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Emma walked into Hopes room and looked at her daughter sat in a chair on her balcony wrapped in her Dads jacket
"Your missing him aren't you?"
"No what do you mean?" Hope lied she desperately missed her Dad
"Hope your a terrible liar and you know it!" Emma laughed
"It's been at least six weeks Mum why isn't he back yet?"
"You mean I haven't told you?" Emma sighed
"Told me what oh god please no he's not?" Hope said as she started to cry
"Hope if your father was dead do you really think I'd be sat here? No I wouldn't I'd be on my way back to hell and I'd be dragging his ass with me!"
"So what is it what's happened?" Hope asked as her mum started to wipe her tears away
"He was on his way home to us when Jasmine and Aladdin found him and asked for his help he'll be home by morning!" Emma said "I tell you what why don't you get Darling or Dex to spend the night?" Hope looked at her mother and screwed up her face
"I can't face Dex right now and Darling has gone to Arrendale!" She whimpered
"What do you mean you can face Dex what's happened?" Emma asked pulling up a chair
"So obviously we went to that party last weekend and I had one to many glasses of rum and I sort of broke his heart" she sighed
"What do you mean you broke his heart? Hope he loves you whatever you did it can't be that bad can it?" Emma asked slightly concerned
"I slept with Dalton!" She yelled and immediately began to sob "I mean it wasn't bad but Dex walked in and saw us I may aswell have ripped his heart out and crushed it!"
"Your definitely your fathers daughter!" Emma laughed
"Mum it's not funny and Dad never did anything like this to you!"
"Your dam right he didn't otherwise I can promise you kid you definitely wouldn't be here. I more meant after a few to many rums your father would have taken anything that moved to bed with him before he met me obviously and now its just me he tries it on with!" She laughed
"Mum that is gross be quiet!" Hope yelled "what am I going to do?" She asked her mother
"I don't know what do you want to do?" Emma asked looking at Hope
"Ugh I don't know that's just it I mean being with Dex it's great he's kind and puts me before everything and I mean everything but Dalton is Darlings brother my best friend it'd be wrong on so many levels!"
"There you go call Dex and explain to him it was a one time thing and that your sorry!" Emma said "you want me to stay whilst you call him?" Hope nodded as she picked up her phone
Hey Ruby it's Hope is Dex there?
Sure is I just don't think he wants to talk right now
That's ok will you just let him-
Oh hold on he's coming
Dex I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking and I know it's not an excuse but I'd had far to much to drink Dalton was just there and one thing led to another
Hope it's ok I spoke to Dalton the day after he said exactly what you said
So if it's ok why have you been avoiding me all week?
I can't I mean couldn't face you. Hope your my entire world everyday I watched you walk around school your hair in its little curls your skin as corny as it sounds white as snow every single movement you made was just so graceful. When you dropped your pen in history I was dying to grab it for you but I didn't and for the rest of that lesson I couldn't concentrate I just wanted to go over to you and kiss you!
Awe Dex why didn't you I missed you and I dropped my pen on purpose I did it to see if you had forgiven me
Your a dick Princess!
Ah I know you wanna come over?
Yeah I'll be there as soon as I can ok?
I love you Hope Jones
I love you too Dex
Hope hung up the phone and couldn't hide the smile that was wiped straight across her face her mum just laughed
"See I told you he would forgive you!" Hope couldn't even speak she was that happy and her happiness was only going to increase
"Is that? Is that the Jolly Rodger?" She said pointing to the horizon
"Yes!" Emma cried they both raced to the back of the palace and awaited her fathers return
"I thought you'd both be asleep!" He yelled from the wheel
"Not likely we've had a few issues!" Emma giggled "we can talk about it tomorrow but for now get off that ship and come here!" She demanded. Killian docked the ship and wrapped his arms around his girls hearing both of them cry
"I'm home why are you crying?" He laughed
"Tears of joy!" Hope giggled
"Hope?" A voice called from the front of the palace it was Dex
"Mum do you wanna fill Dad in or should I do it tomorrow?" Hope asked secretly hoping her mum would do it
"Oh Hope you can do that!" She laughed as Hope rushed off the front of the palace
"You look happy Jonesy!" He smiled as he lifted her up
"My Dad just got back!" She said placing a kiss on his lips
"That's amazing I tell you what I'll leave you to see your Dad and I'll be back in the morning I'll bring you breakfast in bed and 10 things I hate about you!" He laughed putting her down
"I can't even argue with that and I can't believe you remembered our film!" She giggled
"Hope I think I remember every single word you have ever said to me!" She blushed and turned her head away from him "I also know you do that when you blush and it's very cute but now Princess I'm going to get going ok?"
"Ok I love you!" She called after him. He stopped dead in his tracks "what?" She said cocking her head
"It's just I normally have to say that first!" He said pulling her into his arms and kissing her "I love you too!" He said between kisses.
Hope now had to go inside and explain what had happened to her father and she knew he was going to be furious
"Hope where's Dex?" Emma asked slightly confused
"Oh when I told him Dad was home he insisted he come back in the morning and bring me breakfast in bed with a film!" She smirked
"Right so is someone going to tell me what you've done lass or do I have to ask the walls?" He laughed but Hope knew once she told him he would do everything but laugh
"Well we all went to this party last weekend and I got rum drunk and slept with Dalton" Hope told her Dad hanging her head in shame
"You did what! Hope that lad has put up with me scaring him for the past god knows how long so he could be close to you and there he is leaving you to see me planning you a lovely morning. Does he know?" Killian yelled
"Yes he caught us!" She yelled back
"Hope I'm so disappointed!" He yelled
"I know I am as well but you should know as well as anybody what to much rum does to a Jones!"
"How dare you! I'm not that man anymore I haven't been for almost 24 years!" Killian was furious with his daughter he couldn't believe what she had done but could he really be that angry with her after all she was right before he met Emma one glass to many of rum and he would take the first wench he saw to bed with him. Before he could apologise for his outburst Hope had taken herself up to her room he followed her to find her exactly how her mother had found her only hours before curled up in his jacket
"Dad I don't want to talk. Go away!" She yelled
"Good job you won't be talking then isn't it?" He strolled over and crouched infront of her "Hope I'm sorry I shouldn't of shouted at you like that. Your right I do know exactly how it feels to do that believe me. Can you forgive me?" She nodded
"Did you sleep with that thing the whole time I was gone?" She nodded again "bloody hell lass that funny actually!"
"Why is it funny?" She asked slightly annoyed she had thought it was sweet
"I slept with your mothers baby blanket whilst I was gone I missed you both more than I ever thought I would!" He told her
"You were gone so long Daddy!" She cried
"I know. I promise you there will be no more voyages that last any longer than one month!" She smiled and began to fall asleep in the chair. Killian lifted her from her chair and placed her in her bed unknowingly to either of them Emma had been stood in the door way watching them the whole time
"I love how much she loves us!" Emma smiled
"Aye love me too now let's go to bed!"

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now