The Big Game

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Emma decided to take the bug rather than a carriage it didn't sit right with her to go to a football game in a royal carriage. After letting the girls out the back of the car they stood in the car park as Hope began to prepare herself on the off chance she would bump in to Dex Hope hadn't noticed but Killian certainly had Smee's son Sam had his eyes fixated on his daughter
"Ah Mr. Smee!" Killian called
"Yes Captain!"
"I suggest you peel your sons eyes off of my daughter before he meets my hook!"
"Yes Captain!" Smee said scurrying off pushing his son in the same direction. Emma and Killian headed to the parent seating area whilst Hope and Darling headed to where May was waiting for them
"Hope you came!" May yelled throwing her arms around Hope
"Yeah of course I did I had to get out of bed eventually!" She laughed
"Well on the off chance you didn't know me and Dalton are dating!" She smiled
"What that's amazing!" Hope smiled back
"Will you two be quiet the games about to start!" Darling yelled out of all of them Darling was the most interested in sport even more so than the guys. Once the game had started Oz High had started to pull ahead but Dalton wasn't about to take that lying down at half time he pulled the team in and began yelling orders
"I don't care how we have to win! Coach is counting on us!" Dalton yelled
"Yes Captain!" The team yelled back Dex looked up at the crowd but couldn't see Hope anywhere although he saw her father who waved his hook at him Dex quickly turned his head away and began to play.
They had done it by some miracle they had won! The whole school erupted when Melody stood at the top of the bleachers and yelled
"Party at my place?" Everyone cheered and began to make their way back to Melody's sea side castle. Hope began to make her way over to the field to congratulate Dalton when she felt someone grab her wrist
"Hope can we talk?" Dex shyly asked
"Two minutes you get two minutes. Go!"
"I miss you Jonesy. I miss you pretending to care about what I tell you, I miss you laughing at me when I fall, I miss your face in the mornings, I miss the smile I know you had when you would see the Good morning or Goodnight texts I would send, I miss walking into the palace and hearing your father yell 'two meters' and everything else!" Hope was trying her hardest not to cry
"I miss all that too but Dex you hurt me so badly! My heart was well it still is broken all of the walls came crashing down for you but now they're up again at least 100X thicker!" She said placing her hand on his face he held her hand there and began to grovel her parents watched from the bleachers
"Jonesy please let me make it up to you! I honestly think if you don't I will die!" Hope scoffed
"You? You think you will die? That's what I've been doing for the past month! Everyday I would get up and try and get over you but nothing works you are no were the only person I wanted to talk to!"
"Hope lass are you alright?" Killian yelled as he walked over to where his daughter was stood
"Yes dad I'm fine I'm going to go to Melody's party with Dex and he's going to get one last chance!" Killian looked at Dex and then back at Hope
"I swear on my daughters life if she comes home with even the slightest feeling of hurt or upset you will not live to see the morning!" He threatened throwing his hook up around his neck
"I'm fact daddy can I take that?" Hope asked
"Yeah I don't see why not at least then if he hurts you you can run him through!" He laughed. Killian and Emma left and not long after so did Hope, Dex, Dalton, Darling and May when they arrived at Melody's castle Melody came rushing out in fact everyone did to catch a glance at Hope nobody had seen her in a month and they were all greatly concerned
"Hope hey gurllll!" Jess called (daughter of Jack the Giant Slayer)
"Hope oh my god your back and dam you look good girl!" Phillip Jr called before long everyone had returned to the party when Hope found herself sat on a bench by the sea
"Hope sweetie it's freezing out here what are you doing?" Ariel softly asked wrapping a blanket around Hope
"Thinking" she answered
"Gosh your just like your father you wanna talk about it?"
Hope nodded
"It's just I love Dex I do but he hurt me so badly!"
"I know Melody told me and I saw your Mum ,I believe is how you say it. But you've read your parents story haven't you?" Ariel asked Hope had no idea where she was going with this but she nodded
"Hope your Mum and Dad hurt each other a lot before they finally caved I mean your Mum didn't let him in for about a year! And your Dad well let's just say his motives were less that chivalrous then!" Ariel laughed "you know you do the same thing your mum does Hope?"
"What do you mean?"
"You run! When things get to hard or to messy you run away and nobody's blaming you but get back in there show him what he's missing!"

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now