Restoring Hope

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A month had pasted since anyone at school had seen Hope. Nobody had heard from her since her and Dex had officially split. Dex had been to the palace a few times to try and see Hope but either Killian would try to kill him or Hope would almost die in-front of him after about 2 weeks he gave up. Hope's family tried everything Killian took her sailing, Emma baked with her, Charming and Snow had taken her riding, Robin had tried to start her on archery, Neal had had her sword fighting and Henry had sat with her and watched whatever she felt like watching the only person who hadn't tried anything was Regina.
"You called?" Regina said walking into the palace
"Your our last hope I think she's going to die from this!"
"Emma what happened to you your so weak" Regina said looking Emma up and down
"Nows not the time Regina our daughters been up there a month and we can't do anything about it!" Killian yelled
"Calm down Guyliner you might pull a muscle then again you can't pull what you don't have! I'm going to try something none of you are willing to..."
"What's that?" Emma asked
"Tough love!" Regina marched up the stairs and began to bang on the door
"Hope Jones you will open this door!" Regina yelled
"I don't really feel like it!" Hope yelled back
"Such a shame!" Regina said opening the door with her magic
"Hey!" Hope yelled
"Come on get up you smell like you died a week ago shower now!" Regina said pulling Hope out of her tear filled duvet
"No please leave me alone!" Hope cried
"This pity party has gone on far too long!" Regina said wafting her hands around "now you will get in that shower, you will get yourself dressed and you will strip that bed young lady do I make myself clear?" Hope nodded and did as she had been told. Regina made her way back downstairs
"See it really wasn't that hard!" She smirked Emma and Killian looked at each other in disbelief how had she done what everyone else had failed to. Soon enough Hope was showered, dressed and downstairs where Regina was waiting for her
"Now me and you are going to go for a little ride Emma Killian go and get some sleep you need it" she said rubbing Emma's arm. Regina led Hope out to her carriage "get in!" She told her.
"Right I know it hurts trust me out of everyone in this web we call a family I know how heartbreak feels. I also know that wallowing in your own self pity and in your case dirt doesn't help it only makes it worse!" Regina told Hope
"I know I just I want him so badly I miss him telling me I look beautiful when I've just woken up or when I'm brushing my teeth, I miss the good morning and goodnight messages and I miss how he's the only person that knows me better than me!"
"Hope you did it!" Regina cheered "You spoke about him without crying!"
"Huh I guess I did!" She smiled
"Ah there's that smile!" Regina laughed "now I know that right now it doesn't feel like it but I promise you one day maybe not right away but eventually it'll stop hurting you just have to take it one step at a time!"
"Yeah I guess I do! But what if I want him back?" Hope asked
"Well then that's a discussion you need to have with yourself. Why would you want him back after what he did to you?"
"It's like I said everything I've ever wanted in a guy is embodied by my Dex everything. It's probably not there anymore but by the side of his bed is a photo of me and him at your wedding and on his phone when you turn it on it was a photo of me laughing!"
"You really love him don't you?" Regina asked
"Yeah but I guess if I let him back in he's only going to hurt me again and then this process will go on for longer!"
"Hope I can tell you this for a fact if you choose to let him back in and he hurts you again your father will plough that Hook of his so deep inside his chest not even Whale will be able to pull it out!" Hope laughed she knew Regina was right her dad would kill him if she said so.
"Auntie Gina Thankyou!" Hope smiled
"Anytime now I think it's time you went back to school don't you?"
"I'll go back on Monday I promise!" She whined
"Actually there's a game tonight your mom called Darling and the two of you are going. I believe Dalton is a quarterback whatever that means!" Regina laughed. Hope hopped out of the carriage that had now pulled back up at their palace and ran inside. Darling was sat on Hopes bed waiting for her
"Hope!" Darling called almost crying
"Darl hey! Why are you about to cry?" She giggled
"You do know it's been a month since I've heard from you?" Hope hadn't realised that that was how long she had held herself up for
"Bloody hell! Right what am I going to wear for this game?" Hope questioned looking at Darling who could not hide her excitement any excuse to dress anybody up she would take it
"I was thinking you could wear your beige joggers with your white jumper your trainers and then to go with it your leather jacket and some sunglasses to push your hair back?" Darling said without even taking a pause for breath
"I love it! But what if I see Dex?" Hope said
"Hope hunny your going to see him he's on the team and he's my brothers best friend!" She frowned
"Girls your going to be late!" Emma called
"Yea I know mum we're coming!" Hope yelled
"I know you probably don't want us there but Blue asked all of the parents to come first game of the season and all" Emma sighed
"No I think I'll feel better if your there!" Hope smiled

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now