Family dinner

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The day had arrived for the families to finally meet. There had been a few meetings but not everyone had been there
"Mummy!" Hope yelped Emma heard this and instantly knew something was wrong. She raced up to Hopes room to find her curled up on her bed she rushed over to her side and saw that Hope was crying
"What is it? What's wrong?" Emma asked as a wave of panic washed over her
"I-I don't know my stomach hurts!" She sobbed
"Kid I think your stressed, did it come on really suddenly?" Hope nodded "what were you thinking about when it happened?"
"It's stress your going to be alright you just need to shake it off!" Emma laughed
"Mummy it's not funny it hurts make it stop!" She whined
"Come on you need to sit up and think about something else!" Emma smiled she cradled Hope before pulling her up into a sitting position "you want some Pop Tarts? Your Dads still asleep so there won't be any 'pomegranate and mackerel' it's disgusting I don't know why he makes it!" Hope laughed before pushing herself up to go down to the kitchen. When they got there Henry was sat at the table in tears he had obviously just finished on the phone but to who? What had happened? Neither one of them wanted to push for answers they felt it best to let Henry come to them Hope sat down next to her brother and threw an arm about his waist whilst their mum made Pop Tarts and hot chocolate with cinnamon
"She doesn't want to see me!" Henry sobbed
"Who doesn't?" Hope asked as she took a bite of her Pop Tart "bloody hell thats hot!" She yelped
"Lucy she called and said she didn't want to come tonight because she doesn't want to see me right now!" He sniffed
"Do you know why kid?" Emma asked kissing his head
"Yeah, Jacindas got this new boyfriend and he's got a daughter same age as Lucy so they like playing together"
"That's good for Lucy I mean not Jacinda I've got to be honest I never really was a fan!" Hope smirked
"Didn't we know it!" Henry laughed sure enough Killian came into the kitchen and began to complain about the smell he looked at the breakfast his family were eating and sighed but they laughed. After school Hope began to get ready when she received a text from Hercules
Hey beautiful can't wait to see you later, my mom asked me to check who's coming something about numbers?Xx
Your so cute you literally just dropped me off, so it's: me, mum, dad, Henry, grandma, grandpa, Neal, Regina, Robin and Daniel Xxx
No Lucy? Xxx
No she's not up for seeing H at the moment anyway you need to leave me alone so I can get ready! Xxx
I love you Xxx
I know Xxx
Hope! Xxx
I love you too Xxx
Hope spent hours combing through her wardrobe normally for a family dinner she would wear her pyjamas or whatever she had worn for school but they were off to Olympus she knew her family would sport their best ballgowns which immediately made her feel she had to so she decided she would call Darling for help
Darl hey I need help!
I could have told you that years ago!
Funny! Anyway I've got that big family dinner with Hercules family and mine tonight what the bloody hell am I supposed to wear?
Well I take it your moms wearing her red one so you can't wear any of your red ones, so why not the black halter neck one?
Why didn't I think of that!
I don't know anyway I need to go love to you
Love to you too
Hope had finally finished getting ready she had changed and allowed her hair to remain in its naturally wavy/curly state whilst her makeup was natural with the exception of a red lip. Her family met at the portal to Olympus where they were greeted by Janus (god of doorways) they walked through and were amazed by what they saw. For as far as the eye could see it was stone walls with white pillars and an exceptionally long table
"Hey guys!" Hercules smiled
"So this is where wonderboy lives!" Regina smirked
"Oh no we live up there!" He said pointing to the top of the mountain "your currently stood in the temple of Zeus!" He smiled "Dad sent me down to get you guys and may I say you all look lovely!" He took Hope by the hand and began to lead everyone up as they reached the top of the mountain they were all stunned sat down at the table next to who they all presumed to be Zeus was Hades accompanied by Zelena and a now 20 year old Robin
"Daddy?" She yelled
"Hey sweetheart are you ok?"
"I'm ok where's Rowland?"
"Oh he doesn't live at the castle anymore but I did bring Daniel!" Robin ran over to Daniel whilst Zeus and Hera made their way over to Killian and Emma
"Ah it's so great to finally meet you guys!" Hera smiled "obviously you've met my husband and brother in law but ever since Hercules brought Hope home I've been dying to meet you!" She smiled although she didn't seem overly fond on Hades. She sat at the table and explained her reasons for seating people where she did she had sat Robin and Snow with Apollo (God of Archery)
Regina and Charming opposite them with Athena (Goddess of wisdom and war)
Neal and Daniel has been sat with Tyche (Goddess of good fortune)
Finally she had Emma, Killian and Hope at the head of the table alongside her Zeus, Hercules, Poseidon and Hades.
"Killian I'm told your a captain!" Poseidon smiled
"Aye! I don't sail so much anymore. I stopped voyaging so much when this madam was born went back but it was hard to be away for so long!" He smiled
"Ah yes the famous Hope!" Hades snarled
"Hades" She smiled "your not spoken of that much on earth anymore!" She sighed, he almost choked on his meal whilst Hera tried to hide her laughter
"So Killian I see you made the most of your life after I gave it back!" Zeus smiled as he looked at Emma and Hope
"Yes he did!" Emma laughed placing her hand on his "Your not about to take it back are you?" Emma laughed
"Oh home no!" Zeus laughed
"Sorry he thinks he's funny he says home instead of heavens!" Hercules sighed as he shook his head
"Emma I hear your the saviour!" Hera smiled "that sounds interesting!"
"It was there's not so much saving to do anymore" she smiled
"Do you wish there were?" Hera asked
"Occasionally but when Hope was born that was exactly what her birth spread so people began believing they could fight their own battles and they started to win!"
"Hope you have exceptionally brave parents!" Hera smiled
"I know!" She laughed
"Your father was a great help to my reign at least in his younger years!" Hades laughed
"Nows not the time mate!" Killian snarled
"Oh isn't it! That's a shame because I'm about to drag it up all those people you so mercilessly killed or those who died for you and for what you to go soft!" Hope began to cry as she fled the table Hercules followed her out. She had found herself a bench and threw herself down on it
"Hope it's ok!" Hercules said as he pulled her into his chest
"No it's not! My father never truly forgave himself for all those deaths and there Hades is dragging it all back out!"
"I know I know" he sighed
"How is he even alive anyway I swear Zelena killed him!" She sobbed
"She did but when your mom fought the final battle everything was reset you on earth only saw minor things like Gideon but Hades was reborn a few hundred years younger and regained his title as God Of Death!" Hope began to get frustrated despite his best efforts Hercules could not calm her down. Hera, Emma, Snow and Regina came rushing out into the garden to see if Hope was alright they soon found out she wasn't
"Hercules go and assist your father in sending your uncle home!" Hers yelled
"Hope it's alright!" Emma smiled as she pulled Hope into her lap "your dads alright!"
"Hades had no right to drag up what he did!" She sniffed
"Didnt I?" He laughed Hope picked herself up and began to yell
"No you didn't mr 'I'm a god everyone loves me' because I can tell you for a fact nobody down on earth loves you! Now I think it's time you leave!" She sweetly smiled
"Not before I bestow a little gift on you my dear!" He cackled as he wafted his hand over Hope and she passed out.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now