Who are you?

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It was three days before Hopes wedding when she revived a call from Neal which she thought was strange considering he still hadn't spoken to her since Alexandrias death but she happily answered and was horrified when she had learnt why he called.
You've got what?!
A new girlfriend!
Neal! How the hell am I supposed to tell Dalton that?
"Tell Dalton what?" He interrupted, Dalton had heard Hope yelling and getting herself worked up from downstairs and figured he should go up and make sure she was ok
"Nothing, go downstairs I'll be down in a minute!" She smiled and he happily obliged
Hope will you just meet her?
How what?
How do you replace your wife so quickly?
You and I both know we were separated when she died!
I know that but Dalton doesn't! Oh my god! She's the reason you got divorced isn't she?
God no, look Hope I haven't been completely honest with our family and I figured you were the easiest to talk to!
Neal, I'm marrying you ex-wife's brother in three days but when I drop this bombshell on him I'm pretty sure the wedding will be off!
I know I'm asking a lot but please come I'm having everyone come to Mom and Dads later so I can tell everyone everything!
I'll see what I can do!
Thank you and I'm sorry...
What for?
Wow you really do have a terrible memory!
Shut up whatever your apologising for I already forgive you!
Thanks now I'll let you go because this next bit is going to be hard.
Hope took a few minutes to collect herself before heading down to the study where Dalton had held himself up for the remainder of her phone call.
He looked up at her with unconditional love in his eyes and she felt stupidly guilty despite the fact she hadn't done anything.
She sat on the couch by his desk trying to figure how she was going to tell him his brother in law was already with someone else not even a year and a half after his sister had died.
But that was exactly what she told him at first he was calm and seem ok about it but then he blew up. Hope had never seen him so angry, at first she thought it was pent up anger he was still holding onto from Neals constant blaming of Hope for Alexandrias death but then she realised it was fresh anger.
She left the room to allow him to let out his frustrations and after a while she crept back in to find him softly sobbing next to a photo of Alexander.
"Hey," she smiled softly at him
"Hey," he sniffed quickly making himself more presentable, Hope shuffled into his lap and began drawing shapes on his back absentmindedly and he seemed to ease up.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"It's just... oh it's stupid... I shouldn't of reacted the way I did but... uh I can't..."
"Slow down, its ok to be angry that's what he was expecting what's really going on?"
"Alex never got the chance to raise her son and now this home wrecker gets to waltz in and become his mom!" He sobbed
"Hey... hey that's not going to happen, I tell you what my family are going to my grandparents tonight to meet her do you wanna go?" She asked cautiously
"No...yes...maybe...what do you think?"
"Personally I'd like to meet the person that will be helping to fix my uncle but if you don't want to go then we won't!" She smiled and to her surprise he agreed that he wanted to go.
A few hours later the entirety of the family were sat in Snow and Charming's lounge when Hope and Dalton came crashing in at least half an hour later than everyone else.
"Sorry we're late!" Hope awkwardly smiled
"Squishy!" Charming greeted throwing his arms around her
"Hey Gramps!"
Everyone else's eyes flicked to the two of them and offered smiles to Dalton who they knew would be taking this hard before he and Hope sat down.
She noticed Dalton turn his nose up at the woman and she tapped his shoulder before giving him a look of warning, yes she knew he was upset but she also knew this was going to happen at some point.
Hope couldn't deny that she was absolutely beautiful, she had long icy blue hair, deep blue eyes that could've easily put her own to shame, a little button nose and legs that appeared to go on for days.
"Who are you?" She asked slowly and that's when the realisation hit her, she was Absolem's daughter.
"Hope and this is Dalton!" She smiled noticing Dalton was still looking at her in disgust
"I'm Zara," she smiled before sticking her hand which Dalton flicked away from them before growling
"Your my sisters replacement!"
"I'm sorry?" She asked rather confused and hurt
"You are the home wrecking little whore that lead Neal to divorce my sister!"
"Alright mate!" Killian warned knowing from experience anger doesn't get you anywhere with the Charming's but Dalton refused to head his warning and carried on growling at the poor girl
"Dalton!" Hope scolded "I'm so sorry!"
"It's ok!" Zara sighed although everything about her suggested otherwise
"Sit!" Hope told Dalton through gritted teeth
"Ok, so I asked you all here to tell you all everything and obviously to meet Z..."
"Stupid cow!" Dalton muttered under his breath which earned him a scowl and a slap from both Hope and Regina
"So, it's true that me and Lex were divorced when she died it's also true I cheated on her but not with Zara! But we have been together now for six months?" He guessed before getting a nod from Zara "Dalton, mate, me and Alexandria were done I tried I really did but some things are just not meant to be!"
"I get it!" He sighed "I really wish I could hate you for this but I can't! Promise me one thing?"
"You have to make sure this little prince knows who his mommy was!" He begged as he smiled at Alexander who was running around the room
"Of course!" Zara smiled "I know it looks like I am but I don't want to take your sisters place, she was and always will be his mother!"
"Thank you!" He smiled
"See that wasn't so hard was it?" Hope smiled as she interlaced their fingers
"No, I'm sorry about earlier!" He apologised as he rested his head on her shoulder
"It's ok!" She whispered
"Are you excited?" Zara smiled
"For?" The two of the questioned
"Your wedding!" Emma laughed
"Oh! Yeah!" Hope laughed it had completely slipped her mind
"I'm sure it'll be beautiful!" Zara smiled
"Well you'll have to let us know!" Dalton smiled
"Excuse me?"
"You'll be there won't you?"
"Of course!" She smiled as she and Neal wandered off
"See your not a complete moron!" Henry laughed as he slapped Daltons back
"I told you he wasn't!" Killian snapped defending he soon to be son in law
"How are you about all this really lad?"
"Upset but it had to happen!" He admitted as he looked at Hope "If anything happened to me I wouldn't want Hope to be alone for the rest of her life!"
"Exactly! That's what I told Emma when I died... for the last time!"
"They look awfully fishy don't you think?" Regina asked approaching the small huddle with both Robin and Emma in tow
"Maybe their plotting something?" Hope laughed
"What like how to kill a king?" Emma laughed but Dalton didn't look amused, she shot him an apologetic smile and he quickly offered her an acceptance smile back.
"I'm tired!" Hope announced
"I don't care!" Henry laughed before Violet slapped him
"Wanna go home?" Dalton smiled
"I do but you don't... so you stay!"
"What? No I'm coming with you!"
"Dalton, we don't have to be together every minute of everyday and besides you and Dad have a bromatical evening planned!" She smiled. Dalton reluctantly agreed to stay so he could bro out with Killian and the other guys but not before he made sure Hope was safe and at home.
Upon her arrival at their home she realised his study was trashed so she began tidying up before falling asleep on the couch.
Dalton crept in slightly tipsy from his evening with the boys to find his study door open and a passed out Hope on the floor, she had obviously fallen off of the couch in her sleep but he didn't know that
"Hope? Hope? Baby?"
"Hmmm!" She smiled refusing to open her eyes
"You scared me!" He slurred
"Your drunk!" She laughed
"No I'm not!"
"Are too!"
"Shhh! Come on let me carry you up to bed!"
"I can walk!" She huffed before shuffling up the stairs and collapsing into bed with Dalton in tow.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now