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A few days had passed since Daniel had lied to Hope about his father having an affair in an attempt to cover his own. But needless to say she had forgiven him and was too happy in her little bubble to care any longer about the mess in his.
She and Dalton didn't often get to spend many mornings laying in together as he was alway of doing 'King things' as she called them or she was away at sea. But this morning was one of those rare mornings.
The sun came seeping in through the crack in the curtains and Hope hated it.
She had never been one for early mornings despite her fathers affection for them but she and her mother had never picked the habit up.
Her head lay on Daltons chest as he held her leg over his stomach and held her close with his other arm. She had no idea why she was so tired, unless there was something going wrong she never had anything to do.
Now that the majority of her female family members were filming a reality tv show (that she was heavily jealous of not being in) she had the option of going to work with her father, which wasn't actually that bad considering it was barking orders at the navy, going to sit with a pregnant Violet whilst Henry wrote, helping Robin in Sherwood Forest or cleaning her already immaculate home.
Hope began to feel Dalton move from underneath her when she let out a groan. Why was he getting up? Did he not know he wasn't out today? Hope flicked her eyes open and looked at the clock beside the bed 6:30. What the hell was he planning on doing at that time? If he was planning on making her breakfast he was delusional she didn't normally get up until gone 10:30 and she didn't plan on making any exceptions.
Dalton had noticed Hopes eyes open as he dressed himself and he knew he had to tell her where he was going or she would worry.
"Come back!" She whined as she lazily reached her arm up to him
"I'm sorry baby, I'm going on my run!" He whispered pressing a soft kiss into her hair.
"Mhm, I'll miss you!" She whined as she fell back to sleep
"I shan't be long, I love you!" He smiled as he left the bedroom. Hope rolled herself into his side of the bed as she did most days and slept there until he returned and began making her breakfast. She could get used to him being home, she slowly lifted herself out of bed and threw on one of Daltons hoodies that she had found at the bottom of the bed.
She wandered down to the kitchen and jumped up onto his back slowly kissing his neck before he placed her down on the counter beside the stove.
He looked over at her and began to laugh Hope looked at him in disapproval, she knew she wasn't the most attractive person in the morning but surely it wasn't laughable.
She ran her fingers through her hair and wiped under her eyes just to be safe but he still continued to laugh and he danced around the kitchen.
"What? What is so funny?" She snapped
"Nothing, it's just for some reason every time I look at you this morning I can hear your snoring!" He laughed
"I do not snore!" Hope laughed slapping his shoulder
"Oh my dear, your snoring could and probably does wake the dead!"
"I've never had any complaints! Apart from the one I had from Neal that one time but... oh fine!" She laughed
"Speaking of, how has your power or curse been recently? I haven't heard you talking to anyone!"
"We're going with power and I spoke with my grandfather the other day and I spoke with Uncle Liam this morning!"
"Oh, well maybe I'm just becoming immune to it!" He laughed
"No baby, that's your selective hearing!" She teased as he passed her blueberry pancakes with syrup poured over them.
As the morning passed Hope didn't have to lift a finger as Dalton did everything she normally would. She spent the entirety of the morning in her pyjamas on the couch watching repeats of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
Around lunch time she received a call from Darling, as she usually would, who was complaining about Elijah and how Destiny was fair from a fairytale child. After her usual conversation with Darling Hope felt it was necessary to express to her husband to be how boring her life actually was.
"What can I do about it?" Was all he could say, at first it wound her up but then she processed it and realised he probably couldn't do a great deal about it.
She had spoken to her mum and grandma about what they did whilst their husbands were out and Snow said she either cleaned or was working herself.
Whilst her mum envied the idea of being bored claiming 'the saviour doesn't get days off'. Something Hope knew only too well. Even when Hope was little Emma still had to rush off and save some village. She hated it and wound up envying the people she was saving which was probably why she'd wound up so close to her dad. Hope knew it wound her mum up that she couldn't be around as much as she would have hoped but she made up for it when she returned.
"I've got an idea!" Dalton smiled but Hopes face clenched in fear, his ideas when it came to the running of his kingdom were usually brilliant but not so great when they came to actual people.
"I swear if this is another 'get the high school band back together so you can be the fourth Jonas Brother' I will kick you!" She threatened completely serious knowing he would love nothing more than to pack in being King for a few months so he could play his guitar and sing for a bit
"As much as I would love that no, I was thinking why not take over our navy?"
"That's daddy's job! I can't just take it!"
"No, your father runs your kingdoms navy! You will run ours and Arendelle's! I mean you sail with them enough!"
Hopes heart fluttered a little at the fact he had said ours rather than mine. For once Dalton actually had a good idea. What better way for Hope to spend her days then on the sea or talking about the sea. Although most of her sailing had been spur of the moment because she heard about a place from someone in a tavern. Not that her crew minded as the places they had been were breathtaking.
Dalton had been given Arendelles navy as when Anna handed the throne to Elijah he had no idea what to do with them. He figured if he handed it over to Dalton at least he would have Hopes or her fathers knowledge at his disposal.
Hope couldn't have been happier, she finally had something fulfilling to do. She was just about ready to say 'I'm that bored I'll have a baby!'. But she was glad this had come up.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now