I don't want to grow up!

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"Hey stranger where've you been? Flirting with my father?" She giggled as she pulled him into bed
"Mmm as much as I want this you just engraved the image of your father into my head!"
"Ugh I'm my own worst enemy!" She giggled
"True! Oh tomorrow after school I have plans for us!" He smirked
"Oooo do tell!" She said rolling herself over to him as she propped her head up on her hands
"I'm afraid my dear you. Are. Going. To. Have. To. Wait!" He said kissing her between every word.
After school the next day
"I'll be back in half an hour to pick you up! Please don't be late as much as I get on with your family I don't fancy being grilled!" He grinned Hope just nodded they kissed before she ran into the palace
"Hope are you ok?" Emma called 
"Yes!" She squealed "me and Hercules are going on the promposal date help me get ready?"
"Of course!"
(Play the song!)
Emma leant up against Hopes bed as she watched her try on dress after dress
"Mum can you help!" She laughed stuck in a blue dress
"Yes!" She laughed as she rolled her eyes eventually Hope picked out a little black dress that she paired with maroon heels and a white fur coat
"Do you have to wear fur?" Emma nervously laughed
"Mum it's a coat not Cruella!"
Emma sat on Hopes bed and watched her apply her makeup she was thrown back to when Hope was a little girl when she first discovered red lipstick
"Hope Jones are these your lips all over my walls!" A five year old Hope giggles from the couch red lipstick smeared all around her mouth
"I'll take that as a yes!" Emma sits down next to her and begins to wipe it off "you know one day you'll be old enough to play with all of this junk!" Hope completely oblivious to what her mother is telling her runs off to find her Dad.
Present Day
"Ugh!" Hope yelled
"What? What happened?" Emma asked rushing to her side
"I'm so bloody nervous my hands are shaking and I can't draw on my eyeliner!" She yells as Emma takes the brush and pot from her and starts to draw it on for her
"What's with the bloody cursing!" Killian yells walking into the room
"Sorry Daddy I just got stressed I'm so nervous and ughhh!"
"Stay still!" Emma tells her she listens as Killian sits on her bed
"Don't be sorry just stop doing it! Also you don't need to be nervous that boy worships the ground you walk on!"
"It's true Hope!"
"Mummy I'm terrified!" She whispers holding back tears
"Of what?"
"Letting him in completely like the final walls still there!"
"Hope, Hercules will wait for it to drop and if it doesn't he will deal with it!" Emma smiles "your Daddy did!"
"Don't I know it! Now get downstairs on go on your date!" Killian instructs her
"Wait what happens with us now?" Hope asked trying to catch her breath
"What do you mean love?" Killian asks slightly terrified
"I'm growing up aren't I?" She says as her breath begins to get to heavy
"Yes but you'll still be our little girl the same little girl that wouldn't sleep through the night unless she held onto her Daddy's hook, the same little girl that left lipstick marks all over the walls, the same little girl that helped mend Henry's heart and the same little girl that yelled 'yuck' at Regina's wedding!" Emma smiled as she began to cry
"There still so much we haven't done! Like I still haven't been back to StoryBrooke plus you promised me a trip to New York, I haven't stayed with Grandma and Grandpa for ages I want it all to stop!" Hope begged
"It's never going to stop sweetie! But we will still go on all those ridiculous adventures look at your brother he's 32 and still gets excited about 'operations' as if he's still 12 now go before I cry any more!" Emma ordered.
"I'm terrified Killian!" Emma sighed
"Me too Swan! I wish we could stop time!" He laughed
"Guys I can still hear you! Stop being sad I just stopped!" She smiled
"It's difficult you are our baby!"
Killian and Emma handed Hope over to Hercules who's jaw dropped to the floor when he saw Hope. They watched as they wandered off into the forest
"She's going to be ok isn't she?" Emma sobbed
"Yes love we've done the hardest bit now it gets a little bit easier!" Killian cried
"Oh don't you cry your gonna make me even worse!"
"Sorry its just I can still see our five year old Hope running down the docks when I would return from a trip that smile on her face made whatever I had faced worth it!" 
"I know we finally got it! After all the fights and loss we finally got our happy ending!" Emma sobbed
"Swan we got our happy ending twice!"
"What do you mean?"
"The first was our wedding day the second was the day Hope was born!"
"Our wedding day was ruined by that bloody fairy!"
"So let's get married again!" Killian smirked
Meanwhile Hope and Hercules had arrived at a clearing in the woods where Hercules had strung fairy lights from the trees and set a table for the two of them it looked beautiful. The table cloth was an off pink colour whilst the chairs were dressed in pink feathers
"Herc it's gorgeous!" She gasped placing her hands over her mouth
"Not as beautiful as you are!" He smiled making her blush he pulled out Hopes chair for her and pushed her in then he presented her a plate of onion rings
"My favourites!" She giggled "although after I've eaten these you may not want to kiss me!" She said cocking her eyebrow Hercules rolled his eyes and laughed
"Hope obviously I brought you here to ask you something," he smiled it was obvious he was getting nervous but Hope thought it was cute she'd never really seen him be vulnerable like this before but she liked it "you my ray of sunshine are quite literally my Hope everyday I wake up and I hope I'm good enough for you, I hope that by the end of your life I'm the one you've spent it with. I can't imagine how dull my life would be if I hadn't of caught you that night at Melody's party. I can't quite explain it but I knew you were special only I didn't know how special. Anyway what I'm trying to ask you is .... Will you be my date to prom?" By the end of Hercules' speech Hope was in floods of tears
"Yes of course I will!" She said wrapping her arms around him
"Calm down Jones I'm not proposing!" He laughed
"You are amazing!" She said kissing him
"Hope I love you but I'm not too sure about your onion breath!" He laughed before Hope playfully slapped him
"Herc, I know I sound like a total bore and it probably took you forever to do all this but it's getting dark. Please would you take me home?" She said as she began to get nervous
"Of course come on" he said holding out his hand
"I don't know what I did to deserve you!" She smiled
"I don't know either!" He laughed before Hope hit him again "hey! I'm kidding I'm kidding there is no other person I would rather be with than you!" He smiled "you know when your not with me I genuinely feel pain!"
"Shut up! Your so dramatic!" She laughed
"No I'm not joking it's like when we're at school I'll drop you off at class and the second your hand leaves mine this aching pain starts and then at the end of class when your back it stops!"
"Honestly, you so sweet and I love it!" She said as she stood on her tip toes to kiss him
"Come here you!" He said picking her up she wrapped her legs around his waist as he pressed her up against the palace gate
"Alright lover boy put my sister down!" Henry squirmed it sounded like he was about to vomit. Hercules nodded and gently placed her down on her feet
"Until tomorrow?" He smiled
"Until tomorrow!" She smiled back. She slid through the gate and ran into where her parents were sitting and fell into the couch
"I take it that the date went well?" Emma laughed
"Ah so well he gave me this little speech about how I'm his hope and he wants to make sure he's good enough for me and that I'm the light in his life!" She swooned
"Well your not the only one with news!" Emma giggled
"Hold on mum I promise I'll listen in a minute but I didn't even tell you the best part!" Hope squealed
"Ooo tell me!" Emma squealed back
"Girls enough with that high pitched noise!" Killian whined they both scowled at him and continued
"He told me that when I'm gone he gets a dull aching pain but then when I get back it's gone!" Hope smiled
"I get that when your mother leaves!" Killian said slightly turning his head
"Hold on I actually remember Dad saying the same thing to Mom back in StoryBrooke he said he felt it the whole time we were fighting well you!" Emma laughed as she poked Killian
"Anyway what was your news mum?" Hope smiled
"Well after you left we got all emotional it was stupid but we were saying how you are our happy ending but we also said so was our wedding,"
"Ok where are you going with this because I thought we agreed no more siblings?" Hope questioned
"Oh god no I don't want anymore besides your father couldn't go through all this again but we've decided to get remarried!" She smiled
"To each other yeah?" Hope had to ask
"Obviously!" Emma tutted
"Just ignore me but in your happy ending speech I wasn't mentioned!" Henry laughed holding his heart pretending to be hurt
"Henry of course your a part of it! It's just your more a part of mine than Killian's!" She smiled
"Ok that's not true Henrys like my son!" Killian scolded "its just your a man now Henry she's still a baby"
"I was kidding I know I'm a part of it chill Hopes always going to come first and she should!" He smiled   
"Whilst your here actually I need help do we get married here or in StoryBrooke?" Emma asked her children
"Here oh my god is the beanstalk still there?" Hope asked
"Sort of" Killian laughed
"What do you mean sort of?" Emma asked
"Well during the final battle me and your father climbed it to get a magic bean so I could get back to you on the way down your belief had been severely attacked and so it fell nearly killing me and your father!" He smiled
"Huh well I guess we could get married at my parents castle?" Emma smiled
"No way!" Hope yelled walking back in with a tub of ice cream and a spoon
"What do you mean no way?" Emma laughed
"You have to get married (again) at the bottom of the beanstalk who cares if it's standing or not? You guys had your first adventure there so why not?" Hope smiled kicking her shoes off and accidentally hitting Henry
"Why do women insist on wearing knifes on their feet!" Henry muttered "but Hopes right your story started there it's only right another chapter is added there!"
"Also mum the original dress you wore was a bit nun-ish!"
"What do you mean? I loved my dress! Your father had no complaints!" Killian winked at Emma
"First off ew gross get a room we're all for you two being super loved up but we don't the bedroom half in our lounge also mum maybe this dress could have a little less sleeve and neck. I'm thinking sweetheart neckline super tight?"
"Ok I like the idea!" Emma giggled the family sat around the fireplace discussing wedding things until the early hours of the morning.

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