Is it wrong?

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Hope was stood out in the hall of her building softly biting her thumb as she thought of Dalton being with another woman.
What did she honestly expect? It'd been ten years and it would've been wrong for her to have expected him to live alone for the rest of his life. But the thought of him with another woman made her feel physically sick, but she was engaged to Zack. Although he wasn't exactly thrilled she had been married before.
She moved over to the window at the end of the hall that had the gorgeous view of the bay she loved so much. That's when she noticed her mum stood beside her
"Never far from the water are you?" Emma laughed as she playfully nudged her daughter
"Is it wrong that I wanted Dalton to be on his own?" Hope asked refusing to look at her mother
"Uh yeah," she nervously laughed "but I'd secretly want the same for your dad!"
"It's weird because I'm with Zack and I love him but it's nothing like what I had with Dalton!"
"Nothing will ever be like what you had with him, if I'm being completely honest he's an absolute mess!"
"He is?" She asked her lips slightly curving
"Hope!" Emma scolded "He's been a mess since you 'died' it took him eight years to move on!"
"That's bloody awful!" She sighed
"How long have you been with Zack?"
"Uh...four/five years?"
Emma looked at her sceptically before speaking
"So what exactly does he know about your life kid?"
"My name, James, you guys, what I do, that I've been married before and that's it!"
"So he doesn't know about Brooke, nightmares, the shark bite, the rest of the family?"
"Definitely not! But uh Mum can I ask you something?"
"As long as it's not one of your 'can you have my magic for the day' than yeah!" She laughed
"Do you think I should come home?" She blurted out finally tearing her eyes from the water only to look down at the floor
"I think home is a place where when you leave you just miss it and I think you need to decide what you would rather miss!" Emma smiled as she threw her arm around her shoulder.
The pair of them stared out over the Boston skyline for around half an hour before they heard James and Killian yelling from inside the apartment. At first they thought something was wrong but upon arrival into the apartment they had found that they were playing a video game.
Hope knew,just by looking at how happy James was with her dad, what she had to do. But then it wasn't that she felt obligated to do it either the past ten years of her life had been torturous but luckily she had managed to weather every storm.
But if she did return home she couldn't take Zack with her, it just wouldn't be fair as eventually she'd fall back into her old life.
She couldn't deny the fact he was her home, before she had met Zack there were days where she didn't feel worthy of being James' mother but she could hear Dalton talking to her telling her she was doing an amazing job and she couldn't give up.
"James?" Hope smiled
"Yea mom?" He answered once again not looking away from the screen
"Go pack up your stuff, mum? Dad? Can you help him please I need to speak to Zack!"
"Sure, do you want me to make a start on your stuff or are you ready to return to your ballgowns and Captain costume?" Emma smirked
"So ready!" She smiled and for the first time in a long time she wasn't lying.
She wanted nothing more than to take James sailing and she had but the boat she had rented had nothing on the Jolly Rodger. She missed barking orders at her crew and swashbuckling with passing ships only to return to Dalton and attend a royal ball the very same night all dressed up.
She texted Zack to meet her at the coffee shop on the corner of the street in ten minutes and luckily he was already there. So she threw on her boots and made her way to the small cafe on the corner.
From outside she could see Zack talking (or should I say flirting) with a young blonde and the problem was she wasn't jealous at all.
She gently pushed open the door ordered herself a cocoa and sat down opposite him. She looked down at her ring and then back up at Zack who looked as if he knew what was about to happen.
The waitress brought her drink over and Hope held the mug in two hands gently tapping her fingers against it
"Ok... so this is hard for me to say but..."
"Hope, I've been sleeping with someone else!" He admitted as he turned bright red
"Oh! Ok, well then I guess this makes what I'm about to do easier," she half smiled as she slid off her ring and pushed it towards him
"Wait! Your leaving me?"
"Seriously?" She laughed "You just told me your sleeping with another woman! But even if you weren't I can't do this anymore! I'm going home and it is fair to put you through what I'm about to go through!"
"Their locking you up aren't they?" He smirked
"What? No! I'm not crazy," but then she quickly realised if she told him her parents were taking her to a mental hospital he'd let her go "ok, maybe I am so mum and dad have got me a room at a hospital!"
"Good! You need it!" He laughed as he left.
Hope was completely baffled by what had just happened, twenty four hours ago that man was soul crushingly in love with her and now he tells her she needs to be locked up in a mental hospital.
But it didn't matter she was going to return home with her parents and son help fix Dalton and hopefully their marriage whilst allowing their son to grow up the way she did.
Just as she was about to leave the table she noticed Zack hadn't taken the ring so she figured she would take it and keep it as some sort of keepsake and if she hated it in a few years time she'd drop it to the bottom of the ocean.
" did it go?" Emma asked nervously
"Uh actually it was easier than I thought, he'd been sleeping with someone else so,"
"He was what!?" Killian yelled as he came into view with one of James' very many cases
"Dad it doesn't matter! All that matters is were coming home!"
"Aye, well it's a good job we have a way home then isn't it!" He smiled as her mum pulled a bean from her boot.
"Sam?" Hope smiled
"Sam!" Her parents nodded

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now