it's a 'if I can't have you nobody will' type thing!"
"I'm not leaving my granddaughter sat with that psychopath for another minute let alone 12 hours!" Charming yelled
"David it's what needs to be done! Hope has given us this to plan an attack!" Robin said clearing his throat
"Actually she doesn't want you to launch an attack she wants you all to let him do it!" Rumple sighed
"Not a chance in hell!" Hercules yelled

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now