Henry's wedding p2

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Hope and Neal were kept separate throughout the rest of day. Nobody expect for those who were involved or had overheard knew about it.
Dalton had no idea what had happened although he knew Hope had been crying and one side of her face was defiantly looking a brighter shade of red. After the main ceremony Violet approached Hope and asked what had happened earlier.
Hope pretended to be absolutely clueless as to what she meant. She quickly changed the subject and complimented Violets dress.
She wore a simple mermaid gown with no sleeves but dainty little straps. The top of the dress had white leaves covering it with a hefty amount of glitter over them. She noticed that Violet had a swan feather threaded through her hair which she presumed was there to honour her mum. She also noticed that she was wearing one of Alexandrias necklaces. Hope only knew that because her and Darling would often play dress up in Alexandrias wardrobe and would be forced to listen to her throw a fit when something accidentally got broken.
"May I have this dance?" Dalton bowed
"Yes your highness!" Hope giggled knowing he hated it when Hope addressed him that way.
Dalton pulled Hope away from Violet and onto the dance floor where he decided to push Hope for answers of the earlier disappearing act.
"Oh it was nothing, me and Neal got into a bit of an argument!"
"That doesn't explain why you were crying and why Henry punched him!" Dalton sighed as Hope rested her head on his chest. She knew she should tell him what Neal had done but did she really want him to think of his sisters husband like that? As far as Dalton and the rest of the family were aware they had gotten their happy ending
"He...urm... he slapped me!" Hope muttered loud enough for Dalton to hear but not loud enough for anyone else to hear.
Dalton pushed Hopes shoulders back so he could look at her face and only then did it make sense to him. He gently stroked her face with his thumb before she lent back into him.
Across the room Neal was still glaring at Hope. Emma had noticed and decided she would attempt to cool him off. She managed to pry Alex from his arms and hand the baby over to Killian who had completely forgotten everything he knew about babies and was silently cursing his swan for handing him the infant.
Emma took Neal out into the garden and sat him under the apple tree. She knew it was hard for him but she couldn't allow the tension to go on for any longer.
"Oh god your not going to give me one of moms hope speeches are you?"
"No! But I am going to ask you to try and forgive Hope, it's absolutely killing mom that you won't even try!"
"Em you want to talk about what 'killing' people maybe you should speak to Hope!" He snarled
"Neal! Hope wouldn't do it! Yes she's done some bad stuff but she always admits to it! We know what caused the fire!"
"What? Why did nobody tell me?"
"Dad said he was going to! Anyway it was dragons breath one of the kids knocked it off of a shelf!"
"No! A little bit of bottled up dragons breath wouldn't have caused all that!"
"It would if it was from Maleficent! She gave some over for the kids research,"
"Oh! So I was really way off with Hope?"
"Ok! I'll speak to Hope but I'll let her cool off first!"
Back inside Hope and Dalton were still dancing and giggling before Henry cut in.
He began to apologise for his earlier actions before Hope reminded him that technically it was her fault. She acknowledged the fact his wedding probably wasn't the right place but she had to try and speak to him.
Eventually Henry let Hope go allowing her to return to her seat where she sat with Regina bitching about how awful some people looked.
Emma overheard them and couldn't help but laugh, she missed Hope being in her happy little bubble Dalton would often tell her that Hope was terrified of losing anyone else and she continued to keep everyone at arms length.
Dalton had arrived at the table after Snow insisting on a dance with him (mainly to discuss his and Hopes wedding) and flopped in a seat next to Hope before pulling her into his lap.
"I missed you!" He smirked
"You were gone for like 3 minutes!" She teased gently kissing him.
It wasn't often Dalton was able to be relaxed but when he was Hope felt at peace. She was in awe at the fact he could run a kingdom, keep their relationship strong and spend time with his niece without breaking a sweat.
Henry came over to the table looking for Violet who had disappeared off with Regina moments after Daltons arrival at the table.
Suddenly Hope began to join dots, Violet had stayed with their mum the night before the wedding and threw up in the morning, she didn't drink at her bachelorette party and was saying she was worried about how Henry would react to 'big news'.
Dalton quickly pulled Hope out of her thoughts with a small cough that made her jump
"I'm sorry my dear" he smiled kissing the top of her head
"It's alright, I was just thinking..."
"That's dangerous!"
"Hey!" She yelled swatting his chest "Anyway, I think Vi's pregnant!" She giggled but only loud enough that Dalton could hear
"Don't go speculating! You and speculating never go well, remember what happened when you did it with Darl and Ben?"
"Well that was different I didn't have all the dots but now I do!"
"Shame we haven't go to say that yet!" Dalton sighed
"We will soon enough!"
Shortly after Hopes suspicions were proven to be correct as Henry announced to their guests they were expecting a baby in the winter.
"Where do you even get a baby?" Faith asked "do you just order them online?"
"I wish!" Emma laughed as Henry and Hope looked at her slightly hurt
"Me too!" Killian agreed "I have to say if I hadn't had given your mother my hook I can honestly say I think I would have had a broken hand!"
"Sorry?" Hope laughed "anyway I thinks it's time you and I head home!" She smiled tapping Dalton in the chest as he nodded in agreement.

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