Can we ever have 5 minutes?

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The next morning everyone woke up somewhere in the lounge. Hope in the big window seat, Killian and Emma on the couch, Regina and Robin still on the beanbag, Lucy asleep in Henrys arms on the floor whilst Daniel and Neal had somehow wound up on the coffee table and Snow and Charming were asleep on the arm chair.
Hope woke up at a similar time to everyone else and headed for the kitchen where they all gathered round the table to watch Emma and Snow made breakfast
"David, you really should delete that photo!" Snow whined
"What photo?" Everyone else yelled breaking out of their conversations
"The one I took of everyone asleep! It's cute!" He smiled as he passed his phone around the table. Everyone else couldn't help but agree
"Lucy looks so angelic!" Henry laughed. Lucy smiled at her dad before biting down on her toast
"Hope I swear you can only sleep if your dribbling!" Daniel laughed "honestly it's funny!"
"I can't help it! Normally I have my little swan that collects it all!" She whined
"That's disgusting!" Robin laughed Hope just shrugged and began to eat her breakfast before her father snatched her plate
"Daddy!" She whined "I was eating that!"
"You call this breakfast lass?" He laughed as he used his hook to scrape it off her plate
"That was my waffles and ice cream!" She sighed.
Killian pushed her a plate of pomegranate and toast which despite her protesting she ate.
After they had eaten and cleared up everyone returned to their own castles.
She wandered in to the lounge and saw her Mum and Dad asleep on the couch. She wanted to leave them be but she also wanted to wake them up. She decided to leave them be but to sit with them and watch a film.
The palace was silent besides the noise from the film Hope enjoyed times like these. They had just spent a weekend with their family having fun and being normal.
It made Hope wish they weren't royal and sometimes that they were in StoryBrooke.
She didn't have much memory of StoryBrooke but always wanted to visit. Henry had told her stories of things that had happened there and the villains their mum had defeated.
Emma woke up and saw Hope shivering at the other end of the couch
"Hey kid, grab a blanket!" She smiled but Hope didn't move. Reluctantly Emma pushed herself up and wrapped Hope in the nearest blanket
"What we watching?" Emma smiled
"Harry Potter"
"I loved this when I was a kid!"
Emma ditched Killian and sat with Hope. The two managed to get through two of the films before Killian woke up. At first he struggled with the concept of the film but soon figured it out.
Suddenly Hopes phone began to ring she picked it up and headed out of the room
H it's Darl are you busy?
No what's up?
I need to speak to you
Ok shoot
Well me and Elijah had a huge fight and I think we just broke up
I highly doubt it Darl
No it was bad... I told him about what happened between you and Sam at that party and he started screaming at me!
Why? It's not like you did anything!
No I didn't! But he was like she's your best friend you should have stopped her and all this
Darling we both know how I get when I've had too much to drink!
I know but I can't help feel that he's right!
Well he's not! Call him and speak with him I know it'll be fine!
After she had hung up she made her way back to her parents
"You never get five minutes do you kid?" Emma laughed
"No" Hope sighed
"You will one day... it might take some time but you will!"
Hope knew her mum was right. She just had to put up with issues a little while longer and then she would get her happy ending.
All she knew was that her happy ending had something to do with Hercules. There was a few issues with that like the fact of after graduation he was to leave for Olympus and never return. She couldn't ask him to stay for her it wouldn't be fair.
She had to stay in the forest she wouldn't feel at home anywhere else. But she knew even if she stayed in the forest and all of her friends lived elsewhere the only person that would never leave her would be Dalton.
Darling had plans to move in with Elijah, May was going to the real world for 5 years and Hercules was obviously going to be a god.
Apologies for the short chapter

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now