Winning over Mr.Jones

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I know all my chapters are pretty long but this one is a teeny bit longer. Sorry I feel it helps with the story 😘

Hope fled to her room after her newly found family had left Hercules followed her concerned he had never seen Hope run from anything before
"Hey gorgeous what's going on?" He smiled
"Ugh I don't know!" She sobbed "it's like one thing after another!"
"Hope it's ok!"
"Is it though because between me being kidnapped and whatever that was I keep thinking what if something else happens?" She sniffed
"I can promise you nothing is going to happen! I mean I can't promise that nothing is going to happen ever but I can promise it won't happen right now!" He smiled as he pulled her into him
"How do you do it?" She giggled
"Do what?" He asked defensively
"Somehow no matter what it is you talk and it feels like everything just clears away!"
"I don't know I guess I just know you well enough to know when you need talking off of that metaphorical ledge" Hope pressed her back into his front and wrapped his arms around her Hope drifted off into a dreamless sleep whilst Hercules sat and watched her. A few minutes after Hope had fallen asleep Henry came in with hopes of apologising to her
"Hope hey- oh Urm never mind" he smiled as Hercules nodded.
The next morning Hope woke up to a long text from Henry
Hope, I know it's been difficult for you recently with that Brooke girl, you and Dex breaking up, you finding out what happened to make you sleep with Dalton, you being kidnapped and whatever that was last night. I just wanted to apologise to you for yesterday I was wrong to blame you for my stupid plan not working I should've listened to you! I'm proud of you though little sis you are the perfect blend of Mom and Killian your just as stubborn as mom is but as brave as both of them and somehow you got your Dads advice giving skills! Anyway what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry and I love you. Henry Xx
Hope untangled herself from Hercules' arms leaving him sleeping his curls slightly less curly this morning slipped on her dressing gown and headed down to the lounge. Henry was sat on his own, it was obvious he hadn't been to sleep, Hope creeped up behind him and cuddled him
"Hey I got your text," she started "and it's ok I forgive you!"
"Thanks Hope" he smiled "I can't help but feel I've let everyone down!"
"Oh my god and Mum says I'm the dramatic one Henry my whole life I've been told stories about my big brother having them heart of the truest believer and that you are the glue that holds this family together I can promise you that no matter what you do you will never let this family down!" Before Henry could respond they heard a sniffling coming from the door they turned around and there was their mum watching her babies
"I'm sorry it's just I heard voices and I wanted to know what was going on and I'm glad I caught that!" She smiled before wandering off again
"Hope you really are something aren't you!" He laughed
"I sure am oh also you don't get told this enough but your Dad would be so proud of you right now!" Henry began to cry "oh oh what have I done? Did I say something? I'm so sorry!"
"No it's ok your right the last time anyone told me that was when me and Jacinda got married and before that was when we went to get your Dad from hell!" He laughed
"Yea sorry about that!" Hercules called from the door he scratched his ear as he walked in "Uncle Hades can be a bit how do I say this? He can be a bit of a dick!" He laughed "you little missy need to come and get ready for school!" He laughed as he dragged Hope up to her room.
Hope began to get ready into her blue skinny jeans that almost cut off her circulation, a plain white tee and black heels she did her makeup whilst Hercules gazed at her
"I'm ready!" She smiled
"No your not!" He laughed as he fished her red leather jacket out of her wardrobe "now your ready Hope Jones!"
"Ugh your even worse than my Dad!" She mockingly taunted
"Hey how am I supposed to know it's you if there's no leather!" He teased as he led her downstairs and to the kitchen where as everyday Killian assess if her outfit is 'school appropriate'
"Bloody hell she's only gone and done it swan!" He smirked "it's taken me her whole high school life to get her to dress sensibly and she's finally done it! I mean I'd prefer those shoes to be flats but I'll take it!" He laughed
"Oh my god Hope!" Henry yelled
"What could I be wearing any more clothes!?" She yelled
"No it's not that it's just you look like Mom if she died her hair!" Henry laughed "or if she decided to wear heels every once in a while!"
"Hey! They hurt my feet plus I'd be taller than your father which he hates!" She laughed Killian playfully rolled his eyes
"Mum, Dad , Henry we've gotta get going but we will be back later!" She smiled
"Mr. Jones there's a game this evening if you wanted to watch?" Hercules asked
"Sure lad, Henry will you join us we can invite your Grandfather round?" Killian said tapping Hercules' shoulder
"Sounds good!" Henry nodded
"Now get my daughter to school!" Emma ordered
"Yes mam'" Hercules laughed.
Once they arrived at school Hope didn't see Hercules until lunch which worried her as he usually waited outside after her every class
"Hey where've you been all day?" She giggled kissing his head
"Oh my god I'm eating!" Dalton squirmed
"Shut up I had to watch you and May get frisky whilst I was trying to eat my tea last night!" Darling yelled "Dickhead" Dalton laughed. May instantly turned a shade of pink
"Oh I've been busy!" Hercules told Hope
"Ok, are you going home today or coming back with me?" She asked holding his gaze
"I'm watching the game with your Dad and your brother and your grandfather so I'd say I'm coming home with you babe!" Hope smirked knowing when Hercules asked her dad to watch the game it was a ploy to spend the night again
"Why don't you two just move in together!" May giggled "your together enough I mean wherever you find Hope you find Hercules!". Hope suddenly felt sick sure she loves Hercules but moving him in is a huge step luckily Hercules was on the same page
"We've got the rest of our lives for that business right now I've got to concentrate on winning her Dad over!" He laughed
"Mate her Dad loves you! I mean I heard him talking with our Dad a few weeks ago and he could not praise you enough!" Dalton smirked
"It's true!" Hope smiled at him.
Before they realised it they were back at the palace and everyone was loading into the lounge all the men sat on the couch
"I think not!" Hope sassed "move your asses you lot can sit on the floor!" Surprisingly they all did as she asked
"You look hot!" Hercules whispered in her ear as he ran out with David to help bring in the drinks. Hope looked down at herself and thought I'm literally wearing his football jersey and some shorts I really have this boys heart! Hercules came back in and handed Hope her drink before sitting in front of her he pulled her feet over his shoulders and she relaxed them there. Emma lent in and whispered to Hope
"I hope you have no intentions of letting that boy go!" Hope looked at her mother with her eyebrow raised and shook her head. After every touchdown/goal scored (sorry I'm British 😂) Hercules and every other man in the room would jump up and cheer. Which really wound Hope and her mother up
"Why do they need to do that?" Hope asked shaking her head
"Honestly I don't know!" Emma sighs
"It's cute!" Snow and Regina chime in
"I'm sorry it's so not cute!" Emma and Hope say at the same time. The next time they all jump up and celebrate Hope jumps out of her skin only because she hadn't been paying attention and was texting the girls
Darling: How's lover boy doing with your family
Hope: Honestly they love him it's like he's always been around
May: Hope I'd be expecting a ring soon enough
Hope: Don't be ridiculous and anyway he hasn't even asked me to prom yet
Darling: SHUT UP!
Hope: I'm not kidding trust me I'm fuming
May: Don't sweat it Dalton literally only asked me yesterday and it wasn't that romantic either
Hope: Spill
Darling: Not too much remember he's still my twin
May: Basically after we'd finished we were just led there and he was like 'you wanna go to prom?'
Darling: Ugh he really lets the side down
Hope: True anyway I've gotta go the cheering has started again 🤦🏼‍♀️
After everyone had left Hercules stayed and helped Killian to clear up
"Mr. Jones?" Hercules coughed
"For the thousandth time Killian is fine but what is it?"
"I would like your blessing-"
"No she's too young no way!" Killian interrupted
"Oh Zeus no! I was going to ask for your blessing to ask Hope to prom!" He stuttered as he picked up empty cans
"Bloody hell! You scared the life out of me but yes of course you can!" He said patting him on the back
"I was absolutely terrified you were going to say no!" Hercules laughed Killian sat down and tapped the seat next to him
"Hercules, your good for Hope and as much as I hate that she isn't five anymore and I'm not her hero I'm glad your now her hero. I've seen the way she looks at you and I've definitely noticed the way you look at her, it's the same way I look at Emma or Charming looks at Snow hell even how Robin looks at Regina. You may be a god but the hook thing still stands!" He laughed
"I wouldn't expect anything less if I did hurt her. Which I won't. Also Killian you are still Hopes hero you always will be she's so proud of you and Emma!" He smiled
"She talks about us?" Killian laughed
"Oh my god yes! Ever since the first day I met her she told me how much she wanted someone to treat her the way you treat her Mom! Honestly she is awe of all of you!"
"Bloody hell! Right you've done enough clearing up get up those stairs and ask my daughter to Prom!"
"Oh no I'm not doing it tonight!" He smirked "no I've planned for us to go out tomorrow after school!"
"I like it!" Killian nodded
"Goodnight Killian"
"Goodnight Hercules!"

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now